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Hassat Hunter

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Everything posted by Hassat Hunter

  1. Link? Last time I tried commando's (on my old XP PC) it ran so fast I couldn't do anything... it's a little hard to play commando's at 10 times the normal speed... barely was able to do the first mission, impossible even the second
  2. Well, some googling learned me that if the DLC was there the game started as catwoman instead of batman. Ironical, I didn't want to start the game out of fear of missing out stuff, and if I did start the game I would know it was in. No Steam, GfwL code... so... yeah. Not complaining. Played a bit (around 15 min only, yeah, so little time) and I am sure glad I played Asylum before, since you get thrown down pretty dead. 2 battles I had so far where generally considered big in AA, and this is just the start. Not much explenation about using tools (I have some already possibly) or flying about the ledges. Can't say I like the glowing ?'s everywhere (got 2, haven't figured out how to break open other cages I found). It's maybe overdoing it a bit...
  3. So... how do you know if it's active or not? I bought it (well, my GF) firsthand, but no GfWL code... :/
  4. I miss getting a proper manual... :/ Sure, it's paper... Stil...
  5. I suppose it's the same for me then. Still odd it has a flyer then saying the code for her is on another flyer, if no code is needed :/.
  6. Normally when I install sequels during Install I just press the folder name, then slightly modify it to match the sequel. Just so they're named similarly (SW- KOTOR 1/2 for example). Works all the time. Except here probably, where after altering the name it still figured it should just dump it all in Arkham Asylum's map, breaking that game for me... Oh well, almost done re-installing them both. They each have a seperate map now. Still wonder about Catwoman.
  7. TFU's on Hold. Got Arkham City from my GF so am going to do that first. Also have to do KOTOR2 TSLRCM 1.8 testing. Annoyingly enough while installing AC I selected the Arkham Asylum map, then removed Asylum replacing it with City, assuming it would make a new map. No, siree. So I am stuck with AC in AA's map, and AA obviously refuses to work with many of it's base files overwritten as such. So I now have the fun task of re-installing them both, and not make the same mistake again next time. Though I have to say, I never seen something so stupid while installing before. :/ Also, question. The little flyer with the game mentions a code for catwoman. None is included. Though her art appeared in the main menu "characters" tab. So would she be included, or do I need to visit my shop and ask for a code? Any way to check without playing half the game?
  8. Switch to easy? Made him easy enough for me Did the same with the following Jedi, though she fell easier. Haven't had such annoying fights since... let's hope it stays that way. Though the glitchiness reached mass level on the plant planet... * For no reason what-so-ever the camera gets stuck. How much I want to rotate it doesn't. Very annoying for just walking about... or when someone pummels you in the back. Had a few times afterwards but never so often as here on that planet again. * dissapearing enemies, when crossing an invisible border between zones apparently. * Invisible enemies. Always fun when you think you're save and get attacked by an empty enemy box... * AI exploits. Worst with the rancors, but also very usable for a hefty sith fight on the empirical ship. They don't cross afore-mentioned invisible border, so just standing on the other side of it, I can just hide without risk, recharge force bar, hit, repeat until enemy is dead. * The rancors had it worst. By standing after the line, the rocks they threw at me dissolved into nothing. Easiest fight ever. I could just stand there, throw stuff at it till dead, and it couldn't do a thing to me... Atleast aforementioned Sith gave me a rocket to the face if I was standing still in plain sight like that... But as I said, now that the Empire side is over, things look better. Let's see if it lasts...
  9. The Force Unleashed. Fought 3rd Jedi Master, had to turn my game difficulty down. Why? Because I couldn't stand fighting with the camera. 90% of my Force castings missed and thanks to it I generally offered my back to my opponent. Just no fun. While in TFU2 I lost to bosses just because I am not good in action games, I actually could defeat them on hard with perseverence and learning. Not so much here with this ****ty camera stuff. So just for that TFU2 beats TFU for me. Oh well, back to the main game (back on Hard). If the next boss is the same, I put it down to "pathetically easy" right away. Ugh...
