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Everything posted by Bokishi

  1. I think it's Xbox, the shots have that jagged look to them.
  2. The title page is divided into 2 halves. Click the left side for a LS page, and the right side for a DS page.
  3. The new site is awesome. Question: I just constantly click around to make the site theme into a blue lightside one. Is there a way to make the site have a darkside theme?
  4. Or it's a cutscene, too dark for me to tell.
  5. There's probably a number of different Jedi Robe variations, just like the first game.
  6. You can mod KOTOR and get even weirder screens
  7. I thought T3 doubled as a porta-potty for those long Ebon Hawk journeys.
  8. What were your favorite blasters in KOTOR I, and which guns and blasters would you like to see in KOTOR II?
  9. I have 2 ipod minis, and they work fine for me.
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