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Everything posted by Llyranor

  1. I ate Feargus for breakfast.
  2. Nick and me might be game. Just set a time.
  3. Though it's true - the jumping is so much more fun than the driving (which is also pretty fun, but no comparison). Rooftop exploration is made of awesome. I wouldn't bother with the game without co-op, though. With it, though, easily one of the best games of last year. I'm in withdrawal mode.
  4. Not in Jade Empire, it isn't.
  5. Yeah, 4p co-op specific missions sound nice, but it's not a big part of the game. Still, I guess if everyone gets it, it might be an incentive to get it earlier.
  6. There goes another 8-ish hours of Crackdown. There's potential for GTA4's mp, but the sp holds zero interest for me. I'll likely wait for a pricedrop.
  7. .... I think we nearly spent 10 hrs on Crackdown today.
  8. Jolly crap, Crackdown is an awesome awesome fabulous co-op experience. The demo has nothing on this. Psychotic difficulty provides a good challenge, and exploration for orbs is surprisingly rewarding. This would have been a serious contender for GOTY last year. This would have been well worth full price.
  9. I have Crackdown. GTA4 sp is irrelevant. The multiplayer does sound like it might have potential. The co-op missions are intriguing, if limited. The cops vs robbers and mafia work ones sound like it might make for nice PvP in a sandbox environment. But it's no full-fledged co-op. It's either bargain bin, or it'll have to be very very exceptional. Very doubtful, as it's not intrinsically my type of game.
  10. Ikaruugaaaaaaaaaa In any case, looks like Crackdown is 20$ at FutureShop. There's one right next to where I'm working currently, so I'll probably pass by and pick it up tomorrow for convenience's sake.
  11. So I picked up the game not too long ago for 360. I'm playing on Devil Hunter or whatever, made it past the jungle mission. So far, it's pretty nice. The combat system is getting better as I unlock new moves. It felt a bit simplistic at first. Doing combos is nice. I wish the game was more challenging. Perhaps why I'm favoring Ninja Gaiden over it so far, though they're pretty different, so I'm not even sure why I'm making the comparison. The platforming/puzzles have been a non-issue so far. The board game was so trivially irrelevant that it didn't bother me at all; if that's the most frustrating the game is supposed to be, I'm not the least bit bothered. The bosses have been the highlight. Despite the relative ease of the rest of the game, they've posed a pretty decent challenge, killing me a few times. The 4 bosses so far have been pretty unique and fun to fight. The 1st one is the demo, so no surprise. The 2nd and 4th were very cool. 3rd one was nice conceptually as well, but fairly easy in execution. So far, I like the game. If subsequent difficulty levels are more challenging while also providing a more extensive moveset, I'm looking forward to those.
  12. *blush*
  13. Grr... The last thread was locked by spam, but this is a valid topic that warrants discussion. Please keep the trolling and baiting at the door, thanks.
  14. If Hades were a spearperson, he'd want to be able to beat up tanks too!
  15. Grifball is back until Monday. This weekend, we play ball! http://www.bungie.net/News/content.aspx?ty...s&cid=13470
  16. Jolly crap, one of the best co-op sessions in a long time. Darn you, Chandelieeeeeerrrrrr!!! Man, excellent co-op design work from the devs through and through. <3 <3 Ace Combat 6. Once we both have flightsticks, Chandelier's mopping the floor.
  17. Hahahahahahahaha Hey guys, remember when we played CoD4?
  18. Man, Terrorist Hunt on Realistic + high density is awesome.
  19. Man, more RTS games need co-op campaigns. Shame on SupCom for bailing out on that. Though it seems like DoW2 will have one.
  20. Was this just a distasteful April's Fools joke? Is he really still alive? Really?
  21. Small tidbit for deadguy re: Halo Wars. This has been apparently known for a while - we just missed it. http://www.computerandvideogames.com/article.php?id=168015 http://halowars.heavengames.com/features/interview (lead designer dude)
  22. Go fly a kite, pixies. Expect very little in terms of gaming from me in the next few weeks. Final exams (ever) coming up. Then I'm gone for a month.
  23. I have Forza2. I'm horrible at the game, but the wheel is loads of fun. NICK NICK THEY FOLLOWED THROUGH FLIGHTSTICK IS ON THE WAY FLIGHTSTICK IS ON THE WAY This would matter if I hadn't killed you already.
  24. We're played Vegas2 together before, you loser.
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