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Everything posted by thepixiesrock

  1. I think it would be cool to ,as said earlier, learn powers from a holocron...
  2. They wouldnt have two different choices of people that would teach you it. They would just go with one...
  3. Bastilla won't teach you battle meditation. You could kill her in kotor...
  4. Your character might not have went into the Mandalorian Wars just to follow Revan, you could have went into the wars for your own personal reasons. Revan wasn't following anyone...
  5. I also remember hearing this a few months ago. Use the search before you post anymore topics...
  6. Then of course there is when you have a game that you do not finish and then you get a new game system and then years go by and you have gtten another new console and you never seem to go back to that one game...
  7. I want to get it the first day but I am not sure I will be able to...
  8. Its ok laozi likes the pixies.
  9. In the first kotor they had a decendant of General Dodona.
  10. You can't have it 1000 years later or else it wouldnt be knights of the old republic 3. It would take place in a whole new time period...
  11. Ahh I see there is a fellow pixies fan amoung us...
  12. I was just curious as to what in kotor goes against the rest of the EU?
  13. I noticed this also...
  14. They already gave you something, a false promise about a symultanious release date...
  15. Maybe those mido... things that lucas created are like dominate and recessive genes as in the jedi have dominate genes so if two jedi "mate" then they will have a force sensitive child and if they aren't jedi then there is still a chance but unlikely... Or I could be wrong...
  16. Use the search next time you want to post something. This has been covered many times.
  17. So the Eddo36 thread factory is still operational I see... Why do you post so many threads because let me tell you i have looked at most of your other threads and your number of good ideas aren't proportional with you number of threads. As in you have more threads than good ideas...
  18. Revan went to Korriban to get the star map. This question is pretty stupid since the game explains it. You all have theories on what happened when the game already explains that Revan and Malak went to all of those worlds to get the star map.
  19. All of these topics have been covered in the past. Try searchinbg the forum once in a while. And they aren't interesting suggestions... .
  20. People may still be posting suggestons but there are no new suggestions. People just keep asking the same questions and bringing up the same topics. They should try reading the stickies and the topic search...
  21. I do, but then again it might just be my kitchen...
  22. At least they didn't make a completely ne thread...
  23. It's been said before and already said to have been implemented.
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