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Everything posted by Llyranor

  1. Shut up, Frank West was hunk-town. He's covered wars, you know.
  2. http://www.pcplay.hr/modules.php?r=23
  3. I too am legally allowed to purchase and play this game!
  4. Haha, Nick and me only got to level 5 with unlimited continues Then again, we probably ("probably") get in each other's way.
  5. Yes, yes. Jin.
  6. What about you, Krookie? Do you have any impressions yet?
  7. To play torrent files, you need a torrent player. It's like an mp3 player, but for torrent files.
  8. Oh, that's real mature. I'm leaving for the PS3 thread.
  9. Oh, wait, we just forgot to press on the 'on' button.
  10. We were playing Crackdown and then both systems kind of went down. Insert RRoD. I mean, what the crap?
  11. What are you talking about? She's been actively moderating this forum.
  12. Yeah, Nick and me RRoD'ed earlier today too
  13. Why the crap is Hades getting GTA4? You can't even roleplay a woman except online, and you can't even make your character fat.
  14. I rate this discussion a 10/10.
  15. What the crap does that rating system even mean? Is August 10/10, or is October? To put things into perspective, if you were to rate - say - Hades or Gabrielle, where would you put them on that scale?
  16. I forget. Did you play Crackdown, Hurlie? How would you compare them?
  17. Not to mention, you can't run over pedestrians while enjoying the sights in real-life most of the time. I've seen the footage/trailers/review from Gametrailers. Can't see I hold much interest in it. I'm not into crime operas, so the story aspect isn't drawing me in. The gameplay itself doesn't seem to be particularly special. The sandbox elements are nice, but I've been spoiled by Crackdown and its fully-fledged 2p co-op through the whole game. In that sense, given the importance I place on co-op, GTA4 is a massive, massive step down. I can't justify myself taking that step. My next sandbox game will be Mercs2, also with full 2p co-op. That being said, the multiplayer aspects are the most interesting part of the game. The (limited, sadly enough) co-op missions sound like the best part, though they seem a very minor part of the game - too bad. However, and this is GTA4's greatest asset for me, the sandbox format could bring some fresh elements to PvP. Having access to the full/a large part of the city in PvP would be pretty cool. Some of the gamemodes also sound pretty compelling. Cops vs robbers sounds really nice. Car chases could be a load of fun. Mafiaworks as well, as each team compete to complete objectives throughout the city. Not to mention pulling all sorts of crap and running down pedestrians in-between all the action. My main skepticism is that my main reason with getting the game would be for the PvP (with the co-op missions being a very very sweet bonus, but only a small bonus). The last game I did this for was CoD4 - a game I've even regretted purchasing (well, trading in - I never planned on using real money to pay for it, but it seemed like a good deal for a trade-in). It was mainly PvP-focused, and I've found that PvP alone cannot sustain me. Maybe it was because the singleplayer in that game kind of sucked. I might pick it up once it drops in price, or once it really seems like everyone else is embracing the mp part of the game and it proves itself to have some sort of lasting value (which CoD4 frankly didn't really have). In any case, it sounds like I condone running down pedestrians, but I don't. I really don't.
  18. Your commie calendar is rated 10/10 too. It's not perfect, but it does what it's supposed to do better than all the other commie calendars. It should actually be 10/11, but who's counting?
  19. How did you enjoy that 10/10 in your face, commie?
  20. http://youtube.com/watch?v=mjzXkd80NOk Plot summary:
  21. Know what else is a 10? My boot in pixie's face. 10/10
  22. Heh, good luck trying to get Kor/jags off CoD4, Krook/pixies. Hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahgahahahahahsahsaha
  23. I throw away material goods too, but that's because of my excess emotional baggage!
  24. Alright, one more week till final exams (ever ^_^), and then I'm gone for a month (DS backlog clearing time!). I should be back in early June. I'll probably take 2 months off work starting in July. Ikaruga/Crackdown withdrawal And then I still need to finish the Vegas2 campaign, and all those T-hunt maps. And then I need to finish Halo3 co-op in Iron mode. And then Mercs2 and Left4Dead should be coming out shortly. Then Gears2 and hopefully Too Human. Not to mention the upcoming AC6 DLC. Oh, right, and Eternal Sonata. Oooh, Tales of Vesperia should be coming out this year too. And we still need to finish Streets of Rage 2 and 'master' Metal Slug 3. +/- GRAW 1/2. If Nick picks up Rock Band, there's that too (+/- GH3? Maybe). Looks like the year is already set for co-op awesomeness; can't say my interest in PvP has been piqued much, or at all (hahahahahashahaha GTA4). I might take the time off to clear out some of my singleplayer backlog, too. My massive, massive backlog. Let's see, from memory... Lost Odyssey, DMC4, maybe I should touch Bioshock and Mass Effect, AC6 ace + ace of aces, Lost Planet extreme diff (once Colonies comes out, anyway), , mastering Lei-Fei in VF5, finishing Forza2 (haha, never going to happen), and Ninja Gaiden hard mode (ooooh, NG2) + Panzer Dragoon Orta hard mode + Megaman 1-6 if I count vanilla Xbox. I feel like I'm missing stuff, though maybe that's because most of my backlog resides on the DS/PC (hahahhahahhahahahhaha PC).
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