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Hassat Hunter

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Everything posted by Hassat Hunter

  1. Hmmm, you got to Atton during the scene with the Twi'leks not? If so; kill the Twilek's! If you got atton in Mira's place; then you've run into a bug yes (it should have loaded either T3 or Atton near Tienn after conversation)
  2. He's talking about Tobin. You did manually slaughter the beast? And did you see a cutscene where Royalists and Vaklu's troopers started attacking each other?
  3. The Factory isn't particularly 'more buggy' than the rest of TSLRP.
  4. After breaking G0-T0 I now proudly present you... breaking Handmaiden! Damn, this game is buggy, and you just find more each playthrough. Anyways, list #4:
  5. Being sold alot doesn't qualify good either. "Hype" can certainly sell stuff to people who then realise they bought stuff they didn't like at all. Think Oblivion or Black & White (I am guilty of both ) Looking forward to Majesty 2 and Deus Ex 3.
  6. It's bugged... (dissapates as soon as you enter the Ebon Hawk) (not fixed by TSLRP so far)
  7. KMFDM - Juke Joint Jezebel? It's awesome! I doubt the mods would take me back... Better for you guys too, not?
  8. It was empty for me...
  9. Which would be impossible to get in "HK-Factoryless TSLRP". So basically above suggestion leaves out both of the most anticipated restorations.
  10. Just finished Nar Shaddaa... gonna note down the newly found bugs (with new severe bug) before I forget them...
  11. ... which is irrevocably connected with the Droid Factory.
  12. Just played through that section... found nothing. Are you sure it isn't a mod?
  13. @ refuse: Of course the HK-Factory is pretty much *The* most wanted part of TSLRP, so leaving it out won't do much good...
  14. Oondar never talks about Trade Routes, only Greeda. So yes, you have to take the LS ending here for the package...
  15. Side with Greeda on Nar Shaddaa... finish Onderon and Dantooine, then you find it in her shop's inventory...
  16. They are, however, not necessary to progress the plot. I have to agree, Minsc is awesome, but you can progress the plot without him (unlike say a Kreia in KOTOR2 or pretty much any vampire in Bloodlines (Jack, the Prince, Nines)). Yeah, Imoen is killable. And revivable afterwards too. And if I recall correct the reason why the PC couldn't is because (s)he was a Bhaal-spawn. Imoen is too. For me that is more of an immersionbreaker than (not) being able to kill a NPC. Although I have to admit I was kind of dissapointed in IWD1 when I used Finger of Death on a kid, and got a X is killed message, and she was still alive...
  17. Yeah, like Imoen in the BG2 starter dungeon, or Irenicus in the Asylum, hmmm? Also I remember an extreme overpowered character killing the PC if he killed off both ways to that Asylum. BG and BG2 had their share of invernable PC's either, but apparently that didn't seem to bother you at that time. Why does it do so now? (Also, Imoen's death-rules in both BG's made no sense. If the PC cannot be revived because of being half-god, why the hell can she? Talk about an "immersion-breaker")
  18. Most NPC escort mission I know have NPC's with like 1HP, who have the urge to drop themselves en-masse before the enemy (or ignore them, then get a fatal stab in the back), or jump off a cliff, or similar silly stuff. I often dreamed of actual NPC escort where I cannot fail due to AI-flaws. Obviously they should fix the AI, but until those times what titles offer unkillable NPC's who tag along? Off-topic; what's with all the double and quatriple-posts?
  19. The Falcon is the "Civilian" Very Heavy Fighter right? There are 2 atop of that, the top-notch of the Outcasts and the one of the Corsairs. But you have to be a 'bandit' to access these. Not to mention they are high-level, only accessable after the whole storyline. Using HF's to do quests gives far more money than trading, in a smaller timeframe. Plus it helps to give rep (not exactly vital, but useful to have).
  20. I think you have missions intertwined. If your in Britonia there's a good Heavy Fighter in the Battleship near New London (General rule: HF's are sold in Battleships).
  21. After your second mission you can purchase a heavy fighter at the Battleship where you delivered Ashcroft. It's certainly worth it. Also; the best part of Freelancer is it's story IMO. The missions and exploration just lack a bit, which makes it less fun after the story is over. Restarting is much more fun .
  22. Funny. TG is peanuts compared to most other big mods. Entire REAL developerteams take time to make a modification, for free! Some of them then work on Battlefield Vietnam for example , or ingame at Valve. A game I am working on right now has 7 people working on it (and more than a dozen in the past). Damn, that's already bigger than TG! Do you have any idea how modding goes, any? From comments such as quoted I seriously doubt it...
  23. Last time I checked Wesp5 made a HUGE fuss over content of his mod being adjusted. I am not even talking of the whole "True Patch" stuff, but another user who wanted to even cut the alterations out of his basic patch, so what was left were only bugfixes, NO modifications. Wesp5 pretty much freaked out, looking at forumposts on Forumplanet (Bloodlines sub). Maybe that's because OE doesn't even have a KOTOR2 page hosted? Type in "KOTOR". Only BioWare... no LA link in sight...
  24. Ooh... I agree. I just use 1.12 and am fine with it. Doesn't change the fact he became quite the celebritiy in Vtm:B's fanbase because of his modifications of Troika's work.
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