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Everything posted by Fenghuang

  1. This is a gift and a curse. Trust me on this one.
  2. Doesn't matter to me, I have free insurance. <happy dance>
  3. Not scared, eating it up!
  4. Now you can't accurately assess that. You being over it != most people being over it. I doubt most people even know of the new name yet. Ipod manages to sound like a fancy gadget, Wii sounds like a touchy feely high school art project. I'm not sure they actually invented the two-button controller and directional pad, nor the analogue stick as a device for playing games, but popularized it for home consoles for sure. Anyway, I see your point, but I still stand by what I said. The importance of quality and inventiveness in games still overrides gimmicky new ways to interface with them IMO. I'm still waiting for someone to get rid of the traditional right analogue stick for modern controllers and put a a touch pad similar to what you find on laptops on there. It would bring the precision a little closer to what you get with a traditional mouse. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Oh ye gods no. Touchpads suck, no tactile feedback, a nubbin would be better, or better still a trackball. Nintendo first invented the D-pad on the Game and Watch series game watches. They implemented it on the NES after noticing what a pain the old controllers were on your hands, and wanting to have the functionality of a joystick without the wrist cramps and lack of other controls. They did in fact invent the analog stick, and leading up to the N64's launch it was such a secret that people playing with it were required to use the controller while it was inside a cardboard box! (w00t)
  5. I missed it, been too busy to keep up with comics.
  6. Can't believe this hasn't already been posted.
  7. I really really don't like Intel. Between the poor business practices and up until possibly Conroe inferior bang for buck compared to AMD, Conroe would have to be something really amazing for me to shell out my cash to them. It'll probably be 3-6 months depending on what I need to spend money on between then and now and how much the upgrade ends up totaling.
  8. TAKE IT BACK! :angry:
  9. Black PCB with gold details is the sexiest of all, but I've only seen that on motherboards and that one Creative sound card. Anyhow, computer, now!
  10. If everybody gave then we could save Palladium Books. So...uh...yeah.
  11. Yes, shiny and red, good for case modding. Geez.
  12. Did I say anywhere in that post that I was ATI exclusive? I'm trying to figure what is best. I've used Nvidia cards before, I had an old GeForce 4 that was pretty awesome. ATi cards are prettier though and generally perform pretty similar to better. Also they're easier to overclock...
  13. I agree with Bokishi - You might want to buy an Xbox first and wait till new hardware/lowerprices are set for what you want on pc, since THATS what changes most frequently. PC prices and components are always in flux. EDIT: have you seen the comparison of XBOX vs PC with oblivion? The XBox is just about as good as a SLI Rig to be honest. IGN compares PC and Xbox Versions <{POST_SNAPBACK}> That's an Xbox 360. There's no way in hell I'm buying one of those because A) I have no games for it. B) I have no HDTV and that would cost more than a new computer more'n likely. C) The hardware's still new and very, very faulty. I'll buy a PS2 eventually, then an Xbox maybe, but for now I just want advice for a PC upgrade. Can you guys give this to me or are you just going to keep telling me to get a console like a$$holes.
  14. Waiting until it drops in price some more. Also, the games for Xbox are still comparitively expensive to PC games. Also I really wanna upgrade. Bok, be helpful instead of being an ass, there's only like three or four games I want on Xbox anyway, PS2 is better.
  15. Guys, you're misunderstanding, this June sixth comes out as 666 without the zeroes. Hella metal.
  16. Depends, because this is one of the stupidest polls I've ever seen. If I had a right to persecute you I'd of lynched you by now.
  17. Already promised it to my family. I wanna run a few of the games I already have at full settings (Half Life 2, new Prince of Persia, San Andreas, couple others) and I want to get Oblivion and play it at settings > ugly, as well as newer games that come along as they pique my interest.
  18. My new boss runs a computer business alongside the Quizno's he owns and he's offered to order them using his wholesale account and then have me pay the same. I want AMD, must be PCI-E (duh) and have decent onboard sound. Most other things are negotiable. Oh, slot 939 is the new AMD one also IIRC, that's another thing it needs to be. Also if anyone who's been keeping up with the tech a little closer than me knows if there's any new standards just on the horizon that I should wait for to upgrade to, please do speak up. This is the site I can order from. Have at it. EDIT: I can't believe I forgot to mention what I need. I need a new processor, graphics card, and MOBO. I'm running on an AMD 2500 and 9600XT right now.
  19. Mine's neon green and my motherboard's black. It's pretty. ^_^
  20. Does Spain have oil?
  21. For serious. Sega Rally was awesome. I have a PC version of it somewhere around here.
  22. Yeah! Some of them want belts or wallets!
  23. It'd kill my connection.
  24. This plus Sawyers quote has me jonesing. OTOH I really wasn't at all fond of Baldur's Gate, never got my hands on the second one or the expansions.
  25. Actually I think it'd be a lot harder to annex or join forces, or whatever, with Mexico than Canada. The pace of life and culture there is totally different, Canada is already pretty damn similar to the US. Except for the Quebecois, and even their fellow Canadians hate them. ^_^
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