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Everything posted by SonicMage117

  1. Ummmm.. Was Aliens: Colonial Marines really that bad? It really is Elite Force II but with Aliens (of course). Been playing it and haven't ran across any of the game breaking bugs that people here have claimed on it. The only thing that has annoyed me so far is bad companion/squad a.i and some ultra-linear level play - same problems that Elite Force 1 and 2 had. Ehhh... I'm enjying it, but perhaps my superior intellect allows me to do so. Hey, the ratings have gone up over the years so maybe I'm on to something. There's that. And I'm playing without mods so. Wallah!
  2. Fallout 4 was minecraft with dog a.i though lol
  3. To me, it looks more like a post-apocalyptic Watch Dogs 2 artistically. It has that graffiti/pastel spray-paint look, Lego DC Super Villains is also taking this theme as well. Borderlands, rather, always gave me the "neo-punk pseudo military" vibe in all of their characters. More like Tank Girl than Mad Max in it's delivery. I liked the first Rage but agree with id software that it lacked life and personality in it's environment/world. Oddly enough all the Borderlands games lack this too so I think that's what Rage 2 is focusing on and I believe that's why it's so different. From the developers mouth, they say Rage 2 will have a grand scale open world with tons of activities that do not just feel like a quest but rather life in the post-apocalyptic setting. This is something that's never been said before by another dev so I think it will be interesting to see how it turns out.
  4. Hmmm.. One would think that he's so use to people bashing/insulting him, I don't think he really cares either way. I'm curious, did he ever return insults or have a response, or was she not worth it in his eyes? It seems that even when President Trump returns insults, people seem to think of that as "Our President can't keep his cool, acting like a child again, blah blah" but in reality, he's probably just trollin and laughing all the while people like Stormy and the extremists are genuinely angry and seeking some eligible road toward vengeance. I did notice that she fell in both statistics and ratings quite a bit after the whole ordeal so if it was just or publicity, it has shown only to backfire on her in that sense.
  5. It gives me D:OS vibes but less original.
  6. Torchlight 3 on its way... 2019 lookin gay.
  7. Oh my, reminds me of when... Clinton had an affair with his secretary, lied under oath - It's cool. Trump had a sexual encounter with a porn star - it's not the old days anymore so it's not cool, it's suddenly creepy lol There seems to be a common way of doing things now which is - "Let's tear down the man any way we can, down to his tiny hands and oompa loompa hair and skin tone. How the hell can he hold all that money with those tiny orange paws anyway? Wait.. Degrading the president isn't enough, let's get his wife and children. C'mon, they're the spawn if satan! His son's girlfriend is hotter than mine, what the... what world are we living in? Uggghh... There's nothing wrong with having a bit of fun (Although I'm too cowardly to admit to being 100% serious!)" There's a noticible pattern to these types, when things get to hot they're just "joking" but when they're with people who agree and no signs of reprecautions, they're serious and the more below the belt, the better. Point being, they blame his family for being related to him or his wife for marrying him. I don't take anything by those people too seriously. If Mileena wears a suit, she's secretly lesbian, if she wears a dress, she's sending a negative message to women and so forth. This is 2018, where the voters grill and eat tide pods. We should expect no less, after all. Is it really that harmless? Or are people too ignorant to realize that it damages the morale of the people and makes the americas look like even more of a joke to the outside world and it's forbidden kingdoms? Well, that's not for anyone here to decide but I will say it's the latter. Moving on, seems like we now see that treason is being excused and/or pardoned by freedom of speech so why not let everything else go through as well? Or let me guess, more double-standard culture for the sake of "Look at me, look at how I have helped our society, as it were, progress!" Eh... The stupidity is cringe worthy all of in itself as are the people who support this leading to the true downfall of moralism and the true progression of american society and culture. A dapper folk like meself wouldn't dabble in such nonsense but that is just me. Is it really that funny or are people just desperate enough to validate themselves anyhow they however can? Hint: The latter but at least Trump shakes it off or fires back so we don't need to worry about him too much. More than often the criticisms are only found spreading like a wild-fire through the internet by people not using their real names or even on Facebook WITH their real names (after all, you leave a comment and someone disagrees with you and calls you out, you can just block them ad protext your rep, don't want the friends and fam to see ya gettin owned huehue), this is nothing new. So it's