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Everything posted by SonicMage117

  1. If you get sexually assaulted/raped when performing or prostituting, then you are no longer performing or prostituting but a victim by force, therefore it's not possible while "on the job". People seem to have forgotten that prostituting and performing is different from being a bagger at a grocery store or any non-sexual related job (I am now excluding contract differentiation as well). With that said, I still stand by my comment. But how would that be linked to me defending rapists in any way? How is Gifted1 saying "Innocent til proven guilty" make him a rapist apologist? The internet is a funny place and again, it's moments on threads like these where non-members will look and not take the forum seriously anymore. I do believe every rapist should be caught with and dealt with accordingly, as any other crime should be, there is no exception whether a murderer, thief, pedophile, drug pusher, etc. But as with other crimes, the court should treat sexual harrasment and rape the same as any other crime, rape victims aren't any more special than victims/families of murder cases and so on so not sure why people are saying that word of mouth makes anything justifiably worth condemnation. It just doesn't seem realistic and I'm glad we're not there in the systems.
  2. LOL! Shut up wesley!!!
  3. Wait.... what the hell? Who here is a rape apologist? You guys are acting like someone here is "defending" rape when that isn't the case at all. You'd better know what you're saying before you say it. Someone saying that evidence should be provided or that judges should provide the accused with a thorough investogation isn't even close to beong a rape apologists so I'd appreciate if people stop twisting and maniputimg things to make the other side look bad. Oh... Nevermind, this is 2018... I forgot, people seem to have new definitions for everything, continue
  4. I'm not saying they're lying, I'm saying there's literally been many cases that have proven women to use it as lies in court to get what they want, it's become an embaressing tactic for women, even in small claims courts have women assumed the role of a rape victim in order to make the male look bad to the judge - only to get exposed later by the experienced judge of course. As said before, I too, know victims but that's only half of the side, unfortunately, since there are and have always been plenty of the women who have falsely accused men in court and on social media for ulterior motives. I'm not trying to shame any victim here, but I do believe that the women who are strong enough to go to court with evidence such as dna sample deserve the justice they want done than the women who wait since this is far too serious to be kept waiting. The sooner they get that peace of mind, the better. It always struck me weird that some women wait years to gather the strength/bravery to go forward while the man who sexually assaulted them before coming forward with the truth. I'm not saying it's a lie but I imagine some here view me as a misogynistic male because I encourage women to do the right thing - go forward to the police asap with evidence to make a solid case and get the justice they seek, instead of waiting which will truthfully only damage the case. For the women out there that falsely accuse out of spite or whatever false motive, they will never gain my respect. That's the part that is the joke to me. For the hurt and broken who actually did suffer the traumatic event, I would demqnd they not wait but report it asap. It's also up to the person to make a strong case, nobody else will do it for them whether they have friends or family, it doesn't matter if they are seeking justice they need to study up on what they need to do. It sounds harsh but the day does not wait. But returning to politics and jumping out and away from all that stuff... NARF!!!!
  5. Lol! #Triggered The thread needeth to be renamed "Politics Thread - Rape Edition". But in all seriousness, there's good reason for court systems to be cautious about rape cases. If only you guys knew just how many women made a false case just to spite their ex or just some man they don't particularly like, far more cases than actual rape victim cases. So if anything these type of women are to blame - not the court systems. The court systems are fine but people have exploited the loopholes and thus resulted in less bs as of late. Rape/Sexual Assault victims (male and females) have growing support, whether it's the #MeToo movement or other things, even social media groups so I hardly doubt that court systems treat rape victims unfairly. Court sessions are unbiased as law requires them to be, they, unlike us, can only make their decisions based off the evidence provided by either party or thereby lack of it. And about targeting people based off someone's, that's the real joke on the forum. Why in the world should we just start to condemn people based off word of mouth and without evidence or a proper trial? Sure, the court systems fail at times but nothing in life is perfect. Devoiding the court system because of bitterness and playing the vigilante role is essentially making America go degress to the Wild West. An uncivilized nature for society never ends well, we need the court system and sexual assault/rape victims stand a good chance at getting justice granted they take the necessary steps to provide evidence. If we start accepting everyone's word of mouth, we'll find that alot more than 70% of women ok the planet will claim they've been sexually assaulted. As the #MeToo movement has proven but yeah, let's just trust women who claim it instead of being smart and looking at the facts because that's 2018 liberal logic. I really hope our country doesn't ever go back to that, I don't think it will in my lifetime lol If I were to say I was sexually assaulted, I'm betting there would be a rejective bias to that by the community because you guys don't like me based off my comments but then if a girl confides in you guys over say, a messenger program, you may accept that as a predetermined set to reality. Boy do I hate being right all the time! :D This thread really is a masterpiece!
