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Everything posted by smjjames

  1. Yeeaahhhhh....... I just hope he doesn't overreact to NK, though it seems equally likely that NK would decide that Trump is impotent and make a major miscalculation.
  2. Yup, though it might be Tyranny DLC #2 by now. Constant Gaw who worked on upcoming DLC shifted onto a different unannounced project in July according to her LinkedIn profile. It's certainly possible. Feargus or the other guy (not sure who said it) said that it looked like Tyranny or PoE stuff.
  3. Gotta love California, right? Really though, every state gets wierd stuff potentially on their ballots or even on the ballot every year. Last year, California had a thing regarding condoms for the porn industry. Which seemed like a little bit unusual of a thing to come up for in primarily liberal California.
  4. evidence tekēhu is a bard? stance pretty much screams ak-tor. rosbjerg might not think it is funny, but... HA! Good Fun! Aren't the two choices for his starting class chanter and druid? Chanter is PoE's version of a bard.
  5. We're nowhere near that point... right now anyway. With all the rhetoric flying around about what might happen if Trump got impeached, I hope nothing does happen. There could be issues if the impeachment looks highly partisan and depends on how the investigation stuff shakes out.
  6. The libertarians tend to be well, um... kinda crazy. @volourn: ..... you're cherrypicking... Anyways, for some reason, CNN cut away early from Trump's tax speech while everybody else stayed on http://thehill.com/homenews/media/348598-cnn-cuts-away-from-trump-tax-speech FTFE (**** The Fourth Estate) *shrug*.
  7. What is the difference between these chaps and the Black Bloc protesters? It seems to me that Antifa is kind of like Alt-Right, in that there are numerous groups that claim to be a part of it, some much worse than others. It also seems rather disorganized. The antifa (the anarchists and the ones descended from anti-fascist groups from the 1930's and 1940's) are the ones who think the only solution to the alt-right is to fight back with violence instead of peacefully. The Black Bloc (is that the same as BLM?) and Black Lives Matter generally prefer peaceful rather than violence. edit: Not sure why I double posted, but anyways.......
  8. I wouldn't quite say that they're 'nazis in disguise' (given that they're opposing the nazis), but yes, they're definetly an equivalent distance from the center. Peaceful protests are a heck of a lot more effective anyway. As the saying goes, violence begets violence begets violence begets violence begets violence begets violence. Okay, it's an extended version of the saying which makes the point that it's a cycle.
  9. Revolvers as we think of them didn't exist until the 19th century, however, earlier attempts did exist, but they weren't common. I suppose one could show up ingame as an unique item. Pistols are already a bit silly looking because they don't look like the guns we are used to seeing.
  10. But Democrats are far, far worse. Granted both parties are corrupt, but without changing the electoral system nothing can be done about it. We'd say the same of our opposing parties as far as who is far worse on x issue, but yes, not much can be done about the problems with our current political system without changing the electoral system. Like changing away from FPTP (first past the post) for example.
  11. They didn't succeed in generating a flamewar, which is usually what trolls try to do.
  12. New York? The Appalachians barely go into New York.
  13. That's the problem, the Dems don't believe in liberal democracy either. Not freedom of speech, and not rule of law. Otherwise I wouldn't be worried. Just technicalities, a Presidential pardon can't be overruled. Btw, all this outrage about Arpaio being pardoned for enforcing the law (convicted by criminals who refuse to enforce the law themselves and not even allowed a jury trial), and crickets about Terry McAuliffe restoring voting rights to 60000 felons just so they could vote for Hillary. http://dailycaller.com/2016/11/06/exclusive-virginia-gov-pardons-60000-felons-enough-to-swing-election/ I hate to break it to you, but the Republicans don't believe in liberal Democracy either. Most economically productive state in the union, has some of the best public _and_ private higher education institutions, home to the busiest cargo ports in the states and the highest traffic airliner hub, hosts the principle naval base for USPACFLT, why on Earth shouldn't California matter a _whole_ lot?Equality Isn't a situation where a smaller number of people has more voting power than a larger number of people actually inequality? There's no equality with our voting system as long as we have the winner take all results with states and instead go back to everyone gets there share. Keeping winner takes all and going with popular vote instead let's 4 states dictate over the rest of the 46. Keep the electoral voting system instead, that way big populations still get an advantage but the rest have a say. It's also an issue with the Electoral College system. It was originally designed as a compromise between the slave holding southern states and the northern states and as a compromise between the smaller states and the bigger states. It may have been balanced by the standards of the time, but the Founders couldn't predict the future as far as the Electoral College goes.
  14. I don't think we'd be able to dual-wield arquebuses and blunderbusses, which are basically rifles, unless Josh Sawyer said that we can. And yeah, the reloading phase will be improved. Also, there will be a new type of firearm, grenade launcher, which is like an AOE firearm. The bombs that you can use are previewed in the latest news update.