amazing to me that people will not be afraid if they are covered but less likely to do so in a public area (in person) with strangers in the same fashion. Now, which gives them an excuse of not being the far left because they don't attend the impeaching march/other protestant meetings - which don't have any affect on the peoples or the government anyways. "The peoples voice" has always been in vain and none of that has changed. Oh and don't get me started on the Republicans who say "The world is going to end soon" but then do everything in their power to keep it from happening lol But that's another day. Today it's about the other folk. Now then, since my point has been well made, I assume opposition from the corner of treason. I shall remain in the corner of eternal justice, backed by patriable reasoning to the point. 3...2...1... GO-gurt!!! https://youtu.be/aCP0fbtn43E
  8. I really only like the design of the first PS4 model, the dual sharp rectangular design. The Pro's 3 layers is a bit over the top and the slim is round which looks weird to me. Add to that they took away the optical out, now if you want surround sound you have to use either blu-tooth which sucks or a usb adaptor which equally sucks. Uggghhh... cheapies lol
  9. It's really sad that freedom of speech is so one-sided and double standard though... Glad he won actually. "It's really something now, how liberals want to silence conservatives" "Can you blame them?" "Yes. They aim to earn their rights by stealing others" "You mean the people who're fighting for equality and rights?" "Liberals are the people fighting for equality and rights eh? Not the military, not the soldiers who gave their lives on the battlefield or veterens of our nation? Sure, you go ahead and believe that."
  10. That's pretty awesome lmao Edit: I'm hoping he means nukes and not an actual dump?
  11. Exactly. The far left have made it's faults so public at this point that it's now a thing of "What we say goes and whoever doesn't believe us either needs to go or is to stupid to be a part of society as it is being shaped to our will." type of sith absolute mentality. It's a delisional setup but I'll teuly be impressed if a.) we ever see the far left ever come back to reality or b.) Democrats as a whole adopts the far left mentality and has any success with it, turning the amaericas into a socialist country. As Gifted1 said, it probably won't ever since too many have accepted "triggered" as the norm. Part of me wants a far left demo to win the next election round though so we can see how bad things get, it would be fun to see demos whine about how much more it would be screwed up with one of their own in chair and unaware. I mean, the far right is guilty of its own stuff too as ssjames said, I cannot deny this but that far left with people who joke around about assassinating the Pres but then coward behind the "Oh, we were just using our freedom of speech!" We must give them the best stand-up comic award, their display of ignorance is equal to the average forum members who claim to have knowledge on the subject - but then go to google to win an argument on something they don't like or disagree with. At a time, people could talk politics and legalistics-attornal logistics with rationale and intelligence instead of relying on media news outlets or the internet... I miss those days #Nostalgia #80sBaby #WeOld
  12. Well let's not forget that people are gullible enough to believe anything/everything from the media. At this point, someone can say "Trump murdered 100 people in Africa" and people would believe it. Of course, only to find out they're wrong later and begin searching for the next small sin Trump committed - in an effort to blow it up 100x's more. Such medial tactics can be found displayed on the "Alternative Facts First Network" (CNN, Fox, and many others.) Aside from that though, we are in a desperate age which, being full of desperate people. The majority of the anericas thrives on medial influenced drama in which people will believe anything they are fed. It's the blind leading the blind as paranoia overtakes the weak, no longer wettin the beak but using the freedom of speech for abuse to dictate other's thoughts. We as a people are now rewarded for lies but that's just another reason why I choose not to indulge in such things. Thus, here I am, spreading hope to each and every one of you. My eletism is well deserved as most of you can now see and agree with - fearlessly I speak for many of you, whether you choose to accept it or not. Onwards and upwards, We see more of the downfall amd hypocrisy of the far left as they strive to so call "accept and include" everyone, yet it seems they only accept what benefits their agenda. As one may ask "How Sonic? Hmmm.. That's just Sonic Logic." Well, open your eyes and ears folks, I'll take you down THE enlightening stroll! The brainwashimg that the "acceptance of all things" is progression while beimg blimded that it's at the expense of other's freedom when it comes to the opposite side is particularly troublesome. That's just the beginning of course.
  13. Meh. Can't say that I'm impressed. Will wait for reviews - coming from someone who pre-purchased PS4's exclusive Spider-Man.
