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Everything posted by SonicMage117

  1. About Strafe, the reviews are in I hate to say it but they're not very positive. Immortal Redneck seems to have taken the throne.
  2. Lol Uh oh...Don't say that here... there's alotta hardcore anime fans that will deny that hentai is a part of anime lifestyle. Well it was mentioned here. Where I'm supposed to say that? And what is anime lifestyle anyway? Can you live as a cartoon? O.o I guess "anime lifestyle" is perceive differently by each person - by their own standard but it can mean alot of things. Usually stemmed from how passionate one is about anime. I have a Facebook friend who prefers cartoon women over real life women, he's 26 and has a waifu pillow. I thought it was a joke at first as you cannot "feel" an anime chatacter but I digress. As far as living as a cartoon, well that's debatable. There are people who live life 24/7 as a doll, lolita, vampire, etc. While some of these were accomplished with plastic surgery, it is still true to this day. It's pretty much all dependent on how far one is really to go with it, and then how far the observers are willing to go to believe it. It takes alot of work and commutment to make it real but it has become real nonetheless and that's the main point. That to me, is the lifestyle debate.
  3. Lol Uh oh... Don't say that here... there's alotta hardcore anime fans that will deny that hentai is a part of anime lifestyle.
  4. https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/atomrpg/atom-rpg?ref=category It may just be what Fallout 3 or New Vegas should have been.... amirite?
  5. If Deadfire was all about that naval warfare! https://youtu.be/ajyT1Yulw40 Stumbled on this, looks damn good! Definitely keeping my eye on this one.
  6. A nice, cool folky song that surprised me with how good it actually was... A sexy and beautiful song that always gets stuck in my head. I always looked foward to hearing this when I started up the game...
  7. When I was playing "Alan Wake" I would get a feeling of safety whenever I was driving at night and saw a lighted gas station. After playing Portal, I'd fall asleep and have strange dreams of falling into places.
  8. No problem with pointing out the similarities... However, it became an issue to some when people tried to make it relevant/related.
  9. I will have to try this sometime!
  10. So "They" as in different developers.. got it. I had no idea that someone else took over but I have never really followed the Thief games too closely.
  11. Wow... Looks like the new Thief has changed alot of what the old Thief was. I only have the very first two Thief games (both modded for HD texture). And I notice that they are not as punishing. I wonder what made them change it so much with the new one to be that way. What made me like The Dark Project so much, was the cat-and-mouse aspect. It's basically a Green Arrow simulator but in different time period of course (which is awesome). As a normal person, vulnerable but with alot of freedoms and the tools to go about it. I thought this was an interesting video to look at: https://youtu.be/jPqwDGXxLhU I haven't bought an Assassin's Creed game in so long but I admit that picture intrigues me.
  12. Dishonored has a huge emphasis on Stealth. It rewards you for not being seen by anyone and taking the non-lethal approach. Of course you can finish the game guns-blazing Wolfenstein style too but that's not going to get you the infamous "Ghost Achievement" which you can only obtain by playing the game without alerting anyone at all.
  13. Yeah...Strangely, Dishonored was the perfect spiritial successor to Thief. Especially considering how bad Thief 3 and 4 both were. Dishonored has that awesome stealth feeling that no other game really achieves. Strange that Butcher is in that video for releases this week, it's officially been out as a complete game since October last year.
  14. I see a couple others on the list that I don't have but would like to play and review. Is there a rule/cool down period or is the giveaway first come first serve? You already gave me a key yesterday so I thought I'd ask.
  15. I agree with you, every backer has their valid say in the matter. Especially since they put money into it. By the looks of it, you have put more money into it than me and I'm sure others who disagree with me as well. I would be okay with updates once a month even. I guess it's more of a personalized thing than anything else. I just don't want anyone here to get the wrong idea that I'm trying to tell a developer to update once every week or every other week or even force communication at all. If communication is being forced by the community or anything at all for that matter than the developer wouldn't be serving the backers period but I believe that updates should come naturally and not be forced. That said, as updates are rotated by people anyways, it's hard to believe that any update would actually feel forced in the first place. Imho, there's really no such thing as too much or excessive communication with the community imo, I'm sure any dev who loves their fans would say the same thing. Communication is best when bloated, it is worst when silenced.
  16. I wish Sega would get back to franchises like Jet Set Radio, Ecco The Dolphin, Chu Chu Rocket and such
  17. Saying "They get paid to make games, not updates" is a bit of a stretch to be honest. Updates for backers should be a standard (and are a standard) for kickstarted games. Updates are very important for the development process because you're keeping in contact with the backers and getting feedback. You have to remember though that they are only updating once every one or two weeks. It takes far less resources and effort to make a Fig update once every one or two weeks as opossed to posting updates daily on Twitter, Facebook,Tumblr, etc. And they don't even have to be long or revealing as the OP's point is for updates to be about the game and not the money. In other words, these guys are going to stream themselves playing games on Twitch and going to social media to make updates regardless because that's what a marketing/social media worker/team does. Every developer should have someone getting paid specifically to do updates on games on social media places, even if they have a publisher.
  18. True, I'm just tired of the semi-hostile responses and assumptions that can come from the community. Sometimes people are not offended but their comments make it almost sound as if otherwise. I agree with you with the oversharing as counter-productive as well but the game is huge. I wouldn't even mind a full update dedicated to some concept art of things that may or may not be in the final game. There are tons of stuff they could do.
  19. That probably true, I imagine that alot of the moves will be unlocked later in the game too.
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