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Everything posted by SonicMage117

  1. Well E3 is far better now than it was in the 90's and in the early 2000's. What was the greatest attraction then? Booth babes with boobies. Now we have actual games and actual presentation instead of being held at a venue that looks like trash The main difference is that pc was the ring leader back then and now consoles have taken over. Still I have to give credit where it's due and they seem to be doing everything right now, at least. I still remember when we had E3's showing games like Summoner, Quake, Unreal and Max Payne but nobody cared and it was avoided. Then the same year we saw Tokyo Game Show and everything was impressed. Fast forward to present day and E3 is pretty much the superbowl of gaming. The vast majority of gamers will tune in to watch it live, instead of looking up on YouTube later when that's more convienent. PC will have a good floor though next year, only thanks to Steam/Valve's Direct which will give pc some awesome exclusives published by Valve, only available through Steam. So that way, pc gamers won't feel left out. As long as I see some Spider-Man for PS4 this year, I'll be happy but if I see another Batman game.... I'll be even happier! <3
  2. PS4/XB gamers care. PC gamers don't care (not like there's a reason to since pc format is an afterthought for all the good games anyway). Nintendo fanbase? They're in the middle. Nintnedo always has a couple surprises but no where near Sony of course. In short, pc gamers: no. Console gamers: yes. I'll be watching it to see what goes on sale or releases simultaneous to the event ;D Mostly I just like to watch developers talk about their games or upcoming projects. It's interesting to me to see who is passionate or who is just.... there. Most times I think E3 is blown out of proportion, however, there's been a couple years that E3 has been amazing. E3 has been better these past few years than they have ever been... with splitting events, side competitions, sales and so on. Reveals and developers are getting more passionate it seems. Can't say I care much for Battlefront 2 yet it's probably going to be one of the biggest games at E3 so there's and I hate that - when E3 peeps are hyping up a game you don't care for and spend more time on something then when you watch floor videos on YouTube you see other games that didn't get a presentation and you think "Wtf... why didn't this one get talked about??!" So that's been my reaction alot of the times too.
  3. Every Lego game has been awesome and totally different from the next. Lego Batman 3 Beyond Gotham is a great game. I will tell you why. Although it lacks the vast open world of Lego Batman 2, Lego Batman 3 has more inclusion and use of the heroes and villains of the DC Universe. What's more is that you can go to space and different planets which is also noce - even moreso if you are familiar with the DC lore. You have Stephen Amell voicing Arrow in the Green Arrow dlc. There's alot of small stuff that Traveller's Tale does to keep every Lego game uniqe and fresh. I also recommend Lego Marvel Super Heroes which has a sequel coming out in November and it's going to be absolutely amazing.
  4. Yeah, that's not a bad thing. Unpopular opinion here - Give me the ability to spam my abilities rather than having to rest to use it again.
  5. Yeah, it happens... I mean trophies/achievements are just as buggy on consoles as they are on pc and most of the time it's not the game's fault but the format or something else entirely.
