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Everything posted by SonicMage117

  1. Fox News is worse than CNN or any other poitical driven news network? Lmao Okay. To me, they're all for nothing more than a good laugh but hell, this thread is a good laugh all in itself is it not? I'll answer for all of you. "YES."
  2. Agreed. Bethesda never had a chance in that lawsuit. What's the reason for them going out after all these lawsuits anyway? Are they overspending? Hmmm.. Just saw the 4k demo for Rage 2, little less excited for it now. Mainly because the npc models look pretty bad up close, even with the pc at maxed out settings. And the animation in conjunction with that, just something felt a little off. The environment and car stuff looks fine, shooting is samey from Doom. I just wasn't as impressed as when I saw the gameplay trailer.
  3. For an old game, it does look anazing still in 4k, along with Red Faction: Guerilla (normal version).
  4. Lol Bethseda already tried suing WB Games for their Westworld mobile game which used the old code for Fallout Shelter. Keep in mind that the games look similar but play very differently and have very different features. If course, WB wiped the floor with them. My favorite comments were: "Go figure, Bethseda finds out about theft of their proprietary code via BUGS and Glitches" "That bug? Yeah, we copyrighted it". What did they expect? They fired the main designer who wrote the code who was later hired by WB lol And it's actually his code since he wrote it. With further research the designer said it wasn't the same code and good luck trying to prove it. Bethesda is still quite salty over the whole ordeal.
  5. I know how you feel. I love the game but there have been a few games that I force myself to finish just to add it to my "completed list". I hope it's worth it in the end, so you don't have to look back. If anything, perhaps you can enjoy the map and sandstorms. I think my favorite things is the unique map. It's all sand yet pretty cool to see a ship or plane from a distance. Edit: A plane or ship buried in the sand I meant lol I do wish the game had more variety of enemies and vehicles, instead of just cars, it should have also had monster trucks, semis, busses and things like that. Customization is also lacking whether in character or car but it's cool that we can collects enemy vehicles. I give them a break because it's their first Nad Max game and probably the first good one. I once read someone say you can use an enemy vehicle to sneak in their base at ine point in the game. Never happened for me. I really hope we see a sequel though Rage 2 most likely will quench that thirst.
  6. Conan Exiles (courtesy of Oner). Still trying to figure out what the heck I'm supposed to be doing objective wise lol Also Sleeping Dogs: Definititive Edition is much better than the standard edition. Who knew? Every time I play it I realize just how much more meaningful the story is compared to GTA4 or GTA5. The depth of the map - although small, feels lively at least. Hmmm.
  7. I, too, have done a fair share of Judaism, the similarities are true - that's why I chose Non-Denominational Christianity. Seeing how all the pieces of the puzzle fitted together much better with the new testament and thus, making for a clearer picture. But then, I've also heard some crazy theories that the four horsemen were based off of Atilla pillaging Rome, just because it hapoened before the Four Horsemen were written about. That to me was pretty hilarious in itself. Strange but I guess people will always feel the need to link something that has similarities, everything has to be "inspired" but from what?
  8. Okay, but what do you say to people who don't have the primal urge to have sex? There are plenty, they called themselves Asexuals. "Asexuality is the lack of sexual attraction to others, or low or absent interest in or desire for sexual activity. It may be considered the lack of a sexual orientation, or one of the variations thereof, alongside heterosexuality, homosexuality and bisexuality." https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Asexuality Do you believe these people to be going against their primal urges/instinct?
  9. So far the dolphin gangbang seems to be an initiation ritual thing: We don't have weapons so we'll humiliate you by doing this, then you will have earned your rites. That's what I've gathered so far from it. I have a long ways to go in the video though lol @SSJjames True, I'm just curious to find out what the domcuenters/scientists say
  10. Hmmm... I stand corrected but I have to wonder is it choice by the animal or is this recorded companionship out of desperation or traumatic events. I'm wondering why exactly this is. *Me starts researching/Googling to educate himself* Okay, I can admit I was wrong on that point. I'm watching a political documentary on dolphin orgies https://youtu.be/5I5N34Q1Bio
  11. Hmmmm... So you think pedophiles and rapists' actions are instinct justified by instinct? Do you need to rape someone or be a pedophile to survive on instinct? Sounds like this is to be turning out to be a nature vs thought process thing rather than a survival/instinct vs taught topic but if you want to get technical, how would you measure the validation of someone saying they were born homosexual preference when you were born heterosexual preference? Or is that when you make the exception to where desire differs among animalistic tendencies. After all, there are not "gay" animals.... Also, as human beings, we don't even come out of the womb knowing what sex is or how it works, we do need to be educated on it. Animals on the other hand are the opposite, their one-track mind is likely doing to their faster maturing response, thus the instincts are quite different in that respect. Attraction if human does begin at an early age and is instinct though so I will say that.
