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Everything posted by Llyranor

  1. Yes, wasn't it funny when he made that alt account, spammed with it, then put on his moderator hat and scolded himself? It was hilarious until he went overboard and wanted to nuke the Middle-East. Obs couldn't allow a mod to post something like that, since they need the Middle-East to exist in order to base one of their locations in Alpha Protocol on it.
  2. Speaking of personal problems, click on this thread, guys!!! http://forums.obsidian.net/index.php?showtopic=51175
  3. Don't worry about your liver. You always have a spare.
  4. I think the NWN community is still fairly active. There's probably more NWN1 online players then there are NWN2's nowadays. NWN2 toolset is more powerful (especially in terms of external area design), and is more streamlined in some aspects (makes dialogue/scripting easier to handle at parts). I haven't touched it too much, though. From what I have, though, NWN1's is more easily accessible nevertheless, perhaps because it's just simpler to use (and less powerful subsequently).
  5. Can you dress as a crate?
  6. Indeed, indeed. It's a kids game, though!
  7. Of course he does. They're not dead enough.
  8. Ah, so like the XBLA version, then. Despite what the Youtube videos show, that game can't be completed, man. Especially not when Nick and me are pushing each other's ships into walls.
  9. Does the Gamecube version of Ikaruga allow for finite continues, anyway?
  10. Sure, if you don't mind crappy broken-down engines.
  11. I have something to confess, guys. I'm funcroc.
  12. Is Onyx going to be your main engine for future titles?
  13. What the crap, man? Gorth's been on my case for the past few months, so now you give him *more* power? What the freak, Fio, what the freak? I should be mod.
  14. It should be, anyway > http://forums.obsidian.net/index.php?showtopic=193&hl=
  15. Only because you haven't tried Nightshade's secret PS3 game engine yet.
  16. I heard Mario Party is really good. Ikaruga is an easy choice if you don't suck as a gamer.
  17. I'll tell you what you need to do. You need to go on Left 4 Dead and kill more zombies. You'll easily forget such trivial matters when the zombie apocalypse is at hand?
  18. It's Nick's birthday too, but no one remembered
  19. Well, I don't know, let's ask our resident expert - Marcus!
  20. Who needs games with that crappy broken-down engine anyway?
  21. Geez, avatars are the most useless feature ever.
  22. Here you go http://www.eurogamer.net/article.php?article_id=309996^ Hmm, don't know if I'll care about the multiplayer. It all rests on the co-op campaign. I'd want to say it's an easy sell, but it'll depend on the quality of said campaign.
  23. Shut up. Gabrielle probably lives in a city.
  25. I hate all game design made by Role-Player.
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