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Everything posted by SonicMage117

  1. Interesting, very interesting. It's like Diablo but you are a demon hehe
  2. Viruses ahd hacks have nothing to do with Q&A or quality control though. All they can do is some re-programming and ban-waves (which they already do). Nothing can solve the issue because people can make new accounts under different IP's with bounces. As far as the shovelware, they could close the gates on indie devs entirely, that wouldn't be good for anyone. Half of Steam's active user base plays RPGmaker games that re-use assets, made by teens. Some are horrible, some are great. Half of Steam's userbase also plays f2p mmo's so the vast majority of Steam's users don't see the problem with how things are. Are the problems isolated? Definitely not but it's rare that unrecoverable scams happen, even with the "poor" customer support. You'd literally have more of a chance of being banned than hacked or catching a virus. On getting jipped by publishers/devs, hmmm.. if I had a dime for every time someone said "This game looks horrible, it's just an asset flip" and the game turned out to be good, I'd wager that I'd probably be rich by now. And then there's the gaymes which everyone thinks are great and they are while in early access but then the developer leaves and Valve gets blamed for the abandoned game. It's really not their responsibility but I suppose there are some who will see it that way.
  3. Ahhhh yes, Greenlight was pretty bad but it did bring us some gems that would have never had a chance otherwise, I guess that doesn't matter to people who look at Valve or Steam as evil corporate tyranny. As far as the viruses and hackers, that's not really anything new, and it really isn't Valve's fault is it? That's like saying GoG is responsible for people selling fake copies of DRM-free games. There are hackers everywhere, people get hacked all the time on Steam from accepting a bot friend request. This could be solved easily of people use common sense. Nevermind that if GoG, Origin or any other Marketplace had as much traffic as Steam, they'd have far worse time sorting the messes. But while we're at it, let's blame Valve for the Christmas hacks every year too
  4. GoG will never catch up with Steam, whther we are talking about market share or userbase, I'd be surprised if it ever even got 1/1000th of Steam's market or active users at any given time. Steam's crappy games are exaggerated only because they are more visible. The catalogue on Steam is so huge and reporters often cover Steam and forget GoG even exists so therefore there are more bad games and also better games than what is on GoG. Not only that, but nobody seems to want to give Steam - or should I say Valve credit where it's due (for it's positive aspects). Most people are confused and just ride Valve/Steam off as "Greedy" but refuse to accept that Greenlight has started more great indies than worse ones and while GoG has been taking cues from Steam, I highly doubt they will ever be as efficient in that regard. Now PSN on the otherhand actually has a good chance since they seem more constructed and experienced with this, it's just too bad that they're on console only, of course.
  5. Hmm... I see... Well, me personally, I have never felt "forced" by achievements/trophies but a good thing about them is that they are quite like bookmarks. A great way to mark progress, especially if you go away from a good game for months and totally forget where you left off. 100%ing a game is a pretty big thing. Speedrunning and completionism in gaming have been things for years but only a few years back have achievements/trophies been made specifically to recognize or reward the people who can do such things. They deserve it. So while I'm no supporter of lover of these things, I'm thankful they exist to that end. It's also a good way to tell which reviewers are being honest. Some people review a game with 20-30 hours with zero achievements/trophies which would indicate that they idle the game for cards and time value (you get rewarded on Steam for running the game after a certain time-frame). On the other hand Killer Instinct has over 460 achievements - which is overkill. Get an achievement for jumping lol
  6. It's not a currency but people will definitely spend $60 for a bad game that has 100 trophies, just to acquire those trophies and up their public count. It's not really any different from people buying a $5.00 (or more pricey) dlc skin for a mp game or anything like that since it's about competitive showmanship but the amount of gamers that collect trophies/achievements is greater than those who don't which is why Steam, XB1 and PSN were smart to elaborate on it. Social gaming has a strange way of doing things but really not so strange after all, and while I don't play any of my games for the trophies or care about the competitive aspect, I do enjoy making my profile snazzy just for myself to have something to look at - I'm more of a badge guy myself but only for games that I enjoyed, for me it's not simply a badge of honor but a support of the game/devs, I think of it as wearing a t-shirt with a game I like
  7. That can only be a good thing, excluding drm, Steam seems to always be ahead of the curve.
  8. Another phenomenal Sonic show appears!
  9. Do you really know my tastes though, or do you just think you do based off a few comments on a forum? Anyway, the generated response is always more humoring than the sarcasm of realism projected so with any response, I'm alright with, though I enjoy being ignored too since most of my comments aren't for members but for the guests
  10. I don't think you guys got the sarcasm...
  11. Well, it looks better than K-19, U571 and The Hunt For The Red October, that's for sure. It's about time we get a new sub movie :)m The last good submarine movie I remember... And also
  12. I see what you mean... the structure seems alike with the words flashing with big letter fonts. I wouldn't play either if someone paid me. They're just so horrible. And Lol @the Korn song. I remember when I liked nu-metal. I'm so glad I am out of that stage
  13. https://youtu.be/o9aZJpIixJEi Folks. Just another reason Comic Cons are such a blessing
  14. Apparently I'm a weirdo for liking the popular franchises that have weirdo characters made by weirdo indie directors XD I'll always love DC/Marvel movies though and The Clone Wars is rated higher than any of the Star Wars movies for a reason. I just don't think they are into the franchises and I would be more interested in what they have to say after they see the movie, some of the movies may surprise them. Jay: "Stop making these high budget cashgrab movies and instead make low-budget movies that won't make any money" ^That was probably my favorite quote from the video. In the end, pretty cool video. Thank you, it is interesting to see what others think even if I disagree with them.