  6. Yes, totally disregard all the unprovable BS you stated about the 1050 ti having more driver support from nVidia, right? I already said, I'll post some legit info as soon as you provide proof that nVidia will support the 1050 ti longer than any other gpu on the market currently. It should be easy for you so you know so much and aren't copying and pasting from somewherw else. Just because you mix your BS with other people's facts or spec-sheets doesn't magically make your BS true. May this be a lesson to you. Now get off your high horse and learn to take one for a team. Oh and don't tell me when the conversation is over as if you can control me or insinuating that I can no longer reply. You embaressed yourself the moment you came here acting like you were someone of higher intelligect - clearly you're not. You're just a faceless random so I'll decide for myself when the conversation ends. Thanks for proving my point and have a great day
  7. Agreed, I think graphics are just as important as the gameplay and story, as well as character designs. I think I've said it before. If the art style or playable characters don't appeal to me then I won't consider buying the game... while that may sound shallow at first impulse, it really isn't because I'm not as picky as the statement suggest. I love pixel art graphics and cel-shading, both have evolved do much over the years, becoming better and better with new artists and techniques. This is especially shown in 2D fighters. I also love photorealistic graphics. What I don't like? I've never bought a game with voxel graphics so that's the only style Ive really had a problem with. I don't think people would say "graphics do not matter" if we went back to Pong/Pac-Man style graphics for our games. PoE2 graphics seem astounding and nobody's going too say "Obsidian should focus on the game play instead of giving us those great graphics" because nobody is going to complain about an rpg having better graphics, instead FPS usually fall victim to an rpg player's critique which I always found a bit odd. And perhaps that's just because rpg's have evolved much slower graphically than any other genre of game. Anyways, as one forum out of many, I think going to a CDPR (Witcher) forum or an fps forum and people will say graphics matter just as much as game play. That's my thought at least
  8. I don't mind achievements, I don't particularly care for them but I don't mind when people say "I just got the last achievement! OMG!!!" To me it's just a clever way for devs and pubs to make a game more appealing to the competitive audience. If you install a game and play in offline mode, you won't get achievements, so that's one way of avoiding them on Steam. You won't get them til you play the game while online. At least that's why I have only the endgame achievements with 0.1 hours on Mad Max and Soma where as I should have all the achievements
  9. *Sigh*... Why bother? You'd just contest whatever I post with a wall of text, right? And no, 1050ti won't get much better than 860m gtx, the 860m gtx is a DirectX 12 card just like the 1050 ti. This stuff that you're making up is quite odd. You're making it look like your low-end 1050 ti will last longer than any other card - it won't. It will have the same shelf life as any other gpu, it definitely won't last longer than the 860m gtx laptop gpu. That's just something you're making up although for the life of me, I can't figure out why. Can you provide proof to a link to support your claim that the 1050 ti will get more driver support than any other DX12 gpu? Perhaps something from nVidia themselves so it would be more tangible/credible. I'll make you a deal, if you can provide me with the proof of your statement, then I will provide you with mine. I think that's only fair
  10. I agree which is also why I said what I said.
  11. Considering that all you need with KB&M is the W key and the mouse, even I didn't need to use the controller and I play every action game with a controller.True but.. It's dependent on the mouse you have though. For my Alienware Alpha, I use a Bluetooth keyboard with a mousepad where the numpad usually is so it's extremely uncomfortable for mouse and keyboard games. I suppose I could buy a wireless mouse but.... that would defeat the purpose. So I usually play mouse and keyboard games when I am on my primary gaming pc. I'm very excited for this (Lego Marvel Super Heroes 2) https://youtu.be/TZp3WsNXIUY I've played just about every Lego game out there and what I love that every Lego game looks the same but is very different. In Lego Hobbit, the focus was on crafting items, in Lego Jurassic world, the focus was on creating new dinosaurs via dna convexor, etc. Every Lego game has something that drastically sets it apart from the rest and I'm more excited for this one than any Lego game I've ever been.
  12. Yeah, the new fixed version of Kotor 2 is definitely better than the original release. I'm glad they officially applied the "Restored Content Mod" because that's how the original was supposed to be in the first place - had it not been rushed. The only problem I have with it is that the controller support was wonky and I mean, the console versions of Kotor had a much better control scheme with controller than pc did with keyboard and mouse.