  10. Heh, I never do with RTS/Stratego. Not really good at these genres. Don't really like much RTS (especially these days, the olden had far more likeable's), stategy is better. Do try to keep my RPG to the hardest (even though I am not really good at it either). Mainly to stretch time, challenge and to have equipping properly have a reason instead of just for fashion. Can't remember having a hard time on Nightmare against that Ogre. The hardest I remember where a fight with 3-face statues in Dwarven town, damn, that was the hardest battle. Generally the entire place kicked my ass, I changed my bossfight to fighting the dwarf instead of killing her just because the battle that way was waaaay easier . And then swapped around my decision when the battle was done (since I could). Confused the crap out of the game with NPC speech and achievements though, most saying I did the opposite of what I did based on the apparently meaningless decision before the battle rather than the actual decision after the battle. *sigh* BioWare. Another hard fight was one random where you were just surrounded by mines and attacked by various ranged enemies. I kinda had to load until I didn't get it, then crushed it when being higher leveled. And yes, auto-leveling can be off since after these hard Dwarves I visited the Mage tower (considering the major free upgrades there, bad game decision) and everyone snapped like a twig, even the bosses, since they appeared not really doing auto-leveling well. Oh well... :/
  11. And back to ME we are again... Dunno. I do think there are many players playing hard. If I can do it with DA:O and ME2 everyone should be able to . It's not like hard these days is like it was in the past. If I start any pre-2000 games I seriously need some learning up since they aren't so forgiving as present games, and generally a lot harder, so I can't play as I gotten used to with modern games... Imagine how much harder that would be if only playing on easy too!
  12. Does BioWare? I don't get that from what people say about ME3 and DA2 (haven't played ME3 though, but yeah, big drop on DA2). Also, it was 4 days, and they have massive KOTOR1 track re-usage too (though, strangely more KOTOR2, while they seemingly ignore everything else about the game). Also, pretty sure BioWare had ALOT of time to make TOR. And money.
  13. From the time I played with the free weekend trial, it's pretty much all stolen from KOTOR1 and KOTOR2... can't remember any new songs that made an impression, besides maybe the theme song...
  14. Haha... what the heck? "Who wants... a GAME... when they can have... FMV cutscenes!" Pretty sure that trend died early 90's
  15. Must be popular... site's pretty hard to get to now.
  16. No, it should be below it...
  17. This time you need the Task Manager. Boot KOTOR2, then start it, find KOTOR 2's process, right click, you'll see "set affinity" (or something resembling it). Click that, then you get which cores can run with the process. Disable all but one, select ok, then get back in the game...
  18. I had that on XP... right-click your taskbar (at the bottom) and "lock taskbar" (might be different, I just translated how it looks for me in Dutch). Change it from the opposite what it's now. Then boot up KOTOR2... did that fix your issue?
  19. Welcome. Yeah, AP is kind of a pearl, that for some strange reason got crushed by the gamerpress and many gamers for reasons unknown. I certainly class it up there with Deus Ex and Vampire: Bloodlines. KOTOR2 should be a lot better now, probably want to wait for 1.8 (soon, not much left to do), and you probably can handle it on your PC since it's so old now (for example, on my old PC I could already max it, while Fallout:NV crawled at 10FPS at the lowest). Can't say I liked DS3 much from the demo, and FN:V (aside from said 10FPS gameplay at no patches at all) and NWN2 Platinum are still unplayed in my Steam account, so can't really tell you much about them...
  20. I remember from the demo's (about 4 or so for NOLF, 2 for NOLF2) that I liked NOLF1, extremely disliked NOLF2. Never played either fully though (GOG, what are you waiting for?)
  21. Wait... since when is that considered a bad thing? Also heard bad things about Dungeon Siege 2 or Divinity 2 (both without expansions), can't really see why "you screwed up!" is sooo bad for most people. I like it. Anyways, still no ME3 experience, just wondering about this ending... You mean like Monkey Island 2? How some people think it's the best thing since sliced bread while it sucks and hate MI-3 for trying to somehow work with such a horrible ending? Only if it returns to being like DA:O, which I liked. Or said like this, which I see many other users agree with too. So obviously it wont happen to please some CoD crowd
  22. It probably would have been better if I got it on my first char than my second though...
  23. I think it's more it has a health and "special attack" bar and while the first regenerates on dead, the second does not. That atleast is the only explenation I can find for them using special attacks over and over at the start, and then not at all... EDIT: Heh, just got a mail from BioWare congratulating me on getting lvl 10. It's a day late, the trial is over... and I never gotten that for the Sith Warrior... So... what? If it's an incentive mail to get me to keep playing with a subscription it's a pretty weird one at that...