  15. Republicans being obstructionist is not a reason to use Executive Orders to take powers or actions not permitted by the Constitution. The voters put the Republicans into Congress because they promised they would obstruct what Obama was doing. By circumventing Congress using Executive Orders Obama thwarted the will of the voters and imposed his own on them. So yes, the word Tyrant is not entirely inappropriate. It's not entirely appropriate either because it softens the word in a world where there are actual tyrants. Well yeah, it's not a reason to overuse the Executive Orders, just saying that's why Obama did go and use them. Good thing though is that the next President (Trump in this case) can reverse every single one of those if they so wished to.
  16. 1. I'll admit that California does have a huge amount of influence, including the largest chunk of electoral votes. 2. I'm not even gonna bother responding to this as the illegal immigrant part is BS. 3? You're getting the primaries confused with the general election. I'd probably add a third (or fourth? looks like you forgot to number the third reason), the turnout being so low compared to other countries.
  17. Too bad we don't get motile Tekehu hair, though I can imagine that'd be an absolute nightmare to animate.
  18. Skipping the normal quote function as it can be a hassle to deal with: "States only have power so long as the Constitution is respected. And the Democrats, especially the far left ones have made it clear time and again that they wipe their ass with it." The Republicans, especially the far right ones also wipe their ass with the Constitution, just in different ways than the Democrats. "Yes, Venezuela and Turkey are finding out right now how sweet insurrection is once a tyrant is elected. Even if we won (very doubtful) I don't want to live through that." Define tyrant, the Republicans have often called Obama a tyrant (though with some reasoning, given how he used executive orders a lot due to the Republicans being obstructionists). "No, demographics and dumb young people are going the Democrat's way. It's actually a miracle Trump won, and no other Republican would've won any blue state." As for Trump winning, I don't know if I'd call it a miracle, more like a box of chaos since both candidates were equally flawed and you'd have to ask yourself why didn't any of the normal establishment Republicans win either. Just saying that it's a miracle ignores the whole host of reasons and things why Trump (lost the popular vote) won and Clinton (won the popular vote) lost. On the antifa stuff, Breitbart is frikking Brietbart, not much better than Fox. That said, the antifa guys shouldn't be considered allied to the Democrats because they hold no allegiance to liberal democracy and don't care whether they hurt the Dems or not.
  19. At about 13:20 ish I think? Where he says something about something they don't want to reveal yet (Feargus thought the guys were working on Tyranny or PoE stuff initially, I think) and then the guys rushed to hide the screens.
  20. About where is that 'lets skip this' bit?
  21. Sadly I'd say that is not unique to Islam, but is rather common in many positions of power. it's not about people in positions of power, it's the shop owners, the restaurant owners, taxi drivers and pretty much everyone who lives and works in a place full of tourists. they are all polite, educated, friendly and such, but the moment you step out of the area of touristic interest, you see that everyone is polite and friendly to each other but totally hostile to the outsider and as for education, most don't know much of anything besides reading and writing with mannerisms that look like those of someone who never lived in a civilized environment before. at least this is what he saw back in the 50s when he lived there and some who have been there more recently claim that they had the same experience as soon as they left the tourist friendly zone. Isn't that true of a whole lot of tourist friendly zones? Rio de Janeiro would be a good example, it's not exclusive to muslim countries.
  22. Just criticising the writing I guess wormerine. Regarding the descriptions, you have to find a balance between the voiceovered dialogue and the placement of the descriptions. As I noted before, there are definetly places where it can be used side by side to dramatic effect. That said, it's good that the devs and the writers are looking to improve their writing techniques and how they tell the story. As for the narrator stuff, that would work better for the CYOAs.
  23. So, that's why we lack a rogue? Isn't Xloti's first class choice set to either priest or rogue? Multiclassing is always an option though. Priest/monk, I think... I seem to remember Ydwin's the other rogue. You may be right on that, and Ydwin is a sidekick, not a major character/companion.
  24. Do you really need to be told that if you do not like to read about a certain topic, then you shouldn't click on that topic? Ok, I'll help out...it is evident that you are not interested in talking about this topic in a civil manner, so you should not participate in this topic. Everyone wins!Believe it or not, this is exactly a suitable platform to discuss this topic. Yeah sure. The under 18 kids on this forum need to learn about this stuff from all the creeps on here. Pull your head in. And I'm sure obsidian would appreciate you stating that there official forums are the ideal place for transgender debate. Um, if they had objections, they'd have voiced them by now. The devs may not participate much on the forum, but they DO read the forum. Also, it sounds like you're trying to shut down the discussion.
  25. I should note that PoE1 isn't exactly an under 18 game either, what with drugs and the whorehouse and occasional salty language.
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