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Everything posted by Llyranor

  1. DoW is the heretic that needs to be burnt. This is now the Nexus thread.
  2. Nexus is such a brilliant undervalued game.
  3. I find it odd that someone can say it's not dumbed-down. At least in comparison to Civ 4. It seemed to be completely lacking religion as a conquest mechanic. Every single city improvement I saw had no tradeoff. I'm not even sure pollution is particularly relevant anymore as a result. No managing of workers, though that does seem a valid reduction of micromanagement. I couldn't find any real drain on gold, except wonders. In Civ 4 I started off building everything I could just for the heck of it. This used to lead to very unhappy, polluted, and poor civilizations. In Revolution it seems pretty much a-okay. But I did play the demo only once and may have overlooked quite a bit. Of course, I wouldn't say "dumbed-down" as that's a perjorative. But the meaning would be the same. I don't think it's dumber. But it's less complex, with fewer options, and has less consequences for bad decisions. It still strategic, is faster paced, less confusing, and easier to manage. That's because you played the PS3 version.
  4. Brothers in Arms crap: http://www.dasgamer.com/randy-pitchford-wa...-hells-highway/ http://www.videogamer.com/xbox360/brothers...review-996.html
  5. He meant Yaris. I can't undelete that freaking game.
  6. From the RPGCodex thread, I'm intrigued by this party conversation system, of which the devs can say little about at this point. http://www.rpgcodex.net/phpBB/viewtopic.ph...sc&start=75 So, multiple protagonists or something. Maybe at specific dialogue node points, allowing for different player-created party members to interject into the conversation. Could be interesting. Could also seem very random. We'll see. In any case, as much as I liked the party members in MOTB, I'm fine with personality-less party members. Worked fine in IWD. My main concern would lie more with how NWN2's engine isn't that great, and having emphasis put on combat might potentially backfire, given how it's certainly not the engine's strength. Implement turn-based, jerks.
  7. Don't go in the OT forum, btw. Some people have been posting spoilers there.
  8. Alright, I traded in a few games at EB. The game is now mine.
  9. Co-op campaign. That is all.
  10. Is Acolyte Ninja Dog mode? Haha, don't be a wuss. I'll probably pick up the game sometime this week. The demo is out on the NA Marketplace for all those on the fence.
  11. CivRev demo is out. From player impressions, apparently it's not dumbed-down and still chock-full of options, though it's been streamlined/simplified in some aspect to reduce the micromanagement. Which could potentially even be a good thing, depending on how you look at it. Anyway, I'll try out the demo when I get a chance.
  12. I'm sold on Aces of the Galaxy based on the demo. I'm game on picking it up ASAP if you are. We need to support this kind of original XBLA content. I had a bit of spare time, so I gave CoD2 another test run. CoD4's campaign was overall fairly disappointing (nice flashy visuals, but the design wasn't particularly inspiring), but I had fond memories of CoD1/2. For some reason, I couldn't get into CoD2 again. It just feels somewhat outdated. For one, I'm too spoiled to play a singleplayer FPS. I mean, urg. Second, while it was fun to have gameplay focused on staying behind cover and having allies to back you up, it feels a bit redundant now that games have actual cover systems and actual human teammates in co-op campaigns. I can't see myself getting back into this. Info on Halo Wars:
  13. LO has a fantastic soundtrack and one of my favorite battle themes ever.
  14. Aces of the Galaxy review http://xbox360.ign.com/articles/878/878506p1.html Sounds like arcade stick will work well with it.
  15. Man, I missed Lost Planet. It was hilarious how easy the first boss on hard mode was, compared to my first attempt when I first got the original last year. Aww, sweet nostalgia. Akrid Hunter is loads of fun. Usually about 12 humans (with the occasional mech) vs 4 Akrids. It was pretty awesome from either side; keeping your distance with ranged weaponry as you run and try to stay alive or charging head-first to engage in an epic mech vs alien battle, or just trying to kill everything in your path as one of the giant Akrid. Hehehehehe. VS Annihilator is also pretty cool. Two teams, one mech per team. First team to kill the enemy mech wins. Most of the matches I played in had rocket launchers as default weapons, which made for pretty insane fights. I also tried a bit of Counter-grab. 1 or 2 data posts to capture. Basically, you need to cap and hold for a certain amount of time. I guess it's just like team king of the hill. It was fun, but maybe that was from the 'flamethrower as default weapon' setting. So yeah, good variety. No change has been made for party matchmaking for PvP (ie. none), but I guess that's fine if there's just Nick and me playing it, since that'll be simple enough to coordinate with voice channels. The game should last us a while, or at least be a good diversion here and there. There was no lack of matches. Good old Vegas2 <3 <3 Wip was on a bit later on, but he was playing Rock Band. I was too enthralled in Colonies, in any case.
  16. Firaxis had the rights to Xcom on last count. Since it and Irrational are owned/part of 2Kgames now, who knows? Regardless, it better have co-op.
  17. Heh, I missed Vegas 2.
  18. I have zero interest in Fable, though Fable2 may have my interest with the inclusion of full co-op.
  19. Meh, minimal if any interest. Too Human 4 --> 2p co-op downgrade didn't decrease my anticipation in the least, but now 2p co-op doesn't even have a freaking story. What the Hades? Bloody idiots.
  20. I take it all back. We could all use more console stealth games.
  21. Lost Planet Colonies is out.
  22. I should be back sometime Friday night, depending on whether the plane pulls a Hades on me or not. Then we can do our GTA4 co-op marathon. This month has actually been relatively productive. I've brainstormed at various ideas/concepts for our project, though I haven't explored any of them in-depth. This thing could certainly have potential, though it seems like I'll be leaning mostly on experimenting with mods and said design concepts. You better have done some sort of work, idiot.
  23. Let's get GTA4, Nick!!!!
  24. Let's get GTA4, Nick!!!!
  25. Almost one month and you guys haven't even touched co-op yet? Okay.
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