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Everything posted by alanschu

  1. Any staff working on hand helds is too much for me
  2. Errr, Ender...it looks like you just said that both of Kennedy's shots seem to have come from the rear.
  3. Some creativity would probably work well here. Unfortunately I have none and cannot help you. The cool thing about demons is you just need to adhere to the scary archetypes and mix and match them, and you get scary
  4. Some of the best IMO. Some have killer endings, and others have fantastic beginnings
  5. Ah interesting. Some talented people out there
  6. How can you run the emulators on your XBox (aside from knowing you need a modded XBox) Do you throw like a linux or something on there, or is there a decent enough OS that someone was able to port an existing emulator to the XBox?
  7. I think I may have baited her! Try here Muahahaha. :alanschu:
  8. Yes, there can be some interesting reads out there for PnP stuff.... :ph34r:
  9. Need to direct her attention to this thread somehow <_<
  10. Ouch....or would it be? I'd suspect it'd be rather quick none-the-less.
  11. The middle writes itself! I mean, if you have a killer ending and I have a killer beginning, all we need in the middle is some Fed Ex quests and a few lightsaber crystals. Maybe the odd cameo by a previous KOTOR NPC. Nobody remembers the middle, but they need the beginning to catch the interest, and they need the end so that they go "Damn, that was cool!" when they're done playing. It's just like writing an essay.
  12. Errrr...... SPECIAL gud! (not a PnP gamer....my only experience was rather sh!te)
  13. Mimic's = monsters that look like chests and eat you right?
  14. Hahaha I agree. I'll take care of all the details at the beginning, and try not to make it too hard for you to wrap it up for a coherent ending :D EDIT: I think it's because I like the lower level adventures and whatnot, and I'm fascinated with what it must be like for a young Padawan to learn to deal with and confront the pressures of the Darkside.
  15. I think the only way it would be ported to the Mac is if a porting company like Macsoft got approval from LucasArts to port it.
  16. It would lie somewhere between when the PC and his master start their search for Revan/Exile, and the end of the game I suppose The primary motivation would probably be the Master (and any other old friends of Revan's and Exile's), since the Master would likely have some sort of concern with what is happening out there. Perhaps the reason why your training was allowed was specifically because your Master wanted someone that he could influence (i.e. because you're new and impressionable, yet old enough to be capable) and convince to help him search for Revan/Exile. Just a start, but what do you think?
  17. Yes, my idea pretty much stops at midgame. It's more unfinished than "not" getting into those points. I just briefly mentioned it when, at the point that you are no longer following your master on every mission, your task is to investigate Revan/Exile. (look closely, it IS in there ) In fact this task would make more sense seeing as one of your masters would be an old party member. But I haven't really any solutions though. Once the PC is exposed to the differences between light and dark after he loses his master is when the journey to answer the questions from KOTOR1/2 would probably begin IMO. How it it would work though, I'm not so sure. Have any ideas on how to expand the concept I laid out to include relating it back to KOTOR 1/2? EDIT: See see, it existed! :D The PC's old master of course takes part in the investigation, from a different vantage point.
  18. I wasn't thinking of that, but it would certainly be interesting! Same with Disciple vs Atton. This would let the people side with their favourites from KOTOR 2. And perhaps, during the "what happened last game" type dialogues, you can say which one is officially the student (i.e. the Romantic Interest) of the Exile, and then determine the Exile's alignment, so then that Romantic Interest follow's the Exile's alignment, and perhaps out of bitterness or whatever the other romantic interest is your master on the other side. Noteably apperances by Mira, Bao-Dur and whatnot would also appear. Although I'd suspect they should only be of the same alignment as Exile.
  19. I suppose it makes sense too. I just paired them because they were small (but so are gmoes I guess ). Also, aren't Gnomes and Dwarves usually related by blood (going waaaaaaaaaaay up the family tree) in some way usually? I seem to recall they were in Arcanum.
