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Everything posted by alanschu

  1. Hmmm, in my experiences, the only people that have said the scene on Kashyyyk looked "bad" was AFTER they had learned that it was CG. Until then, no one said I word about how bad it looked. I think people are anti-CGI simply for the sake of being anti-CGI. The scenes on Kashyyyk were remarkable IMO. I was surprised when I heard that all scenes on Kashyyyk simply did not exist. They were all CG.
  2. Althought that's where I start to disagree I wouldn't like to see a Pepsi add in my fantasy RPG
  3. Go take a peek at Battlefield 2's specs. Then your statement will have to be modified :D
  4. Although Belfour's stellar play got Toronto past Ottawa last year. I still think Eddie's got skillz.
  5. Game testing, from what I've heard, is a pretty basic entry-level position. I can't think of any skills that you would specifically require to get the job, but you would certainly need an enthusiasm for gaming, as well as good communication skills and perseverance.
  6. I've heard a Master's Degree can actually be pretty helpful getting into the industry, mostly because getting the Masters is a reflection of having a good amount of programming skills. Computer Science is more than just learning how to program, it's also a study of algorithm design and logic, and is pretty mathematically intense. One thing that might help would be approaching one of the counsellors of the Computing Science Department.
  7. Which is too bad given that he was born here Although a talented center I imagine #1 concern for the Oilers. Would be cool of Scott Neidermeyer came to town though :D
  8. Friends. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Someone clearly likes cats and dogs. Imagine the backfire if you sent that to someone that was down, but hated cats and dogs!!
  9. I am actually not against in game advertising. I'm not someone that goes "OMGOMGOGOMGz0rs they're just trying to make money and selling out" or some crap like that. Splinter Cell: Chaos Theory already did this. In fact, I found the game world to be MORE immersive as a result. I liked the fact that the computers had a little Athlon 64 boot screen and stuff like that. And the neon Axe bodyspray sign that I zipline from is so appropriately placed that I would expect to see one like it on a real building. The same goes for the music in the game. It was real bands using it to get additional exposure. I liked it (mostly because I liked the song) and it certainly didn't destroy the atmosphere....just added to it IMO. As opposed to being taken out of something when I see Cooky Cola or Sorny Entertainment or something like that.
  10. Is that musicians not free-playing, or ammunitionless weapons not sticking? <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Both actually! And no, no lawsuits as far as I know. I took a few days break to let him forget I exist, so that when I send stuff it'll be from a whole new person! Silently killing him unfortunately, would just make him a martyr. I'd have to put a twist on it someway that it wasn't because of his videogame crusade. Or maybe put a twist on it that it's BECAUSE of his crusader. There are theories out there in social scientists that suggest that people act out a certain role because they are told that that's the role they should be acting in. So by repeatedly stating that people that play violent video games become violent murders, could actually cause someone to think that that's the role they are supposed to play :ph34r:
  11. You, said this: Look at the bolded part. Your words. No, but you persistently state incorrect stuff, and related it to real jobs. And I didn't say YOU said that trades were illegal. I said that if players signed specifically with a city, then a trade would require a contract revisal, which they don't. Clearly players do not sign with a city as you indicate. Odd, just extrapolating his home runs would not get you 25, more like 15. 20 with a stretch. When the team is in a slump, coaches always mix stuff up. It's just like Hockey, Baseball, whatever. Nady is batting .303 in his last 13 games, and .353 in his last 7 games, and .364 in his last 3 games. He's hitting more consistently during the streak. He's also slugging for over .500 in his last 13 games. Sweeney has been slugging aroung .600 in recent games, in addition to batting close to .400. In his last 8 games he is batting .400. Since his return from the disabled list, Nevin hasn't found his groove. I agree to let players play through things, but benching players batting .400 would be dumb, particularly while in a slump. Magic Johnson was a Point Guard that started at Center one game. Doesn't change the fact that those two players were spending time at first base. Well, then you're just speculating, which is hardly evidence at all. His limited playing time is also a factor when perhaps he's still not fully 100% after coming of the DL. Furthermore, if it was crap, then why is he so happy about his decision to stay? Because if it was just for the love of the game, a salary cap would not piss them off. They already make huge amounts of money and are financially set for life unless they just blow it all away. I added that tidbit in there so you couldn't come back and say "Players want more money because owners make fat coin." And stop with the analogies to everyday businesses. Mining Unions don't have employees that make 7 figures on average. And in your own words, "it isn't in any job" so stop comparing them. You make gross analogies like players being treated like cattle, when the working situation they endure is much better than 99.9% of the other jobs in the cities they play in. You don't hear players or anyone bemoaning that they play in the NHL and how life is so tough for a pro-hockey player. Oh woe is them.
