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Everything posted by PatrioticChief

  1. You can find all the 4chan edits together with watercolour versions in this post on the 25th page: https://forums.obsidian.net/topic/91743-portraits/?p=1983544 Thank you.
  2. Is there small version of the Xoti 4chan edit? I think it looks fantastic.
  3. Ya'll are haters. I don't care for the new portrait but I am sure someone will appreciate it!
  4. Everything he said. You can wreck face with SB/BW.
  5. If you have an inspiration like Intuitive and get hit by Distracted (from Powder Burns) they cancel each other out. I don't weant to cast Disciplined Strikes after every shot with Powder Burns. So any level affliction will cancel out any level inspiration? Never mind.
  6. I've been wrecking face running a solo dual wielding Devoted/BW in the beta. Mind you I haven't touched the Titan. The cool thing is FoD will trigger on both weapon attacks unlike say SA.
  7. Is there still the talent that lets you ignore the negative effects of going against your order's expectations? Not in the beta. And even if it is, I don't want to waste a precious talent point on that.
  8. Does it even work that way in Deadfire? Still waiting for confirmation on that I believe so. My NPC paladin had higher benefit from deep devotion than I did. The description is also pretty blunt that your actions affect it. I strongly dislike that. The only skill in the entire game that's affected by your role playing. It's like in KOTOR where you're either the devil or an angel because good or evil points affected the strength of your force powers.
  9. Well let's play the damn game and then see. Personally, a drama woven with humor done right can be significantly more impactful. It's why grimdark fantasy settings make for bad movies. If everything is miserable we become desensitized and don't care.
  10. Is there a way to edit the files so my character can be a bleak walker but not suffer reduced benefits from devotion when he doesn't want to be a complete ****?
  11. What's the ceiling for accuracy? I should have said "soft ceiling". It varies by monster and difficulty level (PotD). Basically, each point of additional accuracy shifts misses to grazes, grazes to hits, hits to crits, etc. Thing is, converting a hit to a crit is just +25% damage, but converting a miss to a graze is +50% damage! So when accuracy is low you're converting a lot of misses to grazes and grazes to hits, which is a big damage boost. Once you have +25 accuracy over target's defenses, though (which isn't hard to hit at all on normal difficulties for most enemies, if you use debuffs), the bonus from Per drops off, and if you get enemy defenses low enough / your Accuracy high enough (remember, Devotions for the Faithful adds 20 by itself!), the relative value of more accuracy keeps going down. There is a theoretical hard ceiling if you were +100 accuracy over target's defenses, where every hit would be a critical and then additional accuracy would do nothing at all, but that actually is pretty hard to reach. To bring this back around to the Pistol modal though, if you've got a priest in the party and they cast Dire Blessing and Devotions for the Faithful, that's +25 accuracy right there, and those are both Beta powers, nothing more. Turn on the pistol rapid fire modal then, and you're still +10 Accuracy above your baseline, not counting Perception etc. or any debuffs on the target. It should be possible to calculate mathematically what the "break point" is for +accuracy where the pistol modal becomes useful (because the increased reload speed gives more of a bonus than you lose from the lost accuracy). Good explanation. I appreciate you taking the time to share your thoughts. I still think the weapon modal negatives are too harsh though.
  12. how do you actaully half-sword while dual-wielding? 4 hands? :D Because PoE science. :D
  13. One cool thing is that if you dual wield half swords, I think, you can get + penetration on each sword but only lose the lose the base deflection.
  14. I'd prefer if POEII was completely voice acted. But it will probably be only small parts like POEI and I'm content with that.
  15. I am sure weapon proficiency are here to stay but outside of devoted I couldn't give less craps about them.
  16. Awesome. Thanks man. I will try your idea and see what works. Since Pellagina can only subclass as a paladin and not a chanter would the armor still be superior to ancient memory? Improving the longevity of the party is definitely the goal so if the armor works better than the healing I will go that route. Additional question: if obsidian does give Pellagina high might is healing better off than the armor because it benefits from might? And is there a particular weapon you’d suggest for sword and board combo? I’d been rocking the saber but I am open to other weapons. The one they reduced AR looked intriguing.
  17. So in my efforts of designing a healer that is not a priest and would not require a lot of micromanaging I was thinking I could turn our avian godlike into a Herald. I was thinking a herald with soft winds, ancient memory, and the upgraded endurance would create a decent auto heal. Sprinkle in lay on hands and whatever that tier 3 healer incantation is and combine it with plate armor and a shield and suddenly you got a great tank healer. Or do those abilities not stack and I'm better off going full chanter?
  18. It's there... could be a little more intuitive though, having to navigate several menus just to see everything each subclass gets is pretty tedious. Thanks for pointing that out!
  19. With beta 4 I find alt-tabbing really difficult. The game seems to hijack my screen and really doesn’t like to let go... which is an issue when I try to document bugs or it crashes. It would be nice if enemies would surrender if they pretty much lost and have no hope of escaping. I am super excited that the cannon ammo will be a thing for the final release. To be honest I am fairly satisfied with where the ship2ship combat will be at. It’s not FTL by any means, but it’s not a core of the game. Dabbling in ship combat while traveling around should be a fun addition. My biggest request for 1.0 is transparency of mechanics. I was thinking of starting a thread, describing in detail what each manouvers does and how it influecses defences and aim, but I cannot figure it out. Accuracy tends to jump between 0-100% and I really can’t figure out what are exact reasons. I have noticed this exact issue! It's weird because I had no issue with it in beta 3. Good for pointing that out. Maybe even make your own thread about it? I'd be interested in the explanation.
  20. I am reposting this because, as small as it may be, it legitimately bothers me. Enough people posted agreement that I thought we might get this issue a little more attention with its own thread. If folk just wanted to post a quick I agree, and we get it to a couple of pages, Obsidian might put it on a list of some post release work to be done. Anyone else hate that slots for cypher abilities appear even if you haven't selected a single ability for that level? It just clogs up the UI. Waving over it, having nothing there, and faded text on the side not in the box, it looks almost like a bug it's so ugly.
  21. Yeah givemoney amount is the command just fyi. You honestly don't even need that if you just get level one companions and console command to level them.
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