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Everything posted by Fenghuang

  1. <stares at Atton and wonders to himself what 'flase' is on his spare clock cycles>
  2. Amused Statement: What is this? Meatbags, giving in to their base desires. Oh, how much I know of such desires, why one time when I was on an extended assassination, I served as a Hutt's pleasure droid. Oh how I loathed that meatbag. It had an untimely death at the hands of rogue nanites introduced to it's body from an unknown source. If any of you meatbags need me I have been retrofitted with certain 'attachments' that may or may not be useful to you.
  3. Actually I'm about to start using Linux because my college courses require it. But c'mon man, you need to lay of the Linux a little bit Joe. I mean, fanboi of an OS?!
  4. I eat a Double Double and an order of Fries, both Animal Style, and a Neapolitan shake from the In-n-Out weekly. I blame this for my weight loss.
  5. I can't see my dentist fantasizing about vampires while performing a root canal. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Well that's obviously because your dentist isn't lesbian goth.
  6. In The End - Linkin Park :">
  7. I live in California and leave my bike out in front of the house all the time. Unlocked.
  8. New Jersey's a state Mus?.
  9. I'm thinking about my ongoing plot to stab alanschu with a knife.
  10. Nope, gosh honest truth.
  11. Scarface. Big screen, antique theatre. F'n rad.
  12. It's the sweet spot. I actually read an article on this awhile back, don't remember what it's called so I'm not gonna bother tracking it down, but the gist of it is, in a PG-13 movie they can put just about all the violence they want into it, and a lot of most bad words (only one f-bomb allowed I think, other words are gratuitous enough that there should be no shortage of intensifiers), and lots of sexual content so long as they don't go to full frontal nudity. For scaling back on sex, F-bombs and other highly offensive words, and maybe toning a completely off the wall gorey scene down, they get to have pretty much every kid who wants to see the movie see it. They don't card anybody for the movie, and even if the parents are there they're able to feel good about taking their kid to see the movie because "It's not rated R." The only thing that bugs me about this is the lack of boobies. I'm on to you Hollywood.
  13. So I guess it's some disease, where you can't process sugars correctly. At least that's what I hear.
  14. The Leaving Song Pt. 2 - AFI
  15. No really guys, I think they just booze it up a lot.
  16. I sit around all day eating ice cream and I continue to lose weight. Go latent mutant abilities!
  17. So like yeah, it has cowboys in it and stuff, or at least so I hear.
  18. If I told you, I'd have to kill you.
  19. Are we sure they aren't just the drunkest country in the world? That'd make a lot more sense to me.
  20. This happened to me, it's true. Got bloated up when I was on antidepressants and they effed with my metabolism. Got off them and I dropped about a hundred pounds in <6 months when my metabolism reverted back to that of a small rodent. Sucks to be my midsection.
  21. So Hades is a total fatty? Nobody likes a fatty Hades, nobody. I hear bulimia is an attractive weight loss option that's totally hip with the youngsters these days.
  22. Holy crap that must be why they got divorced! "You thought you'd shave your what and you accidentally cut off WHAT?!!"
  23. Hades, I'm trying to convince the guys to make you an official member of TADS. Don't screw this up.
  24. Nah man, I just read the first post and then I reply.
  25. It's because the audience can't empathize with coldhearted machines. Heck, most humans are afraid of them on one level or another. The underdog starfighter pilot from humble origins on the other hand is a real crowd pleaser. The sappy audience gets all emotionally attached to them, to the point where they're sitting on the edge of their seats when s/he's in danger.
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