  15. Ehhh... Some people consider the original Resident Evils to be point and click game and technically they aren't wrong. The point and click genre itself (Monkey Island, other classic titles) was never really a fairly named but 90's gamers went with it, even though every game then was point and click on pc, for whatever reason.
  16. It's a difficult topic for some. I'll try to decode your brother's thought a bit and then stare my own thoughts. If I'm right, I think what your brother is saying is that he prefers rpg's made for controller in mind. Point and click rpg isn't rrally a thing "officially" but makes sense if you're talking mouse and keyboard vs controller. Personally, I use controller alot more. Much more freedom with it and but I'm also not opposed to mouse and keyboard. If I'm wrong about the controls preference, then your brother may he talking about classic ismoetric rpg bs action rpg or IE Rpg's vs Arpg. Maybe he prefers the perspective of close range/first person rather than a near top down or isometric viewpoint. Maybe he's talking both perspective and controls lol There's very little context that you've given so I'm doing my best One thing that isn't opinion though is that Arpg's made to use with a controller are the most accessible, intuitive and user-friendly so I guess I can understand he prefers them. After all, one if my personal favorites is Dragon's Dogma. There is a reason why games like Skyrim sell better than Baldurs Gate - and it's not the usual excuse if "People buy trash". Both Baldurs Gate and Elder Scrolls are equally satisfying games, same measures of quality but in different respects. Some people cannot accept that. It's why the smarter developers out there (Larian) often have two versions of the same game. The Classic version os kade specifically with mouse and keyboard in mind while the Enhanced version is made for controller in mind.
  17. When I see a horror film, I always root for the killer. Not because the people are stupid (they're usually smarter than the people who watch and say "I would do this and survive") but only because the killer is usually cool lol
  18. A must see for anyone who love comedy, Marvel/DC, SJW intelligence or just a good smile. John Barrowman give an hour stand up performance as Captina Americana. Enjoy!
  19. https://youtu.be/6pa5gh9WWQE My wife and I enjoyed it, maybe you will too.
  20. We all love Paul Walker... but really?
  21. Star Wars got a well deserved death. And I'm okay with that. We'll move on and get something better, oh wait, we already have... We've just been too blinded by horribly aimed blaster fire to see it!
  22. I hated both Leto and Ledger's Jokers. Nothing against them, I enjoy Leto's music and "almost" every other Ledger film. At least Leto's joker was based off an actual Joker in the comics, as Harley was a sub-version from the Arkham video game series. Still, nothing has yet to beat Nicholson's Joker in terms of live-action Batman films. Although, I enjoyed this entirely different take on Gotham: ^It's a full length fan film but the acting is far better than Leto or Joker. Just proves how overrated Hollywood acting is when there are no-names who would never get recognized just because. As far as changes for lore in the fan film, no, the lore isn't based on an "alternate universe", it's just a different approach as Nolan's Batman films were. Batman is Batman Black Mask is Black Mask Penguin is a crime-lord Killer Croc is a latino gangster The Riddler is a African-American pimp Harley Quinn is a prostitute The biggest change in the fan-film is that Harley makes Joker, usually it's the other way around. What impresses me more about her character is that she has Arleen Sorkin's New York accent down, she is the one and only original Harley Quinn (in case nobody knew). Why is this all important? Well, I don't think I need to say. Phoenix's take on Joker is next and though he has done some amazing work in the past, I couldn't see him or Decaprio doing a great or impressing Joker at any rate. I included Decaprio because he was rumored for another Joker project. Gotham's Joker is a close second to Nicholson's masterpiece. Although he isn't officially titled The Joker, he has already earned th name throughout the show. There is a certain depth of character and feeling you get when you think Joker and it's strange that even Lego's Joker is a different version of Joker and still a helluva lot closer to feeling Joker-ish than Ledger and Leto's horrible Jokers. That is all. Edit: To further clarify, I'm not saying Ledger's performance was terrible, nobody can deny the talent and dedication but let's be real, that wasn't the Joker. And the petty excuse being thrown around is "Well The Joker isn't just one thing" and that's where it goes wrong. By that logic, everything becomes Joker and nothing is the Joker, all characteristics of The Joker will become lost as the generations accept it. That is my point. I don't even want to begin with Bane in The Dark Knight Rises lol People keep disrespecting characters, their origins and what makes them stand out. Ledger's Joker was more like thr Joker's brother than the Joker. Next we'll see Joker being a girl and Harley being a guy on a motorcycle and movie buffs will say "What's wrong with that?" While people (such as myself) who respect origins and characters shake our heads and know the difference. It's sad but what can ya do. At least there will always be someone at DC who respects the Joker enough to keep the original vision intact whether through cartoon, comics or video games and that's what matters in the end. If not that then we'll fall back on fan films who will claim classic Joker :D
  23. Origins is a YouTube Red series about a cyberpunk world in which humans get augmented. Inspired by Deus Ex and Matrix framchises. We know that Nathan Fillion just did the Uncharted fan skit but now matters are more important. He is Superman! COMIC CON ISN'T DONE YET!
  24. Wynonna Earp is here to stay with funckos on the way, such a remarkable show. The Magicians, because....becauze
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