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Hassat Hunter

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Everything posted by Hassat Hunter

  1. KOTOR2 has issues with Dual-Core processors. Disable one of the Cores, see if that works. Do a search and you'll quickly find many explenations how to disable cores...
  2. Dxun/Onderon parts: Blow the charges for Mandalore, release the doctor from prison. Then just put Bao-Dur in your team as soon as you return to Dxun and you have a fully functional LS to fight Visas... Have fun
  3. That was a SG-1 episode, yeah. Quite fun. And no; Stargate isn't "realistic"... no Sci-fi is... that's why it is called SCI-FI(ction!). Can't really at once think up my favorite Atlantis episode (and 4 isn't aired here yet )
  4. After it is done (1.0B) it is done as Closed Beta to several prior-selected people. After they ran through and any new big problems that pop up are fixed (1.0C) it's our time.
  5. You don't have the right parts. What you have are upgrade parts, not the building parts. Just game on; you'll find the needed components.
  6. Known issue... if you defend Kreia you have to defeat the waves thrice to continue. Attacking Kreia, or choosing the "apathy" path will allow you to continue right away. (and I assume with white person you mean "Handmaiden"?)
  7. Probably the Cheat Node glitch. Check http://www.team-gizka.org
  8. Yes (unless the main player isn't the PC like the attack on Freedon Nadd's tomb)
  9. It all depends on the Repair skill of your character. Improve it and you shall have more components afterwards.
  10. You're a hydra. You have many different outlooks on life, and know how to utilize each one to make the best of any situation. Others may mistake this for hypocrisy or even insanity, but you know yourself better than that. Indecision is your greatest flaw. Your alignment tends slightly towards *evil*. Anyone really surprised? PS. Someone make Fionavar do it...
  11. co-ckpit... But you won't get unto Go-to's ship till: * You pissed/pleased the Exchange enough * Defeated the Red Eclipse (enter and exit the refugee sector)
  12. Dowload WinRAR: www.rarlab.com/
  13. Majesty 2 (in the works) Deus Ex 2 (in the works... with a 3 title) Freelancer 2 Monkey Island 4 (a *Real* 4, not the Return stuff) Planescape: Torment 2 Gangsters 3 (turn-based as the first) Silver 2
  14. Yeah, the options are gone once you return from the surface. However; You *can* complete Smuggling and Smuggling in Citadel Station by just delivering the wanted components. I assume you cannot ask the people at Docking Station 3 about Batu?
  15. No longer available post-surface... and properly fixed with the Escaped Criminals Fix.
  16. Top to right 2nd to middle Top to middle. 3rd to right Top to right 2nd to left Top to left 3rd to middle Top to right 2nd to middle Top to middle 4 to right Top to right 2nd to left top to left 3rd to right top to middle 2nd to right Top to right
  17. Have you removed the guards from the Refugee Sector exit already? If not, kill them both, then try talking to Aaida again...
  18. The fixes aren't retro-active. The criminals should be fixed next time when you meet them on the surface with the patch (pre-patch the completion dialogue is *only* available pre-to-the-surface... when you haven't even killed them yet!) The fuel is fixed only if you talk to Vogga to complete it with the patch applied. If you already talked the quest skipped too far ahead. Also note there is a branch in G0-T0's conversation which faultly alters the Fuel Quest again making it unsolvable (even with Gizka's fix)...
  19. Also note the Readme's awesome "known bugs" section where it explains that the game will crash if you go to long without going over to other maps. Now instead of fixing that...
  20. Hmmm... we already had one (LadyCrimson) in the past. takes over...
  21. Chocolate Mouse Nazi? Good thing I ain't made from chocolate then...
  22. Leaving planets for last shouldn't be a problem. I just recently did Onderon last and got the message as soon as I got on the ship (it even gives the option "Already? I just WAS there". But ofcourse there are some common issues on the planet that can halt game-progress, no matter which number of planet it is. As for the swoop-issue... it *should* have been fixed in 1.0b (the official patch). You can use KSE (link in FAQ) to set Swoop_(crash I think, something like it) in Booleans to 0 to fix it manually aswell.
  23. Do you have any mods installed? Mods that alter the main PC might sound like the cause of it... Also how many HP did you have when entering Visquis Arena?
  24. Hmmm... at that point in the game the control should go over to Atton, not the PC. As to why it crashes instead of properly going over to the other char. no idea. And for some odd reason they deleted the Technical Fora, where might have been previous issues of these kind stored. You might want to try PM Fionavar and see if he wants to search through the (for us hidden) archive if there is a matching thread with sollution. That's all I can think off, at any rate
  25. Kotor and Kotor2 have a really bad way of rendering smoke. It does so by using the CPU instead of the GPU, which is made for tasks like that. The best thing you could try is shutting one core off, add the "Disable Vertex Buffer Shaders=1" line at the correct place, and then hope for the best...
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