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Everything posted by Llyranor

  1. Llyranor


    How about we save them the trouble and spam this to lockdown?
  2. Okay, so necrophilia is socially acceptable. It's still necrophilia
  3. CoD2 is finished. Back to NWN2 modplanning, I guess. And Civ4 :ph34r: And Combat Mission: Beyond Overlord PBEM against Nickiepoop.
  4. Baley gets to be ROFLTUNASANDWICH Man.
  5. Heh. I didn't read any of that internet crap.
  6. ......
  7. Yes. But can you kill.... YOURSELF?
  9. I'm Captain Action. You want me. Bad. This is *known* to you.
  10. If by bizarre, you mean steaming hot, then heck yes
  11. There was, however, a necrophilia agenda
  12. Man, this is pretty deep.
  13. Well, the keyboard/mouse per say isn't what's needed, they just need to up the functionality from the restrictive gamepad. a FPS using a revie controller could be made pretty fun. A RTS would be possible, though you'd need to be creative somehow.
  14. Leave ROFLTUNASANDWICH alone!
  15. Baley is right. Thanks a lot!!!
  16. Ignore those heathens. Listen to me. You want to change your name to ROFLTUNASANDWICH. This is *known* to you.
  17. Those things will get you banned from this forum.
  18. Heh, I just might step into the console world again for the Rev. Nintendo WiFi is another neat little thing. A good online swordfighting game will pretty much confirm the sell. Also, I want to play an action FPS with this:
  19. Well, the keyboard/mouse/controller issue is going to remain one unless the former two become an industry standard for consoles. Players may not want to get an extra peripheral for just one game, but if there's a good selection of such titles making use of the peripheral, the temptation would be much greater. Having entire game genres unavailable in your console just because of the restrictive controller is kind of stupid. Would console gamers not be able to enjoy a good RTS, if they had the proper tools to maneuver it efficiently? A peripheral is just one thing. Some games 'sell systems'. This peripheral/controller crap is why I have to applaud the Revolution. Nice and quite bold move from Nintendo. Gotta respect that. I could see myself maybe wanting to play a few titles on PS3/360, but those would be titles I would rather just play on the PC if they were available. I could easily see myself getting into Rev-exclusive titles unique to the system.
  20. What about during the necrophilia scene?
  21. I have never played that game. Is it any good? I am a Tom Clancey game player. :D <{POST_SNAPBACK}> It's pretty intense. If you liked CoD1, you'll like CoD2. I've got about 10 hrs put in so far, but I'm almost done (one campaign left, which is around 3 levels). It's longer than CoD1, but it's not especially long, either. In MP, there are 2 new gamemodes aside from DM/TDM/CTF. Search&Destroy has gameplay similar to Counterstrike. Round-based (if you die, you wait till next round), and involving planting explosives at objective points. HQ revolves around building HQs using radios and such, and earning points. If your HQ is under attack, you can't respawn until the thread is neutralized. If your HQ is destroyed, you can build a new one on specific spots.
  22. You think its funny, but you don't know the trouble we've had with this thread. People are always coming to ruin our fun and by people i mean Hades and gabrielle.
  23. But it's 8 keys!
  24. CGW: Some have said that Diablo wasn't a true RPG. What do you say to those critics? Brevik: The whole debate about whether Diablo is a true RPG or not took us a little by surprise. When we set out to make Diablo, we weren't thinking in terms of redefining or changing the genre. We are all huge fans of both paper-and-pencil and computer RPGs, so obviously those experiences influenced our design. But we didn't have a checklist of traits the game should or should not have, to meet an arbitrary definition of what an RPG should be. In the end, people can categorize it however they want, because as long as gamers think it's fun, that's all that matters to us.
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