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Everything posted by alanschu

  1. I never cared for Gillian Anderson personally. Although I could see someone like a Famke Jansen. I liked her even in her goofy role of Xenia Onatopp in Goldeneye. I'm off to scour IMDB for some of my picks :D
  2. I'm not sure if I should be impressed or not ^_^
  3. Speaking of posts, looks like Ender has accounted for roughly 1.5% of all posts on this forum. I shudder to think what the numbers would be if it included off-topic.
  4. Meh, probably. I was just being technical. Anyone you would have preferred being in the role?
  5. I loved that game as a kid! Although I sucked at the first level, so I found a way to cheat and get to the second level. Those trapdoor blocks always got me!
  6. I suspect Warner felt the same way, when they made their "looking for a stronger female lead" comment. Although I didn't mind her in the movie.
  7. Hahahaha. I usually have a hard time breaking 1000. I go onto a forum because there's a game I want usually. So I frequent it before it's release. A short while after it's release, I'll stick around discussing the game and helping out anyone that needs a hand...then I usually move on. I'm not sure if you noticed because you seemed to have disappeared for a while yourself, but I had a few month hiatus from this forum and have only recently come back. I guess I'm just bored :D
  8. I would suspect Katie Holmes getting killed off is the only probable outcome. Apparently Warner Brothers has not renewed her contract for the film, citing that they want a stronger actress for the female lead. They also comment that they were upset with the amount of media attention her relationship with Tom Cruise has received, and felt it took away from the film's exposure (although I think this is just WB being a bunch of babies). I wouldn't be surprised if she went all Vicky Vale on us and just disappeared with little to no reference in the next film. Hopefully that isn't the case though.
  9. That explains your hefty post count. I can get on posting sprees too, when I'm waiting for a program to compile or I just need a break from looking at code.
  10. I'm sure that this is along similar lines, but prevalence and recognition is big too. Most people I know that aren't computer savvy have never heard of AMD nor the Athlon.
  11. Don't sell yourself short. That was a pretty good Mr. Burns impression!
  12. I have high hopes for religions adding a neat dynamic to the game. Although since I really loved the social engineering in SMAC, I am looking forward to the mix and match combinations I can make for my government ideologies.
  13. Welcome to individual differences. Vader may not have been under the influence of alcohol, but he definitely was not thinking straight. Obi-Wan's presence infuriated him into a frenzy.
  14. No movie is universally beloved though. I still think that not liking the movies is still a bit too general to make sweeping arguments about an individual. I don't think you can argue that the majority of people out there think that Peter Jackson is an excellent director, based on the LotR movies alone.
  15. Why is said power only granted through government intervention? You make it sound like the monopolies of the world are a direct result of government intervention. If that's the case...how so? And what are some examples.
  16. Troika no longer has a reputation of releasing buggy games, because Troika no longer exists
  17. A couple of games that I'm looking forward to are: Alan Wake F.E.A.R. Half-Life: Aftermath Company of Heroes I'm probably most anxious about Company of Heroes, since I hope it brings back some of that RTS goodness that the Close Combat series offered
  18. We are a bunch of twisted, imbalanced people
  19. Ah! Actually, I've yet to actually play the game with the patch (haven't played it in a bit).
  20. I'm curious what is different between my game and everyone else's. I have never experienced this Telos/Atris bug in the many times I have played through that part (I have experienced other bugs, but the only game stopping bug I have ever encountered is the Dantooine one).
  21. I noticed this separation at my University. Anything that has concrete scientific methodolgy with no introspection for PSYCO classes (I think they should have used PSCYH instead of PSCYO personally ) is part of the Faculty of Science. All other PSYCH () classes are part of the Faculty of Arts.
  22. There are aspects of Psychology that are scientific (the biological stuff), and parts that are not (the introspective stuff). Trying to figure out why that person is doing what they are doing is not scientifically verifiable outside of correlations. Realizing that schizophrenics have enlarged ventricles could maybe be argued as scientific (although it has little actual useful value, aside from recognizing a correlation). However, learning the way the brain works and recognizing that various parts of the brain deal with specific information is scientific. Using MRIs and whatnot to determine brain activity while performing tasks is observable and measurable. Furthermore, subjects with brain damage in particular areas support our hypothesis. I remember an interesting case study where a guy was shown a rose. He was asked to describe what he saw. His explanation was a convoluted red shape, with a green apparatus that it seemed to be perched upon. However, he could not make the recognition that it was a rose. He was then asked to smell it, and he immediately recognized it as rose. (I believe this patient was an epileptic, and had his corpus callosum severed to stop the siesures. Basically the left side of the brain and the right side of the brain could not communicate).
  23. Meh, the arms and legs were easier to get
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