  6. You would be the Human Ton and Handy for sure!!! (Since you say "We" instead of "I" hehe) Master Guardian would be the Octo guy, Achilles would be the Hotel Manager and Boerer would be the Man-Eatimg Cow I'm still stuck in the DC verse, I'm The Riddler, even the avatar lines up - as well as my logic.
  7. MOAR NUKES!!!!
  8. I would be more inclined to admit the other side was right if we did have facts ad evidence. For now it's the word of "Oh I got sexually assaulted" again, that could mean anything. I love TayTays but even she played the card and used it as a joke. So many people do, that's probably moreso why it's that much harder for forumites to convince someone so enlightened and wise as myself. If people are going to blame something, blame the #MeToo movement before the accused, or at least consider it - we are in 2018 after all and if they do not like me saying such a thing, then blame the "victim" feminists/liberals/hard leftists who have turned the words "sexual assault" and "rape" unto a petty joke to be used in manners as right now on this thread where people are not treating it properly. I didn't mean to trigger anyone here but I said what everyone was thinking anyway. Yes, my higher intellect, well you will all do well to acknowledge it. As far as getting raped/sexually assaulted on the job, as I said if it's happening then they are no longer performing/prostituting. This isn't really hard to grasp. Next members here will tell me that porn stars don't get sponsorships lol And yes. I know of a few people who got raped, I didn't "see" it happen but I was present at the case to see the guy get put away for some time since it was on multiple accounts to his record. The evidence was overwhelming (blood, dry/wet ****, force of entry into the anal cavity, saliva, etc. Anything to match up dna) So, this isn't really a game but something people should make themselves aware of. If course if there is no proof/evidece then we are not likely to see justice served but perhaps women should be smarter and come forward the day after so that the evidence can be obtained. That is a harsh thing to say but I'm just being honest. Once you shower, it's much harder to prove. Ummm... Hopefully that doesn't offend the sensitive here Now behold my awesome, magnificent GENIUS!!! Welcome back to reality folks...
  9. Well, it's the internet and sadly that means everything within the realm of google or youtube is true. Even worse, if you hear/read something bad about someone you don't like then it's automatically true so people won't do research unless it's from a regular biased source. All other info is irrelevant as it doesn't bemefit their stance on such. Nevermind the fact that people don't quite understand busuness or law in correct context. This is why the forums are fun but even more useless than chatting politics in real life. It's far more interesting to talk with people face to face where you get to see what they really know without delay, aid of other biased members or the help of random internet/google as it were. There's no reason for non-members to take these comments too seriously for that reason alone.
  10. Hey man, that's why I, the enigma am here But if it's forced than the person isn't prostituting or performing anymore so....
  11. Yeah, you still did. And I meant to say "You see it as a serious matter, I see it as a joke" but people can't make mistakes right? My superior intellect tells me that you weren't able to take note so good luck! It is rare. Extremely rare. You're making it appear as though it's more common than it ought to be. The porn industry is a serious business. Period, and far more organized than people care to admit.
