The winner of the 'Make Something Unreal' 1-million buck mod contest, Red Orchestra, is now being made into a full retail game, using the Unreal 2.5 engine. Instead of being just another FPS, this game is focused on realism, based on the Russian front of WW2, a side that's not often the main focus in games.
I've been itching for a realistic FPS, and have been holding out for Armed Assault, but after reading this interview this game now seems very tempting. I'll probably wait out for the demo first, though.
The game is available for preload on Steam (, and can be preordered. Digital pricing is around 25$, with 10% off if you preorder. The demo will probably be after the game is released in March. Tripwire (the dev team) also has a deal to have the game appear in retail.
I definitely recommend reading that interview.
Official site: --> this also includes a trailer. Watch it and judge for yourself.