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Everything posted by Sand

  1. Dragonborn is nothing new. Races of the Dragon already have material like that. Yes, gnomes might make it in the PHB2 but that does no good for people who want to play the new edition in the Eberron campaign. Also I don't really feel like the need to buy extra books on material that should be in the core books in the first place. Tieflings are nice but they aren't core. Gnomes are core.
  2. You would want a system that would make the would be intruder think twice before entering your lawn. Motion sensors hooked to lights are a good deterrent for most burglars would want to work in the dark. Also obvious video cameras at certain points of the property be hooked in similar sensors and wired to record in .AVI or some form of compressed video right on to a computer. Fake cameras could work to scare off intruders to. They tend to like an easy target, but if you have a too obvious of a system in place they might think your goodies might be worth the risk. Of course if you are home at the time nothing beats a good old fashion 9mm handgun with hollow point bullets to eliminate an intruder. Just keep it out of reach of children.
  3. Pretty much, and SWSaga sucks big time. Also I like to know how the hell are they going to justify removing the gnomes out of the primary books when one of their major campaign settings, Eberron, have some very gnome centric aspects to it. What are they going to do? Claim all of House Sivis were actuallly Tieflings in disguise?
  4. I hate Iowa. I hate the weather. Nearly fell 3 times on the way home from work. One being in a middle of a busy street. That reminds me... I need new shoes and pants.
  5. And that is coming from one of our more loving moderators!
  6. ToEE was an epic failure in programming, design, story telling, and quality assurance. Bloodlines... Not so much, but it still had a good amount of faults.
  7. The bugs in Temple of Elemental Evil say otherwise.
  8. If it is true, then it is sick. If not, it is sick of the Iraqi military to use such a propaganda tactic. Either way, it is sick. It wouldn't surprise me one bit if Al Qaeda would do this sort of crap however being the cowards they are. An autopsy on the remains would probably reveal the condition, with the head popping off like a dandelion, though the chest and abdomen would be vaporized with burnt remains of the lower legs.
  10. From all the articles I have read about how they are changing the Forgotten Realms they are basically making a new setting and tacking on the FR name on it so it can sell. No thank you.
  11. Twelve Monkeys is the best time traveling movie of all *ahem* time.
  12. Sounds cool. Once I get tired playing Mass Effect I'll give Forza another run.
  13. I don't care who started it. You two are bickering like Volourn and I use to do and that is definitely not a good sign.
  14. I mostly just go around in circles on freestyle mode. When I get bored I try to get into as much of a wreck as possible.
  15. I just don't like games that use a name then end up being totally different what their namesake is. It doesn't matter if it is Fallout, Baldur's Gate, Half Life, Crysis, or whatever. If you are going to use an established name, use an established setting, then be as true and accurate to that name and setting as possible. Innovations is all fine and good unless those innovations makes the new game something completely different that what the original was.
  16. So, how is Guiter Hero 3, Krookie?
  17. I would rather Bethesda made an original Post Apocalyptic CRPG than Fallout 3. I would be more apt to play it than I would their Fallout 3.
  18. Timecop is the best movie Van Damme has ever done.
  19. Bioware and Obsidian are tied in the top spots of my favorites, with Bethesda being a distant third. Its like Obsidian is Obama, Bioware is Clinton, and Bethesda is Edawrds.
  20. YAY! I got my caffiene! In the form of Moutnain Dew. I also, for the first time ever, successfully baked bread! Wheat bread with a bit of garlic. There's no such thing as too much garlic! HAHAHAHA! Yesterday it was near 50 degrees, and now a measily 1. All that melty snow we had on Monday is now slick ice!
  21. He would win. I tend to go for the Golf. I just love smashing up Volkswagons for some odd reason.
  22. I am still hooked on Mass Effect. I have Forza. It came with my system along with that Marvel's game Ultimate Alliance. I tend to crash a lot in a Volkswagon.
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