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Everything posted by Llyranor

  1. Only on 360 Marketplace. PS3 = Feb 2nd.
  3. Well, that's the thing. I don't regularly RTS games, and certainly am not pretending to actually be good at the genre; haven't touched one seriously in the past couple of years. Despite that, Nick and me whooped 3 expert AI's in a 2v3 today, in our first try. The AI in this game majorly sucks. I at least remember having a good challenge in 2v2 against the hardest AI in DoW1. It's kind of weird. We've tried a bit of PvP. Very mixed results. A few victories, and a few mopping the floor with our faces.
  4. I will say that the core mechanics and emphasis on capturing points is better than it was in DoW.
  5. Basically, it removes a lot of the base-building research stuff that was in DoW1. You essentially have your primary base, with 3 tiers, and you can build 2-5ish different units per tier. Two types of resources, which are obtained by capturing points on the map. It removes some of the emphasis on base-building and places it more on capturing territory. There's a lot of back and forth. You capture stuff, expand, the enemy gets behind your lines, you chase him again, cat and mouse, etc etc. There's destructible terrain and cover like in CoH, but it seems a lot less useless. The AI is braindead. I haven't seriously played a RTS in probably 3-5 yrs. Nick + me + expert AI destroyed 3 expert AI in our first go. Then did the same with a hard allied AI. And then again with easy. The game's already gold, so longevity of skirmish looks questionable at best. Anyhow, I enjoyed it for what it was, but it wasn't a massive change from other RTS. Not being a RTS fan in the first place, I don't think I'll bite for this one. Co-op campaign is nice and all, but the core mechanics are just kind of ho-hum.
  6. ... just now? You could just gotten the Eurogamer beta keys too.
  7. Eurogamer is giving out a bunch of beta codes.
  8. I've put the original PQ back in the DS ever since this demo.
  9. Cool on paper, just like that previous planned assassination of some bigwig guy, but the number of wasted hours before getting to organize such a thing just kills any interest I might have to play such a game.
  10. The original Puzzle Quest has a crapload of content. Lengthy main quest, lots of sidequests, some special puzzle minigames. Different classes with different spells, skills you can learn from mounts or captured enemies. The RPG elements really add a whole lot to what basically amounts to a game of Bejewelled. And it's all paced in such a way that a session can take only 5-15 min if that's what you want, which works great for portable gaming. Essentially, you have no idea what you're talking about.
  11. Alpha Protocol is virtually unheard of. I've sold a good number of people on the game who had no idea 1) MCA and crew were making this game, or 2) this was a WRPG with shooter mechanics; for which the fanbase has grown somewhat in the past 2 yrs with ME and FO3.
  12. PvP still has a certain amount of base-building, just not a significant emphasis on it, as far as I know.
  13. Hey moron, homicide isn't suicide.
  14. It's in space, so everything just moves in the direction of the action you just did to simulate the lack of gravity. DS version for me as well.
  15. Looking forward to the open beta next week.
  16. http://www.playpuzzlequestgalactrix.com/ <-- flash demo here For those who don't know, Puzzle Quest is a strange combination of a puzzle game with RPG elements that works surprisingly well. Galactrix does away with the fantasy setting and puts it squarely in scifi territory, all while making some gameplay additions.
  17. Hmm, just found out there's an 'Annual achievement" in Halo3. 1) Start the last level with 4p co-op on Legendary + Iron mode 2) After you kill the Johnson-murderer, there will be 4 ghosts spawned 3) Finish the level with 4 ghosts WE'RE DOING THIS, NICK
  18. Expert is the only way to play L4D. We may never finish it, but that's beside the point. Advance is a tad too easy now, and Versus is okay at best.
  19. This is an update for moron. Re: Aliens Colonial Marines
  20. I hear you can also write a novel on Dragon Age for extra street creds.
  21. Except it doesn't, since aiming is the same regardless of how many points you have in your gun skills.
  22. 4p T-hunt can be fun. I'm not sure I'd recommend you getting the game for the campaign itself, but for 10 bucks it may be worth one playthrough.
  23. I already did this thread before. It didn't end well. http://forums.obsidian.net/index.php?showtopic=49320&hl=
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