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Everything posted by Sand

  1. One of my friends got Halo 3. He called it boring, even in multiplayer. He then went back playing SOCOM. It seems that he tends to kill everyone he faces in SOCOM in imaginative and painful ways. What do you expect from a former Marine I guess.
  2. If it was up to me I would stop financing Israel. They don't need it any more. I would use that money for other nations that do need it, like Afganistan.
  3. From my experience when you have two extremes in historical recounting of events, the truth, more often than not, lies somewhere in the middle.
  4. Its a bit of both. It is for Monk/Clerics multiclassed characters mostly.
  5. Intentional. Patch 1.10 was pretty much retooled to make sure that people who have NWN2 but not MotB can still interact online with those who have MotB. 1.11 is to have the major coded fixes that was originally slated for 1.07.
  6. Is it enough to do 8800 GTS SLI? I don't know. I do know it is enough for 2 8600s.
  7. You are wrong there. Blacks and Hispanics, as Volourn stated, still have equal rights under the Constitution and while racism and bigotry is still prevalent it is highly frowned upon. However in Iran the Jewish people are not even protected from bigotry and discrimination that they have to go through due to the injustices of Islamic Law. While I do believe there is nothing wrong in investigating historical events, Ahmadinejad said out right that the Holocaust did not happen. Also there is always more to the story than the official history. That is the nature of history.
  8. My main worry about the 8800s is power consumption. I only have a 650 watt power supply and well, I would like to go SLI. My board is built for it.
  9. I consider Stalker science fiction, not fantasy. Lionheart is definitely fantasy. Bad fantasy at that.
  10. I kind of figured that, Yuusha. No harm and no foul.
  11. Wait. A fantasy storyline and game that doesn't use magic isn't a fantasy storyline and game. One of the key aspects of fantasy literature is magic. You aren't making sense, Gromnir.
  12. Hey, I treat everyone the same and equal. I place no value on a person higher or lower than another regardless of religion, gender, orientation, or race. How can that be considered bigoted, Volourn?
  13. I am just wondering about your guys' opinion. I am thinking of getting 2 of these cards to go into SLI but I am wondering if they are really an upgrade (besides the DirectX 10 thing) from my Radeon X1900 GT. http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.asp?...N82E16814130086 What do you guys think?
  14. We may not agree on many things, Guard Dog, but woudl agree with this.
  15. The problem being is that when corruption is so pervasive and the beauracracy so convoluted the only logical recourse is to start with a clean slate. Elections won't change the US. No amount of protesting and marches will change anything of significance. The US will continue being the biggest self interested bully on the block and that will never change from within.
  16. I don't appreciate the insult. I have always had problems with my weight and if you want to get that personal take it to PM otherwise STFU.
  17. I agree. It is completely and totally irrational thinking on my part and shows that I have no clear concept of what reality is.
  18. I judge by the extremes. Such as Reverend Phelps is as much as a representative of Christianity as is Mother Teresa. Bin Ladin is as much a representative of Islam as Keith Ellison. It doesn't matter if 99% is peaceful with 1% likes to go on a killing spree. Each one is a representative, for good or bad, of their religion. If you don't like they way I view things, that is just fine with me.
  19. I haven't lost that much weight... Yet. I may be able to fit a Wii.
  20. Instead of putting multiple cards in a computer why not make a better single card?
  21. HA! I have read through the Old Testament. I have read through the New Testament. I have even read parts of the Book of Morman and the Qoran. I have long since came to the conclusion that God is an ass. He has given us instincts, desires, and the will to act on them then he says "Stop. Don't do that. It's wrong." He also condones and promotes eternal tortures if you don't do it his way. What a prick. There is no sin on this Earth that is worth eternal torture and anguish. Period.
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