Alright, one more week till final exams (ever ^_^), and then I'm gone for a month (DS backlog clearing time!). I should be back in early June. I'll probably take 2 months off work starting in July.
Ikaruga/Crackdown withdrawal
And then I still need to finish the Vegas2 campaign, and all those T-hunt maps. And then I need to finish Halo3 co-op in Iron mode. And then Mercs2 and Left4Dead should be coming out shortly. Then Gears2 and hopefully Too Human. Not to mention the upcoming AC6 DLC. Oh, right, and Eternal Sonata. Oooh, Tales of Vesperia should be coming out this year too. And we still need to finish Streets of Rage 2 and 'master' Metal Slug 3. +/- GRAW 1/2. If Nick picks up Rock Band, there's that too (+/- GH3? Maybe). Looks like the year is already set for co-op awesomeness; can't say my interest in PvP has been piqued much, or at all (hahahahahashahaha GTA4).
I might take the time off to clear out some of my singleplayer backlog, too. My massive, massive backlog. Let's see, from memory... Lost Odyssey, DMC4, maybe I should touch Bioshock and Mass Effect, AC6 ace + ace of aces, Lost Planet extreme diff (once Colonies comes out, anyway), , mastering Lei-Fei in VF5, finishing Forza2 (haha, never going to happen), and Ninja Gaiden hard mode (ooooh, NG2) + Panzer Dragoon Orta hard mode + Megaman 1-6 if I count vanilla Xbox. I feel like I'm missing stuff, though maybe that's because most of my backlog resides on the DS/PC (hahahhahahhahahahhaha PC).