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Everything posted by thepixiesrock

  1. It is... And its still not the best title they could come up with. Thank you that is all Goodbye...
  2. Well ass hole I was joking. This enire thread is a joke. So dont get your panties in a bunch. Thank you that is all Goodbye...
  3. I am truely sorry for even bringing it up its just that i have nightmares about it everynight and i see the word "saber-whip" everywhere i go. I am forever haunted by the thought. Thank you that is all Goodbye
  4. Sorry for my obruptly, bluntly, rude way of saying you should check the faq and other forums. Once again i apologies... Thank you that is all Goodbye...
  5. Why dont you read the faq or try looking at the other threads. There is no need for another thread talking about master and aprentice. Thank you that is all Goodbye...
  6. If you are joking then this is pretty amusing but if not it is still amusing yet annoying it is probly the dumbest idea I have heard since sabe-whips. And you also have like 3 different threads talking about this. You are an idiot if you are serious if not then you arent an idiot you are cool... Thank you that is all Goodbye...
  7. Looks like Mon Mothma to me... Thank you that is all Goodbye...
  8. I had another brilliant brainstorm, what if we made it so that you could go online with players everywere so you can battle your charicters to see who is the best and trade quest items so you dont have to go through the game and you can just skip over everything. And what about all of those times you have said to your friend "i can play pazak better than you" well now you should be able to put that to the test. Hey obsidian it wont be a game of the year without any of the things listed in this thread especially the jeffersons theme song. Thank you that is all Goodbye...
  9. Pretty mutch all the robes i have seen are the generic robes of the jedi you cant say that you saw them in only one specific movie... Thank you that is all Goodbye...
  10. Hey now it hink we all need to calm down and stop this conversation about proper english please, besides it is taking attention away from my thread named "GREATEST COLLECTION OF KOTOR2 IDEAS EVER ASSEMBLED" I think you should all check it out and be enlightened by the great wisdom i have. Thank you that is all goodbye...
  11. If anyone has ever read the book Animal farm you will find that i am much like the charicter Benjamine the Donkey. Thank you that is all goodbye
  12. I know i mean the episode 3 title is too dumb mine would have been "Episode III The Phantom Clones Revenging Upon the Jedi with Help from the Sith" Or something along those lines. Thank you that is all goodbye...
  13. I just had a brainstorm of a lifetime: after finding out about Bastila then rips off another mask and turns out to be Jar Jar binks from the future and tells you about the clone wars and how you are the great great great great great great great great great grandfather of the greatest fighter in the clone wars and that your life is in danger because of a cyborg that has come back in time to kill you also and then you and Jar Jar kill off the cyborg but Jar Jar dies in the process. I will also take this time to explain my name thepixiesrock the pixies are a band from the late 80's early 90's and my name mearly says that they rock. Thank you that is all goodbye...
  14. The lightside robes look like all of the prequels jedi robes not just "revenge of the sith" which by the way is a horrible title for the movie. Thank you that is all goodbye...
  15. Just so this thread doesnt go off into a Jefersons fan thread let me just remind us why we are all at this thread... its so you can all bow down before my genoius and realize my vast supiriority to all of you. Thank you that is all goodbye...
  16. And so the legend of stupid pointless threads continue... Thank you that is all goodbye
  17. Is there any need for this or any of the other stupid thread currently curculating on this site? No there is no need for it but that doesnt mean it is going to stop.
  18. At this very moment the share holders in the company are firing the current owner of the company and putting me in charge I am-a-moving on up...
  19. No it means i think both sides are annoying and i dont dont want to save or rule the galaxy. Thank you that is all goodbye
  20. So I have pondered long and hard about this and I have now composed my thoughts and would like to present to you what i like to call an "EXTRAVAGANSA OF COMPILED THOUGHTS ABOUT WHAT SHOULD BE IN KOTOR 2 THE SITH LORDS" my ideas are as follow... 1. We should get a new and improved droid that makes everyother droid obsolete and has the power of 10 no 50 HK47s and I call him "BM58". 2. We need lightsaber whips or "light-whips" as I reffer to them as. 3. not only should you get a "light-whip" but the new and improved droid wich i like to refer to as "BM58" should get one as well. 4. "BM58" should become not only your droid but also your aprentice. 5. Not only should "BM58" be your apprentice but also a "love intrest" for all of the droid lovers out there. 6."BM58" will reveal to you at the end of the game thats he is actually Bastilla and then "BM58" rips off a mask and there is Bastila and that will make for a very good plot twist. These are my own ideas and they are infact the best ideas to ever grace these forums and you should all thank me and at the end of the credits it should say "thank you thepixesrock because without you the game would not even be what it is" and i should also get a free copy of the game. That is all goodbye...
  21. Thank you I try my best...
  22. To quote a wise gammer that appears on these forums I second that motion... That is all goodbye.
  23. S i started my day as any other would by coming to the great forums at obsidian ent.com and i decided to check in on the latest news and information on the sequel to last years best seller. When I got to the forums iI noticed a thread named "meaner than hk" so I decided I would check it out and see what the creator of this thread wanted to babble on about. As I began to read I was already horrified and stupified by the bluntly idiotic post but as I began to read more and more into the thread tono ones great surprise it got progressively worse and worse as the page number went up and up. This is just my way of saying this is a stupid thread.
  24. It's a pretty good idea and i also have to give you points for originality due to the fact that i havent heard this suggestion before so i guess that is what sets this thread apart from the others here.
  25. And so the endless wave of already discussed topics continues...
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