  12. I know the feels. Everything I like sucks, even tv shows get cancelled. I'm a curse I reckon
  13. Thank you
  14. Porn stars don't have customers, as their job is act explixcit sexual acts for film (although there are quite lot rape scandals in porn industry where actresses say they were raped on the set). It is quite common that prostitutes get raped by people prententing to hire them (studies says that about 50% of prostitutes in US say that they have raped at least once during their life time and over 70% says that they have faced other forms of physical violence), which is why prostitutes have invented lots of ways to protect themselves. Porn stars sometimes also work as prostitutes/escorts. Stormy Daniel don't accuse Trump of sexual assault or claim that Trump paid her for sex, in her case scandal is that Trump paid her sush money before election in order to prevent Stormy to tell press about her affair with Trump. There is also accusations of Trump breaking agreement between them, which is why Stormy claims that she has now right to talk about mentioned affair. Porn Stars do have customers, same as prostitutes or strippers. I'm not sure where you get the idea that they don't, Is it because they call their customers "clients" instead? Moreover, all porn stars (professional ones) have contracts, whether with a company brand or people who hire them for discreet meetings. This is only an exception because it's the President. And no, it's not really possible for a prostitute or porn star to get raped "on the job" - excluding child sex trafficking of course, Do you have any evidence of this in a case (something not by word of mouth or a youtuber with a nonchalant opinion perhaps) that an adult industry porn star or prostitute gets raped on the job? Although I do agree that most prostitutes do get raped in their lifetime but that doesn't count for their actions or choices on the job, that's common sense but keep in mind that after being forced into submission, it becomes accepted and they get used to it, therefore it becomes the only thing they know, thus thereby it's normal for them. Do you think any prostitute wants to... ya know, prostitute? It's also common sense that most prostitutes suffer physical abuse, pimps or madames usually beat their prostitutes when they don't meet quota. Even so, those statistics have nothing to do with what they experience with on the job. And lastly, I wasn't the one who said Stormy Daniels accused Dinald Trump of sexual harassment or anything of the sort, I replied to someone who said she did but my comments make valid points all the same. A contract between Stormy and the President would have been more than enough to verify the accounts on both ends. In the event of the rare cases that something like this happens, a contract is usually brought before a judge for appeal. You're right, you just don't understand. My superiority is just too comvoluted it seems. You see, I'm not "judging anyone's morale" here, but the chances are that if you haven't got it yet, you may not. Still, I'll care to elaborate further for your benefit - at ease. It's not much hard to understand that after the #MeToo movement, everything from a slight whistle could be exaggerated into a full on sexual harrasment issue. Feminists, liberals and the leftest extremists are able to use this tactic of exaggeration in order to further agenda. While you and others may see this as a serious problem, I see it as a serious matter I see it as a joke. In other words, there's likely more conspiracy and co-conspirators in the people you are putting your trust in (local media news?) than in my comments, without you realizing it. Who's to say that it's not organized in such way that people such as yourself are not manipulated? It certainly would not be the first time... I prefer to look at facts and proof rather than word of mouth, which is why someone else said on the thread recently "The left are more to gather while the right are not". Same could be said for this matter. Behind the scenes is a scary world, I understand why people refuse to look that way. Hell, I wouldn't either of I was a Republican or democratic.
  15. Pretty much as I said, there are contracts. That is also why it's very rare that you hear of a porn star getting sexually assaulted by a customer. Not only does it not make sense but when it hapoens there is more often a motive than not. I'm still waiting for Stormy to show that contract of submission, doubt it will ever surface because it's more likely that she got lazy and just took the money anyway.
  16. All I'm saying is both that strong independent and feminists work under or for our President. For whatever reason, people tend to downplay or cover/deny this as much as they can - probably to keep their initial point valid in such a pivitol and touchy topic, discarding evidence and deeming it forgetful/irrelevant has always been key in these sorts of topics if it doesn't benefit one side. It's even more likely that other feminists are paying feminists who work for our president to stay silent rather than no feminist working for our president at all. This isn't about anyone being a victim really, I'm afraid it's just a simple fact that actions speak louder than words and that's what we're seeing when women who work in or leave the white house hace respect for the president and have no need for his money vs the women who leave the white house and are desperate for the 15 minutes of fame. As a male, I don't like or care for Donald Trump but seeing that smart, strong & independent women still seem to love the president, it's rather strange, don't you think? And it's probably due to him being more outspken than not - women like that sort of thing regardless of if it's taken negatively.... I've even learned this from my wife hehe And yes, I know, I know... There are some gullible people out there who may think "If you're a woman and you like the president, you can't be a feminist plain and simple" that's the "absolute" mindset of the extremist kicking in and isn't reality but rather the "If you're not with us, then we don't want to hear anything you have to say". Repressing realism is key to building a better world for tomorrow, or something. I don't know, I didn't see what happened behind doors, did you? But it's highly unlikely that she was "sexually assaulted", the fact that she is in the