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Everything posted by Sand

  1. AHA! That is your problem. The MotB expansion fixes performance issues and engine bugs but none of the original OC bugs. What you need to do is uninstall NWN2 completely, then reinstall. Update to 1.10, then install MotB. After that, you need to download and install this hotfix for your appropriate base language: http://nwvault.ign.com/fullstory.php?id=33470 I hope this helps.
  2. The old camera system views are there, they simply broke it down into various options which you have 2 points to toggle in between. Just read and set up the options as you want. I can't believe people are aving problems with the camera controls. Its all rather straightforward.
  3. Yeah,. it doesn't sound like you got the latest patch at all.
  4. I fully support this idea. This is an Obsidian game and thusly deserves a space here onthe Obsidian forums.
  5. I enjoyed Mortal Kombat 1 and 2, but I never really got the chance to play 3.
  6. Well, to get the best dialogue options one would think that one should put an emphasis on the Charisma based skills such as Bluff, Diplomacy, Intimidate, and possibly taunt. There is only two base classes I can think of that has all these skills. Bards and rogues.
  7. I don't have a double standard. My view has always been constant. Israel has the right to exist because it has the might to do so. I also beleive that it no longer needs the support of the US and I would like to see our funding and giving of resources to the country diminished. If Israel is meant to stand then it should stand on its own two feet. If it cannot then it deserves to fall. Same with the Palestanians. If the Palestanians are a strong people, form a strong central government then they deserve to stand as a nation however it has been proven that they cannot due to the splitting of Hamas and Fatah. The Palestanians failed when they had the opportunity to unified therefore they deserve to fall. Same with Iraq. I am all for the rwithdrawal of all our troops except for securing the borders. This way the Iraqis can choose their fate without interference from us or other countries. If Iraq is strong then it will stand. If not, it will fall as it should.
  8. Comparing the two is valid, because the President of the US is as loved by his people as the Presdient of Iran is loved by his own people. HA! I will always despise terrorists and thusly I will despise any leadership that uses such tactics. Iran uses terrorist tactics, supports terrorism. Iranian government should be destroyed. Bush onthe other hand is a liar, used false intelligence and scaremongering to get convince Congress to go to war in Iraq. I will never vote Republican again because of Bush and Bush's tactics, nor will I vote Republican ever again due to the leadership they tend to place in high reaches in government.
  9. No, they do not deserve imprisonment, they deserve deportation. I believe in following the law, doing as the law states, and if you get caught breaking the law then you deserve punishment. If you don't like the law you work on changing the law. One does not have the right to pick and choose what laws he or she obeys or not obey. However, my views on law and punishment is not the topic here.
  10. Should the Jewish state be in the Middle East is an irelevant question. It is there. It is fact. Its not going to change. Period. Was it right of the US and its allies to place Israel where it did, taking the lands of those who were living there at the time? No, but then again it is irrelevant now. Isreal is there. It is not going away. When the Arab nations accept Israel's existence as a fact, when the Arab nations, such as Iran, acknowledges Israel's right to exist and acts of terrorism stop then there might be peace. The President of Iran wants to destroy Israel. Kill every Israeli citizen, and wipe it out of existence. That is not the path of peace. The true path of peace and wisdom is to accept what cannot be changed, and change for the better on things that can. Israel is not going anywhere. It is there to stay. The arab nations need to learn to accept it or never know peace. It is up to them.
  11. Like paper towels? Or three sea shells. Or Profanity Usage Citations!
  12. He's only smooth if you're gullible or mentally ill. That can't be true. I mean, our President doesn't believe him I am mostly sure.
  13. I have always found the plain paladin as boring. A lively class is the Sorcerer. With the right spell combinations, and with Qara at your side, you can decimate large amounts of enemies in one round. I cast Scintillating Sphere. She casts Fireball. BOOOOOOOOOOM!
  14. Hey, if she likes you and you like her, and she is above 18 then I say go for it!
  15. That is easy. Got to a frat party. Wait till a bunch of people are drunk and have a high alcohal content in their blood. Slit an artery and pour in a nice goblet, then drink up!
  16. He supports terrorism. He is a terrorist. When he was in the US he should have been taken immediately into custody as an enemy of the state. He is puppet leader of a country whose state religion supports bigotry, fascism, and discrimination. He is no better than Osama Bin Ladin, and should have been shot on sight. The guy is a major idiot as well. He denies that the Holocaust happened yet there are strong documentation and eye witnesses that it did, yet believes in some religion where there is no proof that God ever spoke to Muhammad whatsoever except that he said He did. Hmmm... One has proof yet denies it while the other has no proof but he believes it to be true. Sounds pretty idiotic to me.
  17. DAMN IT! I am no match for your circular logic! Drats, tin foiled again!
  18. To be honest, Gromnir, I have always hated the epic rules in DnD and they are very broken. Broken rules I don't abide by and if Obsidian can make them less broken then more power to them.
  19. With the 'right' attitude just about anything is deadly. I could probably kill people with Sand if necessary. Just remember you have to use Monkey Grip for I am considered a huge weapon.
  20. If you can abuse the system and get away with it then the system deserves to be abused.
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