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Everything posted by SonicMage117

  1. Here's my tiny review on the season finales: Gotham = Whatever Supergirl= Okay Flash = Good Arrow = Amazing For those who have watched them, do you agree or disagree?
  2. I'm going to laugh so hard if the main character doesn't have a beard!!!! It's going to be saying something lol
  3. This isn't real is it?! Reminds me of the movie 2001 Maniacs lmao and then add some Duck Dynasty RE7 also... Welcome to the family (Avenged Sevenfold slogan stuff included).
  4. Just tried Starpoint Gemeni 2. I like it, kinda reminds me of Klingon Academy
  5. Hmmm... looks like it could be decent. Glad I have Netflix
  6. I remember when she said she hated America as well... apparently she likes to lick doughnuts too
  7. A "warning" to people who have a paranoia against security. A guide to everyone else
  8. @Ben No.3 You've just proven my point for me.... As I said before, people aren't paranoid about security unless they're doing something wrong. The Internet one is the most common one I hear, yet it's not actually affecting your freedom in any way, is it? It's not preventing you from living your normal life on social media or buying, etc. Unless you're into something you know you shouldn't be into. If you have been falsely accused and held captive due to suspicion only to lose conpensation, feel free to take the police station to court. If you're worryimg about a missing a date or somethimg like that, I'm sure they'll understand. Temporal restrictions to freedom are because police are doing their job? If gun-control is being forced, there might be a reason for it. It really depends on the location and gang activity. The question is why do you really need a gun? Protection? And if so, are there not any other ways to protect yourself? By the way, there's a big difference between having freedom and abusing freedom which is what this has really come down to. Just because you have the freedom, doesn't mean you should actually be allowed to do with it as you please, like in everything else there should really be a balance. There's no such thing as someone being "right" to abuse their freedom. If that was the case this world would be even worse that it already is. My favorite one here is "Freedom: I can be a nazi" So in other words, freedom: you can hate, discriminate and support the genocide of a certain race, security: Keeps you sane enough to live peacefully as equals in a society. Yeah, I certainly get the drift. And that's exactly why I will always support a higher security level as opposed to no securiry at all. As times have changed, there are a lot of confused people which lead to dangerous situations and it's not getting any better. Higher security definitely isn't making things worse, things are getting worse whether we have security or not, the problem is that everyone has to deal with the consequences of security. Still, this doesn't make security bad in any way, just as an over-protective parent isn't bad.
  9. "What is the point in defending our way of life if we sacrifice the very thing we are trying to protect?" Can you give an example of this happening right now in your country? "our country is already on its way to becoming a police state and not only wouldn't have stopped this but could quite possibly make things even worse. " So you mean to tell me that if there would be police officers in the parking lot and outside the building that they would have not prevented the incident but made the situation worse? Wow. That logic lol Okay then..... Explain to me exactly how you think having more security on the scene beforehand would have made things worse.
  10. I suck at life 100% of the time
  11. Thanks! I didn't know that. I'll probably wait til next sale, not that it looks bad but I have a couple other games I want to get on my list first
  12. Security doesn't stop freedom, it protects it. There is no such thing as too much security, can you name an event that has ever had too much security? https://ec.europa.eu/programmes/horizon2020/en/h2020-section/secure-societies-%E2%80%93-protecting-freedom-and-security-europe-and-its-citizens There's no reason for people to fear security unless they're doing something wrong but feel free to prove me wrong.
  13. I had never heard of Star Crawlers til today. Will wishlist it and try to get it when there's a sale
  14. Heaven is for real... Lindsey Stirling is a goddess: Celtic Women (the first Celtic Women, not the ones now) are awesome to listen to, they calm my nerves.
  15. My favorites on Netflix are: Revolution and Nikita (showing my age here...) My favorite show on Hulu: Timeless and 12 Monkeys. Timeless is cool because it goes back into real historical events and time travellers make an alternate reality by changing things. I follow Arrow, Flash and Supergirl. I gave up on Legends Of Tomorrow when they killed off my favorite character on that show. Flash and Supergirl had a great musical episode, considerinf that alot of peeps from those shows are either from broadway originally or from Glee. That's about it... or so I think.
  16. It's being described as a 2D side-scrolling Thief game and it is on sale! Check out Killers And Thieves here:
  17. When did large scale concerts filled with kids become a silly matter? The youth should be the most protected age in any age group. You can tell that to the parents of the 8yo girl who died. A concert with kids ALWAYS should have double maybe even triple security with everything going on in this world today. This is a bombing, it's not the same thing as a thief breaking into a home to steal something. The priority is far greater. The perpetrator is at fault yes and so is security. They are called security for a reason, if it was your kid who died you might be asking yourself who was in charge of security that night...
  18. Erm... maybe the problem here is actually bad security. Need to do more to check people, even of they have to turn stadiums into airports with military personal. These are desperate times, and desperate times call for desperate measures. Hopefully security will be tighter next time. Sad to hear about these things yet they could have been better prepared for this. These things can always be prevented. Prayers go out to all those families, these are dark times. There's a wall being built in the Americas, maybe Europe needs a wall too. Nothing wrong with extra percautions just in case.
  19. Satellite Reign: Uplink is the spiritual successor to the 90's hit Syndicate and it's on sale now for $4.49 (from $29.99). Enjoy Cyberpunk stealth rts gameplay in an open-world that highly resembles Blade Runner.
  20. Game models loom phenomenal this time around. Thing is that the camera probably will never be that close except for character creation. I imagine inventory screen will havr the camera too far still.
  21. Was thinking of picking up and trying out Endless Space 2 if it's not like Stellasris. Anyone pick it up?
  22. YouTuber threatened by game publisher.... :'(
  23. I've had this song from Shovel Knight stuck in my head today, no clue why... It's just an addicting piece to listen to.
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