Okay, I finished the two missions included twice, one as each character, with Nick.
Scrounging for ammo while running away from zombies was great fun. You're not running around popping zombies in the head. Instead, you have to be careful about when you stop to aim your shoot, when you reload, when you run, etc. Can't do all those things on the fly. I can see how people will see the controls as a weakness, but I find they work really well for the game - it just took some getting used to.
There are 4 controls scheme. One is as in RE4. Left stick is walk, right stick is look. It's basically tank controls. The direction you press with the left stick is where you'll be heading, and right stick allows you to look around while doing that. The other scheme is more typical dual-analog controls. Left stick to move/strafe, right to aim. The 2 others mix things with the button around to make it feel more like a shooter (hold LT to aim and RT to shoot). Again, it takes getting used to, but I had no trouble finding one that works (well enough). I'm still undecided which of two modes I prefer.