adult industry and porn stars operate much like a prostitute in the way of "You pay for what you get" just proves my point that much more, thank you. What I do know is that if any such ordeal could happen, she should have a written/spoken contract stating limits/tos before hand anyway. That is how things differ in the workspace between customer relations within the sexual conductive industry in comparison of professional porn star vs prostitution, there is more to it than you know. Though, it's quite puzzling when people think it's sexual assault when a man smacks a girl on the behind when the gshe didn't it, but yet the man just paid the woman to have sex with her and treat her as nothing more than an object? Hmmm... I'll be more direct, this has nothing to do with moralism or disrespecting women, it's about Stormy milking money. We all know that Stormy isn't getting any younger, her ratings have dropped in adult videos catagory and as a personality, new hotter, younger women are coming in by the bucket loads (no pun intended). Stormy is desperate, just as the extremists are. This is a poorly executed blackmail built on the leftist motivation to publicitize more negative overhead for Trump and Stormy to monetize every moment. Nothing more, nothing less. Then again, anything these days is believable, valid and acceptable if it agrees with the goal to bring down President Donald Trump ad Mileena. To me it's all just middle school drama, I'm sure it is viewed the same by the right as well
  17. Ehhh... probably only because he's a liberal who wished death upon the President. Once you do that, the left will accept and embrace you no matter your history. Since Sheen is a Hollywood celebrity, he gets dealt the hero card. It's the double standard in Lefty politics http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-4073106/Fury-Charlie-Sheen-says-Trump-celebrity-die-prompting-backlash-web-users-calling-scumbag-useless-****roach.html
  18. In all fairness, that's not anti-women or being a misogynist. It's being a filthy minded man who's like you said "Gloating about celebrity status". How he said it was careless and indeed came out disrespectful but yet President's bragging was never meant to disrespect towards women nor the fact he could get away woth something so atrocious. It was only meant to boost his ego which is the ego of a 20 foot gorilla really and it was only twisted into him intentionally disrespecting women later by the media. This is due to poor wording more than anything and poor wording is often manipulated far too easy. This is equally the President's fault (Pride comes before a stumble) as well as ever-paranoid lefty's (gotta do anything to make Trump the boogeyman!) It's really no different than Mileena (President's wife) not smiling at congressional meetings somehow means "She's not happy, she's trying to tell us she's going to leave the President soon". If only Mileena smiled a bit more, the left might not make up stories about how she gets abused and so forth. Point being there's so much exagerration and manipulation by the medial representation of a quote or event, at this point if a celebrity said "I've had intercourse with hundreds of drunk women at parties" it probably wouldn't be a bad/negative thing unless it was said by our President - only then would it be turned into something bad like rape/sexual assault and so on by the hard left journalists and youtubers as per usual, otherwise the hard left will view it as the women's fault for putting themselves in such a situation. So there isn't any need for press to make things up or invent things, they just take whatever is there and twist/manipulate things any so how they see fit and people will believe it. Anyway, I recall Charlie Sheen saying much worse but the man gets worshipped by liberals and the hard left. What does that tell ya? More importantly, I doubt that women would want to work with/for either of them if they really cared either way. If we want to look at "proof of the pudding" the President always gave equal opportunity to women even before he was in office and I've yet to see someone credible claim sexual harrasment that wasn't some type of escort and/or trying to make the buck
  19. The answer is simple: She didn't leave because the President wasn't a racist or misogynist. She left because she didn't get something she wanted or was offended by something small, hardly worth mentioning and split. That said, she most likely regrets leaving, isn't making enough money now, so a cash-grab was born, one that naive people will buy - especially women who buy what they want to hear. As said before, people live drama. Would it sell well if it said good things about our President? Of course not lol And more importantly I always found it funny when people say Trump hates women or is anti-women. Considering, he has pressed women to be further than men in a positive way - which can be seen from Sanders being his press secretary, Hicks left the white house and still speaks highly of Trump, the list goes on, the President has always given women equal opportunity ajd this goes well way before he was elected. So the fact that there are more women that have had a positive experience with the President makes things even more cringe-worthy. Let's see here, one thing I did notice pop up on the YouTube is slamming the President for his sexual mindset on women and his preference of their appearance, which shows you how desperate people are to create dirt. I mean, all men who are attracted to women tend to more or less think the same, our President is just louder and honest/outspoken about it. I'm not sure when such a thing became a crime, maybe when the #MeToo movement came to fruition and deemed that a man who whistles at a woman walking down the street be labeled as sexual assault We even have these videos made by casual leftists and extreme leftists alike, floating around on Youtube lol Tada! We can't really believe everything we read/hear/see, even from people who worked for Trump or some Alternative Facts First Network... Or I mean Real Facts First Network. They've proven that time and time again. Cash grabs, Clicks, and View Counts. That's what everything is about today. Integrity and credibility are long lost and we have ignorant people that love to be fed into the lies. *Shrug* Whatever makes them feel better about themselves, I guess.