  20. Something I was thinking of along the lines was a specific, Master Student relationship. In fact, I was even considering the idea that the game be in situations where you have only a party of two, you and your Master. A bit of this is ad hoc (since I haven't thought too much about it), so bear with me :D Some of the stuff will probably be borrowed from you, since I liked some of your ideas. Initially, I was thinking of the idea that the Republic was slowly starting to build, and small collections of Jedi are regrouping and trying to rebuild the Jedi Order. As a force sensitive, you are recruited into the Order to begin your training. (In fact, the tutorial would likely have been similar to the lines of Llyranor's idea of learning about the character and whatnot at the beginning). The first few levels would be getting acquainted with your responsibility as a Jedi, where you go with your Master performing "Jedi stuff" not perhaps too different from Jedi Academy. Performing missions and trying to rebuild the trust in the Jedi and whatnot. However, the realities of the aftermath of Revan's and Exile's adventures would eventually catch up with you, starting off with your first encounter of a Sith. This first confrontation would be the first encounter with the "propaganda" of the Dark Side. Events would ultimately lead to learning about the legend of Revan and the Exile. (This is the farthest I've really thought about up until now, so the rest of the stuff is new based on this discussion and whatnot). First off, I liked the idea of being trained by the Sith. So I'll give the player a bit of a choice. Start the character off not as a Jedi, but just as the Soldier/Scout/Scoundrel like in KOTOR. Relatively early in the game, something (I'm not a stickler for the details :D) happens that makes you learn that you are strong with the Force. I was thinking perhaps having the initial adventures having the PC learn that two of his acquaintances are strong in the Force...with one being a Jedi and the other a Sith. Basically the two get involved in a stalemate, and the PC must choose who lives and who dies. The one that lives recognizes that the PC is Force Sensitive, and brings the PC to the respective "Academy" to petition for your training (which of course gets accepted). I like how this could work, because based on your choices for how the Exile turned out, the encounters with the Exile's apprentice can be varied, based on whether Exile is LS/DS and whether you joined the Jedi/Sith. Naturally, you wouldn't be restricted by your initial choice, as both sides will teach you the dogmatic view of their side. And instead of the game taking off with the first encounter with a Sith in my initial idea, but with the first encounter with a Force Sensitive of the opposite type (if you go Sith, then you meet with Jedi). This introduces the first real perspective of the "other side" to the PC. Perhaps because of this encounter, you are given your title of Jedi Knight (much like how Luke wouldn't be a Jedi until he faced Vader) or the Sith equivalent. Basically, this is when you shed your master, and are given a mission that will basically result in you looking for Revan/Exile. At this point, it might be neat to introduce the idea of "separating parties" by allowing the player to, at times, take control of the PC's old master. Note: Just thought of this now, but I think it might be neat that, if the PC chooses the same side as the Exile's student, then perhaps Atton/Handmaiden becomes the character's Master. If they are on opposite sides, then Atton/Handmaiden would play the primary antagonists for the middle of the game. In both cases, there is a character that will be the master of the opposite side of Atton/Handmaiden. If you are trained by Atton/Handmaiden, then this character is the antagonist. If you aren't trained by Atton/Handmaiden, this character is your Master. I think this would be neat, because it would give the player some flexibility in who their opponents would be. Those that hated Atton/Handmaiden can go with the other guys :D Also, given that you play your Master, it will allow you to create a 'Master vs Apprentice' point in the game, if one of them changes alignment over the course of the game. I think this might have its merits because I know many people were upset that Bastila turned to the Dark Side no matter what. So if the player was dead set against the Master turning, it wouldn't be forced upon him if he didn't want to. I suppose this would be difficult to implement though, as I don't think it's hard to see that I value variety and choice In any case, commence the tomato-tossing....I can take it :D
  21. No no no, he'd just START at level 50. You need to have levelling up to 99 though, since that would be 49 levels gained, which means it'd be a r0x0ring RPG!
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