  13. I don't think anyone here is envious of your hardware... if anything your rig could use a few upgrades. The Alienware Alpha I have was a gift from my wife to use for traveling. Here is the pc that I built for 4k gaming... ••• PC1 Custom Desktop ••• Cpu: AMD Vashira 8-Core @4.5ghz Gpu: nVidia 1080ti (8gb) System Memory: Kingston HyperX Fury Black 16GB DDR3-2400 Storage: Samsung 750 EVO 500GB 2.5" SSD +Seagate 4TB 3.5" HDD Case: NZXT Phantom P240 (Mystic Black) ATX-Mid Power Supply: EVGA SuperNOVA GS 650W 80+ Gold Certified ATX (Fully Modular) Thanks for that link. Now all forum members please don't respond to my posts here and I will let it rest. Next poster can talk about their personal favorite games. Originally I copied that hardware description from the place that sells that computer. I am to lazy to edit that now. Give it a rest now already. Yeah you are correct it might look as advertising if you are very critical. For example when they list hardware they tend to list memory in one line. Whatever lets move on and next poster can talk about his or her favorite games.Well you made several walls of text and they weren't replying to anybody, they were just bragging about low-end hardware and strange "tips" that were really out of place. You do realize that these gpu's you are bragging about are low-end right? 970 gtx is pretty much the standard now and 1080's/Titans are the high end gpus on the market. I'm wondering why my ultra low-end 860m laptop gpu outperforms the 1050ti when playing The Division which is by far one of the more demanding tests anyone has done between the two gpu's. You don't have to respond with a page of info, I was just wondering (not asking)
  14. I haven't played this new Steam version of Silver. From my understanding THQ Nordic has updated the coding and added some things. If I remember correctly, they are going to add controller support as well. I think this new version is only on Steam but it may come to GoG as well. It's nice that they are ironing out the bugs and adding some new features, perhaps THQ Nordic is going to be come the next Beamdog. http://steamcommunity.com/app/606680/discussions/0/1291817837624526888/ For now the main gripe on the Steam forums is that this kind of support and care has never been shown to the GoG version so GoG users are angry and trying to pass ot off as an "inferior" version for whatever reason. For ex. THQ Nordic supoort is going next level: Mac users who were experiencing problems and posted in forums, THQ Nordic redpomded by pushing an update that was released the next day so the support and customer service is truly impeccable. Clearly this version is far superior unless you are using a pc that's running Windows XP. Personally, me, I'll be buying it soon, $4.79 at the moment from $5.99. The differences are great but not damaging to the original game's vision from what I gather. Have fun! :D Edit: I love Victor Vran, I was sad when I completed the game cuz I really found myself wanting more. It was a much better game than The Adventures Of Van Helsing imo and I can't wait for the Motorhead dlc to finally release.
  15. I really like that Archmage one.
  16. All I can say is that my Alienware Alpha has an 860m gtx which is technically far weaker than the 1050ti, yet it outperforms it in most cases so idk. Start there
  17. It's just Bethesda isn't the type of company to take "risks" and making a sci-fi rpg would be an overly risky move - even if people would appreciate the idea, appreciating the final product is a different thing altogether. For example, all the changes that Bethesda made to Fallout 4 were pretty much requested by the community but when he product released was only recieved well by half of them maybe. If they announced anything new at E3, it would probably be something about Fallout 4. I think would would be better off is if they announced a collaborative project eirh Obsidian... perhaps Fallout: Nuked Orleans or anything Fallout really with Obsidian doing the writing of course.
  18. I have a feeling that even if it was true, it would be VERY bad.
  19. The classic action rpg called "Silver" is now available.. This is still one of my favorite rpg's of all time. I played it on Dreamcast and instantly fell in love with it. Nice to see available again. Next can we have "Revenant"?
  20. Ahhhh.... I wish you could make your own character but pther than that, looks like a cool world to discover :D Edit: Had to add this:
  21. Nice, I didnt know. I dont think Ive ever played a Gothic game. This looks like everything I wanted from Fallout 4 lol The environments intrigue me, the raptors and the traversing of the Jetpack
  22. When I saw that Elex had dinosaurs, I knew I will be buying it lol Raptors ftw!
  23. It's real time fast paced action, classic 90's style tank controls The thing about strategy is that you have to be careful not to undershoot or overshoot enemies, conserve anmo and there's a trade-off with the vehichles you choose because if you choose a Fallout style suit or a a hovercraft or a full sized mech. Fallout style suits take a long time to destroy something but can hide well within the city, hovercrafts can travel quick and swiftly but are weaker, full sized mechs are high armor and destroy everything fadt but can be spotted from a mile away. Ammo and shield management are also crucial, you can refill at a Depot but if enemies are shooting at you, the explosion will kill your vehicle (everything in the game is destructible) Of course there are other vehichles too... Tanks, Gyros, Minivans with guns, etc. There's even a roll-cage lol
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