I have never played that game. Is it any good?
I am a Tom Clancey game player. :D
It's pretty intense. If you liked CoD1, you'll like CoD2. I've got about 10 hrs put in so far, but I'm almost done (one campaign left, which is around 3 levels). It's longer than CoD1, but it's not especially long, either.
In MP, there are 2 new gamemodes aside from DM/TDM/CTF. Search&Destroy has gameplay similar to Counterstrike. Round-based (if you die, you wait till next round), and involving planting explosives at objective points. HQ revolves around building HQs using radios and such, and earning points. If your HQ is under attack, you can't respawn until the thread is neutralized. If your HQ is destroyed, you can build a new one on specific spots.