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Everything posted by Sand

  1. Don't believe everything you read on the Internet, Walshie. Blank, then the sheeple who caved into that scaremongering are just as responsible for this crap as the president and his administration.
  2. Gee, I wonder why good ol' O'Reilly thinks there was any terrorist connections to Saddam's government prior our invasion? Maybe because he bought Bush's lies hook, line, and sinker and like our esteem president he doesn't have cojones to admit he was wrong. The only reason why terrorists are in Iraq now is because our esteemed president opened pandora's box and let them in.
  4. It pretty much was the backbone of Afganistan's government prior 9/11. Without Al Qaeda the Taliban was nothing.
  5. But they aren't the Icewind Dale boobies and you can't get better boobies than that.
  6. The question remains... What will be your theme song as you destroy the world?
  7. Tlantl, not to be overly judgemental, but it seems to me that you can't plan for crap. Out in the wilderness, in dark caves, have them in a ore vein of gold, platinum, or some other rare mineral. Have them face orc raiding parties that have loot they stolen from caravans. Have your NPC party have some magic items but use some common sense and don't monty haul it. I have been DMing DnD since the early 80's and 3.5e is my favorite version of the game. It keeps all the good old stuff while making it fun to play. 4e looks like they are removing what makes DnD from DnD.
  8. Besides, it looks like Witcher is missing some elements that should be a given in a modern CRPG. It looks more like a "meh" action game than anything else.
  9. Osama Bin Ladin and Al Qaeda attacked us on 9/11, not Saddam Hussein and Iraq. That is like saying we should have attacked New Zealand when Japan bombed Pearl Harbor.
  10. It is the only logical conclusion why the Bush Administration lied about the WMDs and Saddam's ties to Al Qaeda. They wanted justification to invade, any justification and they had no problems making it up if they needed to.
  11. Haven't they had like 2 extra years to work on it though? Along with no real character creation, no out of shop rules to contend to shoe horn in, no tool set to implement and make sure it works properly, and simpler gameplay to boot.
  12. MY GOD! Its a disease that must have been artificially created by misguided Hindu fundamentalists! They have infiltrated Great Britain to make cows safe from being consumed! OH! THE HUMIDITY!
  13. Ah, the wonders of the Internet. You know, its all Al Gore's fault.
  14. 99% of the human population are stupid, including Brits.
  15. Sorry, but I just don't see any major flaws in 3.5e. In my experience it is the best RPG out there. If it isn't broke then why break it? From the things I have heard about 4e I haven't seen any improvements they are doing. From what I have read they are ditching what makes D&D... well... D&D.
  16. Sand begins to sing! Pot head, pot head, smoky stoned pot head! Pot head, pot head, eat him up, yum!
  17. EEEEEEEEEEEK! *runs and hides*
  18. I can live with that. Say nothing about a game, beyond that it is being made, till you reach the three month mark of its release then do a blitzkrieg of advertisements, interviews, and whatnot.
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