  24. Well, the demo is over, so here are my Jedi Consular thoughts (I try to make it smaller than last post ) and that's it until another free weekend (though apparently one cannot use the same account then) or plain purely f2p. He made it to lvl 11 (never reached Coruscant though). So far the story doesn't grasp me as much as the Sith Warrior's did. Walking around Tython is more fun exploring than Korriban though mostly. Another con is how long it takes for your teammate (I was level 10, but then again... well... read later), and I don't really like him. Mostly because of his alien VO. Mission is much better in that regard, although harder to influence since she's an LS char for a DS PC. This companion atleast has your alignment (though bit more bloodthirsty and warready). And the overly repetive combat banter can be more easily ignored since it's just a grunt instead of "better check for my parts" all the damn time! This time I was made aware (through chat and browsing forums a bit) that there were apparently holocrons in the world which give permanent boosts. While my Sith Maurader found none, my Sith Consular found 4 (and there are only 3 on the starter planet and I never made Coruscant... I let you ponder on that for a while...). Although I did recover a "shard" in one instead of a permanent boost, not sure what to do with that since I wanted to find out tomorrow just to learn my trial ended. That might make exploring a bit worthwhile, though still treading off the main path is mostly useless. Explored several islands on the border of the map, nothing special there, etc. Also the exploration still really gets hindered by those damn respawning enemies. And of course doing exploration like this makes you hugely overleveled due to more enemies killed. Although that was not just due to the many enemies. Also interesting that Tython just had 1 Heroic compared to Korriban's 2. I actually was able to find a team now (experience!) compared to Korriban. Although that was purely waiting about... About level 8 I suddenly took the shuttle. Didn't expect I could, and ended up on Ord Mantell. Damn, is that planet ugly. Crashed ships have such low-res textures, most of the enemies have blocks instead of rounds for head. So glad I didn't start there. Aimlessly wandered about though, since there's nothing to do there for Jedi. Got quite some puzzled people wondering what a lvl 8 Jedi did there . It is kind of an immersion breaker too when pretty much all NPC's have plain "not eligable for this conversation" errors instead of a stop line. Some do... wonder why the other's can't. Also noticed one or two on Korriban and Tython and wondered the same there. If so many others have a single VO line why not them? Feels sloppy. I can understand for another planet, still... I don't like it. The holocron on Ord where a lot easier to find than the other 2 planets. One was aim though, not that much use to a Jedi like me. Other was presence, which is always nice to have. Also noticed there were a lot more "strong" enemies in the main path than in my Jedi starter planets. All the loot was heavy armor though (useless). Noticed on Tython most drops where medium armor too. Also useless. So finding anything new was extremely rare, compared to my Sith Warrior. Medium is so much more common than light and heavy. Little unbalanced if you ask me. Of course finding all these new locations gave XP, killing all these new foes gave XP which made me overlevel over every other consular pretty fast. Still the battle with the great beast was tough. Died cause I refused to use healing items, with it just a sliver left. Fully healed then. Though I did notice that the first match it kept spamming attacks that pushed me away, which harmed my ability to harm it. Second time after the revive, not a single cast. Which made the fight a lot easier, a simple breeze. Didn't even needed to use the healing item I put in my quickbar as I had 50%+ over when it died. Think that's a bug though... bit of an exploit. I'll have to agree with Humanoid that the alien "pause" is annoying. If they thought we didn't have enough time to read, they could just lengthen the VO line instead of adding this annoying pause, no?
  25. Because I have seen a share of bad endings or progressively worse getting endgames in almost all RPG's. It's hard to believe this is so bad it needs all this fuss compared to the others like the "3 button ending" of DX:HR. Also many people suddenly claim ME2 ended great. Did they forget the Terminator? How horrible the ending was? :/
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