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Everything posted by Bokishi

  1. Oh, that's terrible. Go to your room. Tee hee! <{POST_SNAPBACK}> *throws big hairy rock*
  2. Heh that was awesome. Do you relise there are still people using that system to day and playing games. I never understood why Nvidia let that laps when they bought 3DFX. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Oh they were bought out? 4 years ago I wanted a 3Dfx card, and some idiot salesman told me they went out of business. I thought "hmm... that's wierd."
  3. 2 6800s + new PCI Express motherboard = Too much friggin' Money!
  4. It wasnt italian it was sicilian. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Wait... That's why the translator always screws up. It is unfamilar with Sicilian style Itialian.
  5. I think I am going to take taks' side in this debate. Terrorists do not have a good reason for hating us Americans. Terrorists should all die IMO. But an efficent way to kill them, I am unsure. And PotC, I'd like you to make a really good list on the reasons why we Americans should be hated by terrorists, just to see where you are coming from.
  6. Maybe because they wanted to try a different flavor.
  7. You mean I gotta create an account there? I have an account at SYSTRAN, and it gives the same results. they are from Sicily, but they are good the Italian means in order to see that more Italian speaks the persons.
  8. they are from Sicily, but they are good the Italian means in order to see that more Italian speaks the persons Stupid online translator!
  9. So is Mira still ugly? Is she changed yet?
  10. *sings* "Happy Birfday to You" "Happy Birfday to You" "Happy Birfday dear Feargus" "Happy Birfday to You"
  11. We need a gizga storage compound. You know, so we can have pets, but no infestations.
  12. Are you referring to the PCGamer issue or those two australian magazines? <{POST_SNAPBACK}> yes. <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
  13. Perhaps he means the Jedi Academy? Wow, he's the biggest fanboy ever!
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