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Everything posted by Llyranor

  1. POST SOMETHING NICE In any case, that was a nice session. Iron mode didn't work so well with the other skulls, but that was mainly the sniper crap. I'm still game with the other levels if you losers are. The last level was epic, hehehe. We could probably try the same skulls for the other levels. I guess it'd play differently than with Iron mode. You jerks suck at PvP. In any case, Nick and me may pick up Crackdown at some point. I remember playing the demo and having the cops chasing after me within 1min of play because I was driving over pedestrians. Though, I suspect the next co-op game I'll pick up will be Vegas2, given how other people have already started picking it up.
  2. Hey, you two idiots need to post too http://forums.obsidianent.com/index.php?sh...mp;#entry840874
  3. Okay, Nick and Bok better post at least once within the next day (because it'll stay open!) or I'm going to freaking kill them.
  4. I only died twice during that part, so I'm done. You need one more post.
  5. Despite this great diversity, he maintains a solid foundation built on consistency. We can essentially always count on him being Hades. That is one of his greatest assets.
  6. This may sound like heavy sarcasm, or it may sound as though I had lost some kind of bet, but neither of those is even remotely close to the truth. In reality, I just wanted to make a thread where we only say nice things about one of this forum's most contributing - and heavily underrated - members, Hades. Hades, without you, this forum would be pretty boring. I look forward to reading your posts every day, and they brighten up my day. Otherwise, it'd always be the same old posts about RPG this, RPG that and all serious boring crap. At least you bring humor to it all. Never change.
  7. There's already a thread on this topic.
  8. Let's try again. The other thread had potential until some of you just started insulting each other like children. A small piece in the case for Science of Gaps instead of God of gaps: Pretty complex hey? How could science possibly explain that? Well, while not actually trying to, it accidentally did: It turns out the pattern on the Conus textiles is just a rule 30 cellular automata; the pigments interact according to rule 30 of cellular automata theory. Did you know plants open and close their stomata in a way that looks like either a brain or intelligent being is controlling each single pore to fully maximise oxygen intake and minimise water vapour loss? I believe the complexity of such an optimisation problem is beyond the capacity of even the human brain, yet plants manage it somehow. Is it god? No, it's a cellular automata system. The rules are actually fairly complex, unlike for the Conus textiles, but it basically amounts to every single stomata being linked to every other stomata (through neighbouring stomata) in a domino effect fashion. The cellular automaton quickly and easily solves the optimisation problem posed. Sound like an unlikely explanation? It's not; it's been verified. Not to mention cellular automata have been shown to be very good at solving optimisation problems before; they can be converted to neural networks. Both neural networks and cellular automata are universal Turing machines; any computer created, and algorithm or programming language created, can be replicated by a cellular automaton. Any universe defined by classical mechanics is a deterministic cellular automaton. Further, universal Turing machines (classical type) are a subset of quantum universal Turing machines, as classical mechanics is a subset of quantum mechanics (and indeed classical mechanics is equivalent to a classical universal Turing machine, and the same for quantum mechanics). In fact the simple Game of Life is an example of a universal Turing machine cellular automaton. It's also fun: http://www.bitstorm.org/gameoflife/ Set it to fast and tiny, then throw a bunch of dense clusters of dots on the grid and press start.
  9. In before lock.
  10. Haha, yeah And Halo3 co-op campaign is a lot better this time around. <3 Iron mode.
  11. Yeah, I'll be picking up 09. You snooze, you lose!
  12. No, that would be your face.
  13. Squirtle.
  14. I'm still trying to get through Etrian Odyssey, so that meets my portable turn-based JRPG needs. I'm not finishing that game anytime soon. Pokemon is off-limits until then.
  15. Apollo Justice (Ace Attorney 4) just arrived today, but I still need to finish the 3rd one (Trials and Tribulations). I'd consider trying Pokemon, but I have no time for such a time-consuming game.
  16. We don't play with Hurlshot enough. Get 08, losers. The game's pretty ideal in terms of short gaming sessions of anywhere from 2 to 5 of us. Also, the game is awesome, and a good change of pace from everything else we play.
  17. BTW, don't most of us have NHL 08 (excluding Nick)? We should try to organize teams of 5 and beat the crap out of randoms.
  18. Yeah, I wasn't particularly focusing :brows:
  19. In any case, I'd be able to repair my CoD4 disc for 20bucks through Activision, so it'll eventually get done. In any case, Nick and me replayed a bit of Rainbow Six Vegas (terrorist hunt) with another dude in anticipation for the sequel. We should try to get some gaming going with that loser Kor. Be prepared to be coerced into getting it if Kor likes it, jags. The Halo3 campaign is surprisingly more replayable than I thought. Iron mode (one player dies = last checkpoint reload) is actually making it more fun. I can foresee future playthroughs with different skulls enabled (limited ammo, extra enemy rank/hp, extra enemy grenades, etc). Where the crap is Krook? Anyway, final exams (EVER) are coming 6-7 weeks from now, so I'm limiting my gaming time. What little I'll be able to squeeze in will be during weekends.
  20. Thanks for putting that Sora in his place.
  21. The premise behind Mirror's Edge sounds great, but the screens released so far are probably bordering on bullshots. Good article on it http://www.next-gen.biz/index.php?option=c...8&Itemid=51
  22. Man, Omega Five is fantastic. We finally got to the 2nd level boss. Well, Jigs did. After I died once and got the game over screen because he stole all the credits beforehand.
  23. If you have any sort of patience, they may end up being free in a few months.
  24. I'll probably end up getting the 360 version. Guesting will easily seal that deal, but even without the pendulum is swinging that way already. As for why I'd choose that version; convenience, laziness. But more specifically to stick with the same idiots I play other 360 games with. The controller is an non-issue. It works fine. I'm playing the game, not the control scheme.
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