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Everything posted by alanschu

  1. Err, I have that whole move the arms and hips thing and vary my patterns based on what the heck people are doing around me. It takes me about 5 minutes to get ready to dance if I go to a dance club....during which time I observe and "learn" how to dance
  2. I have good news for you guys! Dyslexia Cure For Found!
  3. Yeah, but the Half-Life 2 announcement was almost orgasmic for me (a Half-Life 2 junkie). It came out from practically no where, and I only had to wait a year and a bit to actually play the game. I think there's enough out there to keep me occupied that I wouldn't lose any sleep if it wasn't announced for a year or too. At the same time, those delays make sure you get a quality game. I don't mind delays personally. It's much better than having them release an unfinished product simply because the deadline is up.
  4. I fear there is not Tetris Anonymous organization yet. Perhaps it will be my calling in life.
  5. Hahaha, check out the interviews with George W. by clicking on the link at the bottom (The Civil Unity Group). EDIT: ROFL: "God is omnipotent....omnisceint.......omnivorous...something like that...God uses big words" Hahahahahahaha....where did they come up with this stuff? "Ghandi puts the mmm Hot in Mahatma"
  6. You'll get used to it! I already have. If not though, you can set it up for a dual-analog controller. For some stupid reason, I've played the demo more than a few times already :D The multiple character thing is neat, as you can directly see what consequences your actions as Lucas do when you investigate as Clara.
  7. Proof you need for what? Your statement by the way is also incorrect. It's very easy to see more than merely what you want to see.
  8. That's because you only see what you want to see.
  9. I'll keep that in mind the next time you ask.
  10. Seems as though Indigo Prophecy has also gone gold. Out in early September...nice.
  11. Close. They were called a Friaxa Shark.
  12. Then. Don't. Sign. A. Long. Term. Deal. Clearly finances aren't a concern, otherwise they wouldn't have held out to begin with. A small price to pay for getting a bigger paycheque. And that's it? Just no paycheque? Try being an independent contractor and just deciding that you don't want to work anymore because the contract is "unfair." See how long it takes before he gets sued. Just another indication that the world of professional sports is not like any other job. Tell Alexei Yashin that. Although you criticized me for criticizing a team that signs a player who has a history of holding out to a long term deal. Because arguing in any other way is lost on you. If I didn't, you'd continue to point out obscure examples. If you hadn't noticed...I'm arguing like you do. Proof?
  13. I think many people will speak out against it simply for the sake of speaking out against it. In a modern setting specifically, I think it works wonders for the immersion and suspension of disbelief.
  14. Meh, Indigo seems fun to me :D Some people will likely find the game too simple of an interface, but their goal seemed to be a game based around emotion and choice, rather than specifically gameplay mechanics. They wanted to make the interface simple, and have it reflect the actions that the character is performing. A dynamic, interactive story of sorts. As I've said, I'm curious to see how it pans out. Not bad for a game that I hadn't even heard of before I played the demo today :D
  15. Quick question, which method is better? Would it have been better for Valve to announce Half-Life 2 shortly after Half-Life 1, despite the fact that we wouldn't be playing it for another 5-6 years? Would it be better, if they are currently planning the game, for them to announce KOTOR 3 now, even if the game might not come out for a few years?
  16. Hahaha, they have links to real articles talking about the addictive nature of games like Civ EDIT:
  17. I agree. Give in to temptation!!! I once went three whole days...didn't get up to eat...didn't get up to go to the bathroom... You didn't go to the bathroom for three days? I said I didn't get up!
  18. I love the trailer where the sweet old lady talks about how she's not a violent person, but once she found out how to split the atom she was gonna blow up any motherf---er that got in her way
  19. Is based primarily on this: http://www.civanon.org/home.shtml Civilizationists Anonymous
  20. Fair enough, but the only game I've seen that implemented in game advertising in its single player campaign did it very, very well.
  21. It's subtle and appropriate in Splinter Cell 3. I'd imagine it's still the game developers that put it INTO the game. If the ad makes sense, then it shouldn't be a problem.
  22. I think you might be right. I always picked the repair feat though. It's so useful seeing as it's your party leader that determines how many components you get when breaking down items, and that's based purely on your repair skills. Plus fixing stuff is cool!
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