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Everything posted by Sand

  1. Whatever, Yuusha. You aren't going to change my mind on Islam and I will judge Islam on the behavior of ALL OF ITS FOLLOWERS. Just as I judge Christianity on ALL OF ITS FOLLOWERS. I will not pick and choose sects, countries, or whatever. I am going to take Islam as a whole and as a whole it sucks, as does nearly every other religion on this pathetic little mudball.
  2. Well, I don't know about that. If Iowa seceded from the Union, and kept all that it produced within its borders, we would still have food to eat, fuel to burn, and enough people to make it work.
  3. Yahtzee rules! Hmm... I wopnder how he would rate NWN2.
  4. Well, I usually get the Companion AI done by Tony K in order to make the baseline NWN2 more difficult and challenging. I am sure the MotB version will come shortly after its release.
  5. More likely to maintain the corruption and useless politics.
  6. I don't believe there is ever a perfect build in DnD. If needed, the DM can just create a bigger elephant to drop on Mr. Perfect. If Mr. Perfect is still twitching, drop an even bigger elephant. The DM is never out of elephants.
  7. Notso "voluminous" as I was a week ago. Grrr...
  8. Trust in the Sand. The Sand is good.
  9. I am not that large, dammit. I don't have a couch and my bed is only twin sized.
  10. One Room that is designated as mine to do as I wish.
  11. Again, that takes space I don't have. I have a room full of shelves already. Each one of them are full with books and nick-nacks. I have a very percise space for electronics and that is where my desk is at. My computer is my entertainment zone. It is my stereo, my game machine, my vcr and DVD player, my television set, my typewriter, my Internet access, everything that I do that requires video/audio entertainment or work is right there in that space. Everywhere else is already occupied by books, furniture, shelves for the books, nick-nacks, sword hangings, 2 pieces of cheap artwork and so forth. Then there is the stuff belonging to my roommate...
  12. And what should that shelf be on? The freaking air?
  13. The problem is that our government is so F'ed up that the only way to get away from it and start anew is to secede from the union or to have a full rebellion against the federal government. No election is going to change what is wrong with this country no matter which way you vote.
  14. Bigger space means more money, and I don't feel like shelling more money for rent.
  15. COOL! They updated Pac-man so that he can have guns! I guess its better to kill the Ghosties instead of eating them. I guess it would be less gruesome that way than showing in graphic detail of a yellow orb with a mouth tearing and chomping things.
  16. I don't know. I wish Microsoft would make one so that we can play XBox360 games. I don't want another rig, but I would pay for hardware and software upgrades that allow me to play Xbox360 games in my PC.
  17. That is why I would have gotten that XBox360/PC hybrid that was rumored to exist way back when. Too bad that didn't happen. Question, can the XBox360 run Vista?
  18. I don't try to make my character to ahve the most damage potential, but for the most fun to play. Sometimes I am in the mood to play a focused single classed character, other times I just want to take at least one level in every base class! I am a creature of whimsy and my whimsy can often take advantage of me. Bad whimsy, no cookie for you!
  19. Trying to. My complete and total suckage is getting in the way.
  20. Because some of us, even though I have already bought the game, JUST COULD NOT WAIT! I feel so ashamed.
  21. But it feels so good! whack whack whack!!!! However, the Meta-man has a good idea there! A forum specifically designed to have spoilers in it. Good idea, Meta!
  22. Natzis also killed gays, gypsies, handicapped, freemasons, jehovas witnesses, POVs and people who were deemed politically dangerous so the number does rise up to 11 billion people. I think you got your billions and millions, mixed up Kirottu. There weren't even 11 billion people on the whole planet back in 1942. There aren't even a 11 billion people on the planet now!
  23. Its not a matter of money for me, it is a matter of space. I like my gaming done in one rig. If they give me a way to play my PC games and XBox360 games in one rig then I would be all over that, but I am not going to have one machine for my games, another machine for my videoes and music, yet another machine to do my Internet and surfing, and so forth and so on. I just don't have the room. That is why I am a PC user. Give me an official XBox360 emulator that I can plug into my PC that allows me to play XBox360 and I would gladly pay full XBox360 price for it.
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