  12. I can't pretend to know the answer to this so I probably shouldn't waste your time If I were to guess though, I'd say that since the Holy Bible says God is infinite, that there is no limitations to space or time but if we want to point out specifics, we could say that God may be limited in the fact that He cannot make another God or that He cannot kill himself. Just as atheism requires a god not to believe in. As for me though, I think that God has made a system to where the waiting seems fairly short. I'm not sure I can fathom how such a system would work. I don't even know if my spirit would fly, glide or walk lol I'm not cherry picking though, there seems to be a fine line of moralism and instinct. Is it wrong to steal food if you are hungry and nobody will care enough to give you something to eat willingly? And... How is shagging anything instinct? In religion, such a sexual act would be considered an act of the flesh. Instinct has never told anyone to go around and be a hoe, it has only told us to go and be with someone to reproduce and make offspring. The need for sex with a person you love is instinct, the urge of desire to sleep with anyone is either an act of pleasure to the flesh or desperation. Maybe that's where the whole rapist thing comes in to. The point of the followup was that atheists extremist have even more broken logic than the hardcore Christian extremist. Anyway, moving on... We don't need God to be moral people, I never said that. The fact is that we shouldn't need God to be a moral people. What I said was that the purpose behind morals is ultinate judgement and I went on to saying that living life with morals would be ultimately pointless with some sort of judgment in the afterlife. In other words, it's silly to enforce any type of good and evil relation if we don't believe in a foundation of it, and when that foundation is removed, things just don't make sense. Questions like "Why does good exist?" Or "If I see a stranger helpless in the middle of the road, why do/don't I want to help them?" Are being excused with "We don't need a reason" but think about it carefully, why are we robbing ourselves from doscovering reason? It's a pretty backwards concept lol Also, I'm curious where you got the info that the countries in the world with least crimes are irreligious... I do know that the countries which ban Christianity and other religions are the ones with the most crimes, not to mention they kill inmocent people on sight for claiming to believe in God but even if you had statistics, I'm wondering how you could prove such a thing since history has proven just the opposite.
  13. I know right, just like the logic of atheists who begin praying to God when one of their loved ones are in the hospital on a deathbed, or atheists who don't believe in God yet blame God for things like murder, or what have you. The blame always seems to revert back to God or "Well if there is this in the world, God surely cannot exist" but they failed to grasp the concept that there is a satan to contrast God, there is evil to contrast good.
  14. Not yet, I was only speaking of the possibility of it hehe That is pretty bolsy statement, I think some cannibals in amazonia would disagree with ya Also are you saying that budhists are immoral if they dont have god? Or that they don't have concept of good and evil? They have there own customs for living and surviving includes cannabalism. Cannabalism is learned, not instinct. If someone in the tribe steals something from another member, there would be consequences. Buddhists have an idol, whether they admit they worship buddha or not is up to them but they bow to a statue and look at scripture, same as catholics bowing to the virgin mary.
  15. I don't know too much about reincarnation, to be honest I l've never really studied the depths of it.
  16. Strange leap of logic here. Do you only live a moral life because of what happens in a supposed afterlife? The short answer is "No." The correct way to look at it would be from this point... There isn't any purpose in worrying about such things when there is no consequences for your actions. Accountability, is in itself reason enough but as others have said, even the court cases aren't enough to bring justice to criminals whether they have killed 400 people or raped 1 innocent girl. It would also be an insult to the victims to assume there would be no further judement beyind the courtroom on the criminal. Sometimes it takes someone witnessing a tragic event to wake them up to this concept though. I understand that not many can grasp the complexity on such things. Uh oh, the thread suddenly transforms into an anti-religion argument. I can see the comment appearing again: "Take your baby murderin' god and shove em up your ***"
  17. I'd have to believe there is some kind of judgement in the afterlife rather than none. Excluding the fact that I am a Christian who goes to/work at a church, I always found the study of the human being's moral conscience and emotional status quite interesting. For example, nobody can ever be taught the emotion Love, it's natural. We don't learn right/wrong, it's pure instinct. When you're depressed, you can physically feel the weight of the world on your shoulder and it takes years off your life but when you laugh, laughter heals you. When you look up at the stars, you feel small as you gaze through the vastness of space. All these scientifically proven facts are somethimg that every human being feels (even if you are raised in a headhunter tribe, you still feel all this as well). It's already been proven that if you raise a kid in isolation withoutany communication with the outside world, they will still feel love, the desire for companionship and they still will feel the concept of right and wrong without any teachings of it. I can't imagine all this is for nothing, the human conscience is something that cannot be obtained through good parenting skills or taught morale but is something you're born with. Unless you are someome chemically imbalanced, that is. And since the human conscience is something you're born with, well there's even more likely that there is some type of judgment in the afterlife. https://youtu.be/J-PLrKYbHJw It's even more interesting that hatred/unforgiveness affects the body in a different way than stress. For example, 61% of cancer patients have unforgiveness issues, stress can give you a heart attack. Point being, why are emotions too powerful for the human body to contain/handle. It seems to me we have a soul/spirit and every one of our bodies may be just a casing, a fragile weak casing at that. http://www1.cbn.com/cbnnews/healthscience/2015/June/The-Deadly-Consequences-of-Unforgiveness I do agree with Sharp One, if there case of judgement, there is no need for concept of good/bad. I think this is a common dilemma that aethiests have admitting to. When you deny God, you deny that satan and heaven and hell exists. You deny judgement exist which means there is no such concept as good or evil, which is hindsight justifies everything bad or evil. There is no point for any morality whatsoever because what's the point? It's not like we will have to pay for any of it. Hopefully I don't offend anyone, that is not my intent.
