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Everything posted by Hawke64

  1. But how would you swap them with Porokoa when his fight comes after the part where you talk to Whehami? If you want Muatu to become the Faces, then you need to empower him before talking to Whehami. If you want the Porokoa to become the Faces, you need Whehami's axe/to be the Champion of the Slayer. Though, in either case the outcome is quite bad (random corpses).
  2. There should a portal at the Castle of Knives (at the middle of the map). Though, I don't remember any Fog events, only the First World/Fey, so it might be a different thing. Edit. I've cleared "The Twice-Born Warlord" and tried to assassinate Jamandi Aldori and Natala Surtova (for RP reasons and because I didn't do it on the first PT). They happened to be immune to the Cloudkill spell and the aura of the Heart of Ira (which seems to be nerfed in the last patch). "Deal with the Devil" progressed, unlike the previous time, though I've chosen the supposedly not-bugged option in one of the dialogues, so the "good" route might be still bugged.
  3. It's perfect. The controls are rebindable (though, still weird for the bike/rocket gameplay sequences) and there is mouse support (works in 14th chapter).
  4. I haven't tried to use Echolocation, so not sure, if it works. On an unrelated note. It's possible to use Baleful Polymorph on bosses (though, DCs are high). I couldn't loot the body, but the dialogue was rather amusing in the context.
  5. Sorry about necro'ing the thread, but does anyone know the console command to set the outcome to "Tuaha has failed"? The thing is that the assassination might end in success with 50% chance, even if the stalker is alive and well, and Tuaha leaves the map after the quest is completed, so I can't just travel to Port Maje before the end-game and attack her.
  6. I'd suggest to get Blind Fight and Freedom of Movement as soon as possible, if the section of the game you're approaching hasn't been rebalanced in the last patch.
  7. Thank you for the information. I didn't know that quest outcomes used RNG. Is there a console command to set the event to the stalker's success?
  8. Is slaughtering all librarians supposed to affect the ending? After going through the Collections it seemed like a good idea, so I expected it to be mentioned somewhere. The opportunity to save Bekarna and assist her with the spell feels quite significant. My thanks. Reading about Saint's War after meeting Eothas and Waidwen gives some perspective. In PoEI/Dyrwood one side of the story was much more prominent (excluding the White March DLC).
  9. There's a book about imps in the Archives. If you give it to Fetid Spray, you'll the achievement (and the incredible smell).
  10. Would anyone say that the game is in a stable enough state that I can now play it without running into progression stopping bugs every few hours? It should be fine up to the 5th chapter. I'm on my 2nd PT and some of the bugs I've encounter on the 1st PT have been fixed. Some were added, though. On an unrelated note, why there are rolls in non-combat skill checks? Unless it's the Iron Man mode, nothing stops the player from reloading until they succeed.
  11. The bug is still presented in v4.0.0.0034. If it's the planned outcome or it cannot be fixed after the quest was completed, I would appreciate the information.
  12. You can avoid fighting the golems by interacting with the flesh thing (?) there. Also is there a way to save the Frightened Child, excluding killing her?
  13. Dragon Age: Inquisition. Entering dragon's (Fereldan Frostback) lair for the first time. The dragon survived our encounter. Dark Souls II. Defeating the Fume Knight, Raime. Hate Plus. Sort of baking a cake. Edit. The most obvious best moments were excluded and the best "moments" that lasted the whole game.
  14. I guess, Hedwig is for the people, who haven't played a CRPG before. The character also has a pre-made build (no idea, how good it is, though). The thing that I strongly dislike is that he's featured on all in-game art (those book illustrations) and that the weapon of choice is a flail, instead of a sword (if you go with the most generic option possible, be consistent with it). I'd prefer, if the illustrations included only companions, because it's easier, than drawing every custom character and less immersion-breaking, than Hedwig.
  15. What weapon and class would be better for a melee-focused character with a 2H sword? Elven curve blade and rogue or greatsword and 2H fighter? I've found only one decent ECB (+1, Keen) on my first PT, so is this weapon type a viable option?
  16. There's a disposition check - if Shady >= 2, they don't trust you. Otherwise, you can trade the above-mentioned weapon.
  17. I think, PoEII already is a masterpiece. At least, it's the best RPG I've played this year. Though, I'd prefer it to be shorter (~40 hours) and to be launched as a complete and finished product (i.e. no balance changes or DLCs).
  18. Completed the game. The last two chapters were major pain, though for different reasons.
  19. I already got all hidden achievements, but if I remember correctly, they are bound to the main or DLC story lines (i.e. unmissable).
  20. As in, you would have preferred no patches and DLCs? Ideally, only patches. Less ideally - patches and expansions (i.e. reasonably big, limited in number and disconnected from the main game, basically the 3 main DLC). The thing I dislike is those small DLC with weapons/animations/random bosses. Can't say that my attitude is rational, more like personal preference. But, as I said, the trend of releasing the complete and bug-free (as far as possible) version of a game a year after the initial launch is unpleasant.
  21. Completed 3 times. The best bits are factions, companions, reactions to player's actions. The worst bits are RNG'ed good loot (not critical, but quite annoying) and the continued development (reminds of "games as service" thing).
  22. I like the Ukaizo sequence as it is - with very limited and optional combat (or even combat-free, if you have the Bounding Boots), there are the mega-bosses for those, who want challenge, and the DLC have the lore covered. There are games, where the final mandatory boss is a random big bad thing (e.g. The Technomancer, a nice ARPG otherwise), and it's a good thing that PoEII isn't one of them. Though, more specific faction encounter sounds interesting. Edit. On the second thought, I'd like to be able to talk the rival down on the solo path.
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