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Everything posted by Llyranor

  1. Better than awful is still awful. In KOTOR's defense, Carth was an interesting, well developed character.
  2. For those who are unfamiliar with the Hearts of Iron series, they are turn-based CRPGs based on an alternative setting of WW2, where werewolves and dinosaurs exist. Your party consists usually of a group of meddling kids tasked with infiltrating the enemy side and sabotage their operations from the inside. Okay, so HoI3 is old news. It's been announced for a few months now, though I haven't really been following its development. Since I got around to reading the dev diaries http://forum.paradoxplaza.com/forum/showthread.php?t=379311 today, might as well sum them up in one place. Map: - 10,000 provinces (vs 2608 in HoI2) - Especially favorable for continents that had less provinces before (eg. Asia) - This is mainly for combat/maneuvering purposes, rather than politics - More opportunities blitzkrieg, encirclement,etc - 3 sizes (small, med, large), depending on tactical importance (coastal = small; desert = large) Production: - Oil = now crude oil (converted from energy) + fuel (created from crude oil, consumed by units) - Increasing complexity in HoI3 will be mainly in warfare/logistics - IC system for production remains similar to HoI2 - Concept of efficiency for resource extraction and output - Gearing = efficiency in production based on continuously producing said goods on a national level, rather than based on individual production queues - Gearing effiency decays over time unless you keep producing those goods - Producing more of a certain line of goods (eg. naval) means researching naval tech is easier/faster Technology: - HoI1 = too much micromanagement, and no differentiation between nations - HoI2 = tech teams meant each country had its strong points, but this was hard-coded, so limited customization - HoI3 = tech teams are no more, replaced by 'accumulated research knowledge and practical experience' for each particular country (defined at the start) - This will improve or decay depending on how much or how little research you pursue for various fields - So, concept of tech teams is more or less retained, but this will fluctuate depending on what fields the player will want to research - General (eg. aircraft engine) and specific techs (eg. air-launched anti-ship weapons) - For example, you can research tank gun, tank engine, tank armor, tank reliability individually - This allows you to cater to specifics per nation (eg. early British heavy tank = good armor, slow, under-gunned, prone to breakdown) Leadership: - Doing research consumes leadership points (the workforce involved); the more you research certain fields, the fewer points you require - Leadership points also represent sub-divisional officers (you still have named officers for division and up) - Investing leadership points as 'officers' into troops = better troops Land combat: - Move = attack - Movement penalty when fighting (affected by how the battle is going) - Can use small units to delay an opponent - Maximum attack frontage, per attacking province = super-mega stack less effective/efficient - Force-to-space ratio = the more fronts you attack a single province from, the more spread out the defenders have to be - If defending province is not max'ed out ('maximum defense frontage') = force-to-ratio penalty - Therefore, too many units = suboptimal; too few units = penalty - Penalty mainly applies if each attacking province is substantial (not just one unit) - Unit composition, doctrines, terrain all affect frontage - Units in excess of maximum frontage = reserve (might join combat if a combatant drops out) Politics: - HoI2 = event-heavy, too static - HoI3 goal = more dynamic, but focus still on war - Political parties - Party organization = how well an ideology is organized (also affected by espionage) - Concepts such as 'party membership, newspaper editorial stance, the views of opinion formers in the country, campaigners going out trying to convince people to support them' - Ideological group out of power = change for coup d'
  3. Yes, but can you dual-wield giant mechs that are dual-wielding rocket launchers?
  4. You playing the co-op mode?
  5. (yeah, I kind of got bored with EO1 as I got near the end-game and traded it away)
  6. It'd be possible. Selecting actions, selecting targets, all those can be done pretty easily with a properly-designed interface. The main cumbersome part would be movement within battle. I mean, it's still point and click, just using a analog stick instead of a mouse. Minor inconvenience. It's like playing a RTS with a gamepad. Not impossible, just not optimal.
  7. Wrath of "Carth was an interesting, well developed character" is right. Please don't polish the game, Obs. You'd break your loyal fanbase's heart.
  8. If you like dungeon crawlers, Etrian Odyssey 1 and 2 (also Atlus) have pretty old-school gameplay. You even have to draw your own maps. Though it has girly anime art, so not for manly men. (SUCCESS made this game, Atlus is publishing/localizing) Here's a bunch of stuff Japanese trailer Battle video http://www.success-corp.co.jp/software/ds/...system0103.html Dungeon video http://www.success-corp.co.jp/software/ds/...system0101.html Character creation video http://www.success-corp.co.jp/software/ds/...system0201.html Music samples http://www.success-corp.co.jp/software/ds/...wnload_bgm.html (arranged on left, original on right)
  9. It needs to be fixed soon, otherwise Gabrielle will remain angry forever. (aside from renaming the files)
  10. Scroll up a few posts.
  11. Admit it, your real disappointment lies in not being able to switch the SoZ menu music back to MotB's.
  12. Your face is turn-based.
  13. What do you even play on consoles aside from Mass Effect and Fallout in name only?
  14. PC games have bugs, news at 11.
  15. DS probably has more turn-based games coming out for it than all other systems - consoles and PC - combined in the last few years. I may or may not be exaggerating, haven't actually added them up. Maybe not if you include PC wargames, which no one here plays but a select few like alanschu. If Bethesda wanted to hook back the old Fallout fanbase, they'd port 1/2 to DS.
  16. Memento Mori
  17. They should adapt it into a turn-based game, then!
  18. kirottu drinks to anything anyone says, but his heart is in the right place.
  19. No new info or gameplay footage.
  20. Obs, this is the last straw, I'm tired of you delaying games until no one cares about them anymore. Remember the last game you delayed? You pushed KOTOR2 after Xmas, and then look at what a freaking mess it became. I've had enough of this. Besides, we all know the new release date is .
  21. Ya dawg, 360 4eva woooooooooooooooooooooooooooo!
  22. Why did you make this thread? Gabrielle doesn't celebrate Christian holidays.
  23. I'm not sure what we do in Halo is really role-playing. I mean, what role are we playing?
  24. Bioware has already said that DA is DX10-only. Old news.
  25. There's apparently a new DLC map pack for Gears 2. 3 maps, 800 pts (probably free in a few months, if Gears1 is anything to go by). Anyway, I'm in if all the other Nicks are game.
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