  20. I mean, with the current President being a righter and a so-called "racist", they're isn't really a need for them to try to convince anyone of anything so I can understand why barely anyone would show up - those bozos already won the war, there's no benefit to gathering now, especially when the next presidential election is still far off. As someone else pointed out already, the senate elections don't really matter, neither does any rally. This is just a "Call to freedom of speech" and nothing more, I think wherein the confusion lays is that people think that if you're at a rally, you care about your voice being heard, or that you're intelligently supportimg your cause by going and being on the frontline. Problem is that there are smarter ways to do it, and in much quiter fashions. And yes, people thrive on drama and negativity. Let me guess, they spent all night making fun of the President's tiny hands and talking about how they wish they could assassinate him? They are angry, which gives them more of a motivation to stand up (or take a knee). This shouldn't surprise anyone. Maybe IF the democrats win the next election, we'll see the opposite happen - although I'm guessing that the people who are criticizing will reverse their roles and say something like "Oh look at those nazis, look at them come out of the woodwork since they lost and are whining, how pathetic that thousands of them are gathering and for what? Fo they actually think they'll accomplish anything?" In the same vain that the leftists meetings are accomplishing exactly nothing right now. What was said at the rally that makes you think the right was triggered? As far as I'm aware, the leftist has always had more triggered performances. Just look at those triggered baffoons, it's truly baffling lol Both sides are funny and entertaining, both sides are the same when it comes down and ultimately achieving the same goals through different means. The country will progress in it's own way, people will never truly have the power and nobody, not one whole side will ever be 100% happy so rallies are deemed pointless. Especially since the worst of the country is far behind us.
  21. Yeah, I still very much enjoy Kotor 1 & 2
  22. To be honest I enjoy Septerra Core's combat much more than Final Fantasy's "classic" turned based combat, though it's been a bit so not even sure how I would compare it to Divinity Original Sin's turn based combat which is some of the best turn-based combat ever experienced.
  23. When I see lefty extremists getting banned (more often than right extemists), it's due to the the cause that they still can't accept Trump IS our president, even now. And it's not harsh banning people permanently for threatening another person's life because they can't take opposotion from the opposite side of political parties. You all see - or don't you? That usually the convo escalates from a simple disagreement to threats and petty insults/trolling, all enough reason to ban really. Some people also have a hard time accepting that bullying is bullying. There seems to be a self-pitying jistification now days that people use to excuse their childish antics/behaviors "He did this so I have the right to do this back". The ones I witness the most are on YouTube comments section and that's sayong something since it only has global moderators vs local ones. I mean, it's not like anyone's "informative" comments are going to change any minds of the people who come across and read them, nor the person they argue with lol I can see that one person in the world who will tell them "Okay, you win. I'll change my side" just so the other person could finally shut up and they'd be naive to believe they actually impacted someone else's view. Political convos on social media direct are the worst because both sides are trying to prove something and nobody really knows what they're talking about. My higher intellect allows me to avoid the bs in such things. I keep crying for people to awaken but... In the end, this usually isn't a power hungry mod thing or even a "I offended a moderator, pushed their buttons" thing but rather a "The mods are smart enough to measure the fine line between freedom of speech and abuse of that freedom rather being a derivative of online conjuncture or conflict of another's freedom". Even if we don't see why there's good reason for it, sometimes it's best to disable the fued before it goes forward. Some situations are easier to project than others, thus... Life, finds a way. (Quote forthcoming) Anyways, There's a reason why Feinstein was an easy target for Chinese intelligence lmao https://thefederalistpapers.org/opinion/diane-feinstein-easy-mark-chinese-intelligence
  24. ^That's why I said it. I was sure that most people here were indian/arabic
  25. Avalanche's Mad Max game is so good. The only thing it seemed to lack was a variety of enemies. The world was so empty, guns are awful, things just seemed pointless.... And that's exactly how a post-apocalyptic desert should feel, not to mention the game is beautiful. That sand, those sand-storms, all that physics.... All that glitters is gold, only shootin stars breaks the mow-old. Perhaps Avalanche wanted to do just the opposite with Rage 2 though, hence doing the whole pastel spray-paint thing and the world filling full of characters.
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