  14. Oh my... The Politics thread just got good for wance.
  15. Personally I don't mind whoever/whichever side gets the house but I don't think Republicans will be as nearly as salry as democrats if they lose. There really hasn't been such example of Republican chaos and losing minds so strongly as democrats, so I'm not too worried for them. I am however worried for the poor democrat souls if Trump wins again. Barely little effort seems to be going on to support or even defend Trump while far more is happening to protest/insult him. I don't think those particular people realize that they're cause actually works against them. For example, Shri is a democratic indian immigrant, in hopes that his constant Trump insults on his tv ads will earn him a seat as governor. You should see the comments on his facebook/YouTube. There's something to be said when even the democratic party thinks him a joke. The slogan of "Make America Trump Free, Vote Shri" just isn't very mature but that's the state of democratic desperation right now.
  16. The only good thing about Tomb Raider 2 lol
  17. Republicans win again for senate. Looks like no matter how much those dirty democrats try to conjur up bad spirits and dirt, Republicans always have that upper hand and smarts to push through strategically. If the war has already been won, why are people trying to strawman the small battles? Answer: Desperation for validation. We need another demo-party to remind people why they walked out and weeped when Hilary lost. Hmmm... I'm still not picking a side because as a citizen I still believe that no voice is heard, if we used any point of logical reasoning, one will see that voices are not what counts, it's actions. I mean, look at all the thirsty political arguers across social media or news, it's funny to think that people think that what they say matters and that if a few people agree with them that somehow they're right. That's why I chose not to vote in the first place hehe. But moving on... On the Trump star removal, I wouldn't be shallow enough to think that the removal somehow discredits or takes away from our president's reputable status. He's still president, he'll trade that star on the ground for a face on Mt. Rushmore and I don't think any of us would be stupid enough to think that's a smaller thing or that someone will vandalize that. To be technical, the President's star is being removed because anti-Trumpers keep vandalizing it, not because they believe he doesn't deserve the spot but because they still can't accept the man is our president. Do you remember when those pesky democrats promised the world that they would leave America if Trump was elected president? Yeah, it's those peeps, they're still here, salty and complaining. I really love what the salty democrats have served up here though In case you're wondering, I am not generalizing all democtats as salty, yes, I realize that not all democrats are the same as not all Republicans are the same. I am neither one, for that is what makes me higher/better/superior. Yet if you forget this, view my Republican roast, democrats are just a more vicious type of cancer it seems.
  18. Return Of The Living Dead 3 (if you enjoy retro zombies) is quite cheesey and yet features some of the best make up effects in cenematic history. Trailer here... https://youtu.be/h8-DVXVdtZY
  19. IGN "writer" gets fired for plagerizing a review of Dead Cells. Now before you comment, think carefully about what you want to say... And you better!!! BETTER!!! BETTUHHHHH!!!!!! Now then, comment away #JustSonicThings
  20. Anyone (including Cassandra Cain) is just a second rate Batgirl compared to te real deal: Barbara Gordon. I'd much rather have a tv series/movie on her journey of life than anyone else. It was be pretty awesome to see how she becomes Batgirl, fights crime and then becomes Oracle and helps other heroes throughout seasons. But yeah, very much looking forward to seein' Ruby Rose as a DC character, kudos to DC for casting her. She'll be perfect for it.
  21. Okay lmao
  22. I agree so much with this!!
  23. I am going to speak for you all whether you like it or not... Never have we heard a more engaging or uplifting speech from a hollywood flounder. This was just beautiful.
  24. The best A.I is one that convinces you that it could be a human playing alongside you. I don't think being "unfair" really has anything to do with it. If you play against a human in real life who has more experience and wins, some may view that as "unfair", while others with tougher skin will take that as a learning experience (as they should). That said, progressive nature in A.I is also key to being believable, it's okay for smart a.i to make dumb mistakes....And it's logical. Seeing an a.i learn from mistakes isn't as rare as many think, it's the behavioral cortex in which it applies that process in a given situation correctly which is a rare thing. I think that's why Alien: Isolation's award winning A.I is well deserved. It's pretty much a shining example of all the right things in what an excelling a.i should be ajd how it should behave. Despite a few glitches here and there - which have nothing to do with the a.i but collision detection instead - you'll see how it bends without breaking. I think alot of people though, don't know how to separate animation and world/world intraction from a.i. Most people don't know that world interaction with cpu has nothing to do with a.i, for it is a whole different thing altogether. Also, another reason why Alien: Isolation is well deserved is bfor the simple fact that it reacts in real-time. None of it was linear or scripted event and that's a hard feat in itself.
  25. Make it so.
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