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Everything posted by thepixiesrock

  1. I have gone insane...
  2. No, I am actually an alien from the planet K-pax...
  3. Really? Because I don't think I have any emotion. Actually I know I have no emotion. I am a robot...
  4. I have more emotion, just read my signiture...
  5. Not "a" pixie. The pixies are a band from about 1986-1991. And they rock.
  6. The rumored "pockets" as you said are to be found all over the galaxie...
  7. Yes "doesn't really" indeed...
  8. If by "enter the tomb" you mean go into the kitchen and get something to eat then you are correct because I am ready to "enter the tomb" as you say...
  9. No I wasn't. I always talk mysteriously like that so people don't know if I am being sarcastic or not...
  10. Brilliant observation starwars kid...
  12. Oh Darth Sun_Tzu, you and your crazy smiley face emotions...
  13. I would imagine that you meet a sort of hermit sith in hiding like Jolie but on the darkside not someone powerful like one of the sith lords.
  14. I thought the jedi council cut off your connection to the force for difying them...
  15. I second that motion...
  16. No I don't care too much for beaches...
  17. I personally thought the selkath were worse...
  18. There are no real beaches where I am either...
  19. I would not mind so much...
  20. We are going to play by the beach inddeed...
  21. I did not care much for "Big Z" because you could not interact with him. Less of a party member and more of a walking weapon...
  22. Vamos a jurgar pour la playa...
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