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Everything posted by Fenghuang

  1. ... Humor meter not calibrated today Bok?
  2. Uh, there's another one that looks almost exactly like the ones in the screens. Not that I'm saying who it is because then you'll know who's in the screens for sure. I...I just wanted a filename I could find again easily.
  3. Well there is a point to that. I certainly even be considering the military as a valid career option if I had as much money as most the people I grew up with. Also, because I am essentially 'The Man' there are hardly any scholarships available to me to help pay for school, which is why I'm looking to pick up CISCO certification before I go to a four year.
  4. Nah, he was complaining because he sleeps on beds of money but there's no games for the 360 to spend it on.
  5. " <{POST_SNAPBACK}> There's several fish gods in the Lovecraft Mythos. Jackass.
  6. I dunno. I was talking about Smash Brothers because I haven't played Soul Calibur very extensively. Llyranor might've been talking about Soul Calibur though.
  7. Sky High, on teh television. It was alright I guess. Really goddamn cheesy but alright for a family movie.
  8. I will admit that Link's blade is a freaking b!tch to dodge, but Fox/Falco are still quicker than him.
  9. It's true. My siblings banned me from Fox or Falco in SSBM for this very reason. I was just too quick for them to hit.
  10. Where've you been? Potent's had a 360 for awhile now.
  11. No captions this time to avoid spoilers. EDIT: Thumbnails because karka's a crybaby. EDITx2: Other post is too old to change, mods are welcome to make the pictures thumbnails if they like.
  12. That's the less inhibited part.
  13. Well, there's a crowbar that's oddly reminiscent of Half Life, but it's only on the earlier levels, it's okay, and you can sometimes get one hit kills if you sneak up on a guy, but they make a CLUNK noise so they aren't that stealthy, the knife in the screenshot which is stealthy, and if you use it in aimed mode on a baddy who hasn't seen you is a silent instakill. There's an automatic pistol which pretty much sucks, but it has a high refire rate, usually takes 2-3 headshots to kill baddies with it. There's a revolver that while with a lower refire rate is basically an instakill if you hit the head. A double barreled shotgun which is [expectedly] only good at close range, but is devastating when you do, sadly you can only shoot one barrel at a time and you get two shots before you have to reload. There's a rifle, which is basically your only decent long range weapon unless you're really good with the pistols, and a tommy gun. The tommy gun is good and all, but I much prefer the shotgun or rifle, depending on distance, because of the massive recoil. Especially when my vision's going all swimmy anyway. Haven't been there yet actually. I think that's one of the next stops, one or two levels left before game over.
  14. Well it certainly makes you less inhibited and willing to do what you otherwise wouldn't...
  15. Gromnir probably would make a good moderator but he's also on the record as saying there's no way in hell (paraphrased) he'll do it.
  16. I think he's gently pointing out you do nothing but try and incite flame wars wherever you go on this board. Heck, it's what helped to nose you out of your mod position isn't it?
  17. Well it's not like they're really careful with the selection processes Visc. I mean, if you're friends with enough of the intertron blue bloods and have nude pics you too can be a mod!
  18. So you are saying that one of the greatest genrals of US history, Patton, is wrong. Interesting. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Meh, I calls them as I see them. To win a war fought on many fronts sometimes requires sending some of your men to die and knowing it. Sure it'd be nice if you could always send them into low risk conflicts you knew they'd come out of, but sometimes there's suicide missions that need doing.
  19. Wrong. The point of war is to bring the other country into utter submission to yours by any means neccessary. It's larger than the individual level. Losses are acceptable if they mean a larger success elsewhere. Atrocities sometimes must be commited in the name of stemming larger ones down the line.
  20. Yeah. The problem with more flying debris and making a huge mess with boxes, or any physics intensive calculation (for instance a field of grass with independently moving blades of grass) is the way we're doing it now, it generally puts a tremendous strain on the CPU. As more and more games become physics heavy, tasking the CPU and other devices with physics calculations become less feasible, similar to how tasking the CPU with graphics calculations lost it's luster at the beginning of the 3D graphics boom. Basically it's more flying debris and making a mess with boxes without putting strain on your system which makes it possible for more flying debris and messy boxes. Plus how cool would realistic looking vegetation be, I've yet to see this in any game I've played.
  21. It is pretty good. I'm kind of disappointed though. Anyhow I'll try and get a screenshot of two of that in a little bit, after I sleep for a few hours. That battle was intense. Really good game though, despite some of my problems with their spin the constitution of Ancients. Worth every penny I spent on it.
  22. Uh, a rant about a twenty five year old in love with a seventeen year old he ended up marrying. Eldar, are you secretly a debaucherous lecher?
  23. Can you imagine a House of the Dead game with that? Frikkin' sweet. Also I am elated to hear about the Metal Slug compilation, I was pissed when they only released their latest stuff on Xbox.
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