(PCGameplay, a Belgian mag, has a preview and interview with producer Mark Noseworthy in their latest issue, and Togra and Sturmer at Relicnews DoW forums were kind enough to translate and give us a summary of the preview.)
Given the number of times we've been dying, this will last us a very long time.
Even with respawns (1 each on realistic), we had to tone down the enemy density to medium. Once we get 4p, high density it is, and we're finishing every freaking map on realistic. The non-linearity of the maps is appreciated. With 4p, we could split up in teams of 2 and cover each other.
Nick got rid of CoD4 ;_;
We'll be picking up Crackdown at some point.
Since Tale couldn't find a thread to claim as his own, I decided to give him a head's start! In this thread, all PS3 owners unite and speak about their fun gaming experiences. They could also hook up and play online games together, for free! Hahahahahahahaahahhaha!
The PS3 deserves a thread. I mean, even the Wii has one!
What do you think, Warhawk guy?
How's that going to work MP?
IIRC, for the previous BiA games, it was 2v2. Each player also had a squad of 3 (1 group) at their disposal, so you could send them to defend areas, suppress the enemy, flank, etc.
Apparently the 360/PS3/DS versions are all supposed to be exactly the same in terms of gameplay. They've probably been streamlined/'simplified' compared to the main series, though.
To be on-topic, I just ordered DMC4 for 360 and Nanostray 2 (shmup) for DS.
My favorite 4X is still MOO2. Civ4 was loads of fun, especially in co-op, but it didn't end having as big an impact to me.
I'm thinking about picking up Civ Revolutions on DS when it comes out. Civ in portable format, hmmm. Not sure if that's such a great idea, though.
I just watched the first 3 eps of Tengen Toppen Gurren Lagann. It's pretty nice and Kamina is awesome, but Yoko needs to put some clothes on. Could they be a bit more obvious about the fanservice?
I found Last Exile started off awesome, but as it progressed the story became fairly ho-hum and I ended being pretty apathetic about the series.
Anyone watch One Piece (the non-bastardized version)?
Because morons like Nick would abuse and create baiting threads.
'Hi guys, this thread is about a serious discussion of facial editing for character creation in CRPGs'
'My name is Hades and I approve of this thread'
'Thread title changed to Pokemon Appreciation Thread ROFLTUNASANDWICH'
EDIT: Post edited for good measure.