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Everything posted by Sand

  1. US company, US release first! Euro company, Euro release first! That is the natural order of things, damn it! Grrr...
  2. Easy kills is a hallmark of bad design.
  3. *muttering to himself* Its just not natural... Not natural in the least...
  4. If a game is going to be a sequel then it should have everything the previous version had and extra. Hence, why they are sequels. Good sequels are NWN1 to NWN2, BG1 to BG2, FO1 to FO2, and so on. Deus Ex to Deus Ex: Invisible War is a bad sequel pairing as well as Fallout 2 to Fallout 3. When a game is a sequel to a previous game it should have the same core design, but expanded and more well defined, not completely changed or removed. If you want to completely change the core design or remove elements from it, then don't make a sequal. Make a new game instead.
  5. DAMN YOU, ATARI! Must... Get... MOTB... NOW!
  6. There is a time and place for sarcasm, Eddo. When children are being hurt for another's pleasure is not one of them.
  7. You say that like its a bad thing. What? Why are you looking at me like that?!?!?!?
  8. Most convenience stores rarely keep more than $200 in their registers. Anyhoo, I just wish there was a card that I can get that allows me to insert my PC and allows me to play X360 games.
  9. They are best suited for FPS games, regardless of platform.
  10. Well, if it is going to be a CRPG I rather not have it use first person view. I absolutely and completely hate that view in a CRPG. If I want 1st person view I'll play a FPS.
  11. If they do a CIA type game the PC should be just some random bloke in the population. Someone like the Will Smith character in Enemy of the State which the player creates. He or she gets embroiled in a plot that he or she must some how survive and/or expose.
  12. Unless something is officially announced then its just useless speculation.
  13. I don't see why you think Vista is a POS. I have been using Vista Home Premium since its release and it has been one of the most stable OSes I have used. Its not ME. And while XP was a bit more streamline when it comes to resources if you have a system that has good specs you shouldn't have any performance issues when using Vista. At least that is my experience with the OS.
  14. You do have a point, Morgy. Rabid fans are good to avoid. If I can get an X Box360 Elite at or under $100 I will probably get the console, but I figure that these "exclusives" would probably make it to the PC before that happens.
  15. I happen to agree with that, Walsh. A crime should be punished in the full extent of the law, regardless of gender, orientation, and race. I am also in favor treating children who commit serious crimes as an adult if they are at least 16 years or older. By the time one reaches mid to late teens one should have a very strong sense what is right and wrong.
  16. I thought Bioshock was suppose to be the "new" System Shock. Instead of developers and publishers try to take something old and try to make it "new" why not just make something new? Let the old games be and just do something... I don't know... ORIGINAL! I mean, where is the "new" Pong? That is far more over do than a "new" System Shock.
  17. The title for this thread is in complete bad taste, Eddo. It sounds like you condone sexual abuse of children. Whether or not that is your intent, I strongly urge the moderators to change the thread title or lock the thread. Sexual abuse should never be considered "fun."
  18. It was a funny movie... In a sad, pathetic way. Like it or not, they are making a 3 MK movie, this time Lambert is reprising his role as Rayden. Supposedly out by 2010.
  19. 2e had annoying restrictions that didn't make any sense.
  20. Hot or not, I like her as an actress. She definitely has the action heroine routine down quite well.
  21. I have seen MK:A, Streetfighter, and LoEG. They were all worse than RE:E in my ever so humble opinion.
  22. Carth Onasi: The Original Star Wars Metrosexual.
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