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Everything posted by Sand

  1. Apology accepted, Llyranor. *force choke* I boosted it up to Normal now. I have pretty much gotten use to the controls. Hmmm... I am wondering if I am the only one who thinks that the Mako should get a Genral Lee reskin. I give this game a solid B+, 88%. Superior to all Bioware's previous outings with the exception of the BG series.
  2. Sand


    I made multiple accounts to give myself private messages, then I get pissed at myself and start an internal flame fest, and things just goes down hill from there. :'( DIE HADES SCUM! DIEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!
  3. Its not like I haven't owned consoles in the past. I still have my old XBox in my closet. I also have a Super Nitendo, an old style PS1, and a Sega Master System in the closet as well. I don't know where I picked up the SMS. I think it came with the apartment.
  4. Hmmm... I wonder if you could put Vista on the 360 and have a dual boot system...
  5. The weirdest and most disturbing dream I had was when George Carlin and Bill Cosby got ina full blown John Woo style gun battle to see gets to eat my corpse.
  6. Mithril chain shirt and mithril heavy shield to be honest, wielding a masterwork alchemical silver short sword. Sometimes he dual wields with a light mace.
  7. What? Any higher settings and the game would be kicking my ass! Remember, I'm an old fogey. I played the gold box games on their inital release date back when turn base combat was king. My main issue with Mass Effect is the constant use of the DVD drive. The XBox 360's, at least the one I am using, is horrendously load when in use. Hell, my PC DVD-ROM hardly makes a noise when used but the XBox 360's drowns out the elevator muzak. Sheesh.
  8. That is what I have been doing. Pausing, then lining up for the shot, either by gun or biotic. I am going through the game with an Adept and so far I haven't died too much.
  9. Sand


    The only family member I have any sort of contact with is my mother. We talk maybe once or twice a month but beyond that I have no contact with any member of my family which is fine by me.
  10. Yesterday I got a rented a XBox 360 and Mass Effect. I will actually be buying a XBox 360 later in December. Today, except for this stint to check messages, I have been playing ME.
  11. Ol' Betsy? When my wizard is out of spells he just goes into melee and go at it with sword and shield.
  12. Okay, I was able to rent a XBox 360 with a 20 gig hard drive and got myself a copy of Mass Effect. BLARGH! I can see why people would mistaken this game to be a shooter for the combat sections can be rather intense. The main difficulty of the game was getting use to the controls but once that is solved the game got a bit easier, but even on the "Casual" level I have to say that Mass Effect is by far the hardest Bioware game I have played. It is a nice change. The voice acting isa little stilted and not as fluidic and colorful as NWN2 but far superior than some of Bioware's outings in NWN1 and KotOR and the dialog system isn't as annoying as I thought it would be. I can see why Volourn thinks that ME is better than KotOR and I happen to agree. The combat is much more fun than KotOR's and ME isn't saddled with the Star Wars setting. So far I haven't come across any major technical glitches except for the console freezed up on one loading screen. So far I am 6 hours in and overall having a decent time of it.
  13. You are saying that Oblivion's blood and gore, which was the principle reason for the change in rating, could not have been seen if they actually played the game and visited the plane of Oblivion or faced those naked torn up zombies that often had viscera hanging out?
  14. Damn parents and their need to go work to get money to buy essential stuff for living!!! Which is more important? The career or the kid.
  15. They should play every single game, from beginning to end, on top of the information gained from the developers/publishers so such information can be put into context. If they did that I am sure the mix ups with San Andreas and Oblivion can be avoided.
  16. If parents are too busy then they shouldn't be parents.
  17. Replace the fan and also get a cooling pad for your laptop so you can transfer the files. You may have already damaged your CPU with the overheating, so you might want to get that checked out as well.
  18. The ESRB is a joke. They don't even play all the games they supposedly rate. Personally I don't give a crap about the rating system and I think it needs to be abolished. If parents are so concerned about what their kids do and play they would do the research themselves and take active control of their kids' lives. They are parents. That's there freaking job. Religious folks need to stay out of my games. Hell, I stay out of their churches so they should offer the same consideration.
  19. He is simply a deus ex machina that if used means that the whole process is lame from the start. If you have to resort to such measures when you write a story to make the result you want then it is bad writing and design.
  20. Sand

    Barack Obama

    Well, Obama is my first choice for president with Joe Biden being my second. Of the Democrats Billary is second to last with Edwards being last, but either one of those two would be better than any Republican.
  21. That is assuming that he does get involved, J.E..
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