  18. Never seen that Maybe the dude that made his homemade tank got the idea from that, thank you for sharing!
  19. Yeah! I mean, I may be married but I always considered Tomi to be a looker and a brainy. I still have a few celebrity crushes
  20. The version I'm speaking of is the Fox News contributor, I should have been more specific, the error is mine for not clarifying further.
  21. Hmm.. Tomi Lahren is a conservative/rightist who didn't move out her parent's house til last year, for the last 5 years she's been making more than most small business owners (still is). Now she has her own house though, a big house in NY I believe? Chances are, she put every bit she earned into the bank and saved it for the house she owns now. Margot Robbie, the hollywood actress, still doesn't have a driver's license (never did in Australia either) or own a car but makes millions of dollars. I had a 40 yo neighbor who lived with their parents just because she got stuck having to help them take care of their mentally/physically disabled daughter. Point being, sometimes we just don't know what's going on, living with parents often doesn't have anything to do with finances or laziness but strategic choice. If your place burns down due to an accident such as leaving a fan plugged in while you go to the store and the circuit getting fried on some chance of an electrical current surge or ehat have you, chances are you would rather go to a family members' place than a hotel (if you're smart that is). The stereotypes of "living with mommy and daddy" are no less silly than that of the "oh you're a gamer who lives in your parent's basement" but again, it's the internet and we know everything by assuming everything. Discredit all possible variables, forget logic, deny reason, raise your pitchforks and attack! ^It's always funner that way anayway.
  22. A few years back a man stole a bulldozer and turned it into a tank, the man called it the KILLDOZER. He used it to take out many buildings from taxers and competitors. No lives were hurt but the town never recovered from the money lost that it took to rebuild the billions of dollars in damaged properties, thus people lost jobs and the guy that did the damage won. Well a few people got together and decided to make a video game inspired by this tragic event. They called it Brigador. Well, hope you enjoyed this true story. The game is available on Steam and GoG. Enjoy!
  23. Just got out from seeing it, I loved it. I had no idea it would actually do well, despite the fact that it has a great casting, then again, Ruby Rose (who I adore) is sure to bring in girls/women and Jason Statham is a favorite among the guys. Personally I enjoyed it more than Jaws and Deep Blue Sea but I think that's because I had been waiting for a movie based on a Megaladon for quite some time. There are alot of shots in the movie that make it suspenseful, the part in the trailer in which she sees the shark behind her is that much more impactful with the added context. It's more action than science, once the movie gets going it's all about the shark and less about the people which (in my opinion) is what a creature feature should be anyway. It's the best creature feature since Anaconda and Lake Placid. The vibe is more like those movies than Jaws, if ya know what I mean. Another great thing about The Meg is that the shark in no way look cgi, they look real. Fake looking or cgi sharks are usually thr biggest problem of modern shark films but now I think The Meg proves we're past that bad era. Jason Statham called it "The Jurassic Park with Sharks". I've seen my fair share of indie shark films but the only one to really get my attention was an Australian film called BAIT. https://youtu.be/s5-5PAIWO2o So I'd recommend it if you haven't seen it. Sharks are my favorite animals but I really can't stand Sharknado, Ghost Shark or things like that. Syfy channel had a few great shark movies that I can't remember and they were decent. Edit: The Shallows and Shark Night were great shark movies too, if you haven't seen them. Though Shark Night is like a slasher vibe film (replacing the slasher with a shark of course). Edit: 47 Meters Down with Mandy Moore was pretty good albiet weird ending on that one.
  24. Hmmm... Well, you are no longer working if you are struggling for your life and these are not job hazzards/risks. Sure, they may get paid at the end and people can insult them by saying they were still working because they got the paycheck but they didn't want to be there and were forced into some kind of sexual act, this isn't a fake it til you make it kind of thing. It's stranger that people believe that the rape could be a part of the job and that rape would be so lightly accepted within the adult industry... especially considering how organized and professional it is. If you're a name, everyone knows everyone, it's almost a small town - at least that's how it opetates in the americas. I'm not sure how the porn indistry operates outside of the americas though.
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