  12. /me is an avid player of CS Source. No jamming.
  13. I don't think the Governator has time for movies anymore
  14. "Well you better just start dealing with it [Lancer]" Much like how one thread tried to incorporate Star Wars quotes while staying on topic, I'm going to start the same thing with Aliens :D I suppose it's not really an RPG, but I did enjoy the old Aliens game for the Apple II
  15. Agreed. I think Jedi Academy was a bit of a reaction to fans that were a bit disappointed that they couldn't affect Kyle's decisions like they could in the first Jedi Knight game. It was still fun to go nuts with a double-bladed saber though :D
  16. Any bug that doesn't break the game I can actually live with. A lot of them make me laugh actually. Like Atton one time started doing some quick sitting and standing when I was talking to him one time, and looked like he was getting a real work out. Sure it'd be nice if it wasn't there, but it was entertaining in its own way. As for not buying games, I do tend to limit myself a bit more than in the past. I bought SH3 after two patches had already come out, and even Splinter Cell: Chaos Theory had a patch out by the time I bought it. Although Splinter Cell is a very polished game IMO and I don't recall any bugs, even non-breaking humourous ones, in the single player at all. It's coop was apparently buggy, and while they did patch it, my roommate and I are having problems maintaining connection on the last level (and only the last level) which is frustrating. The only real beef I have with the game is that in coop, sometimes I feel it's too picky about a coop move. Sometimes you HAVE to be standing for it to enable properly, and sometimes you HAVE to be crouched. A bit too picky at times. But crazy enough fun that I can let it pass.
  17. Baley, it might have had something to do with the thread getting moved. In any case, I'd probably say Gran Turismo. I couldn't possibly say Gran Turismo 2, 3, or 4, since I find the games to basically be Gran Turismo. Not much has changed in the series IMO. I prefer the original.
  18. It's better, but still not quite there. Keep it up chump. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> I'm not the one that had trouble understanding anything. If you can't understand that, then I'm not sure what your point is. Unless perhaps you're trying to be "funny" or "insulting." I wasn't flaming you. I was just stating a fact. SoE had no reason to lash out against Mothman, because Mothman wasn't being a total ass to him.
  19. Slammed by the fans? When? The USA Today article didn't mention the fans being overtly upset. And as you indicated with mkreku's hyperbole, there's always two sides. There's going to be Ken Griffey Jr. fans that were upset that he vetoed the trade with St. Louis and whatnot, and there will likely be a case where people will be upset at him vetoing this trade, given San Diego's recent slump. Also, he's not being threatened to be punished. According to Bruce Bochy, Nevin understands that he'll likely see reduced minutes, given that he's struggled since coming off the disabled list (3-17 and 0-5 with runners in scoring position), coupled with a pair of hot hands in Xavier Nady and Mark Sweeney. Both players are hitting the ball much more consistently than Nevin. Despite this information, Nevin still wants to stay in San Diego since he's been here for so long. A classic case of a player getting screwed! He's at a team he wants to be at, to which he proclaims to be "its biggest fan." Must suck to be him. If it isn't "any job" then why do you compare it to "any job?" Sure there's the recognition, but if they just loved playing the game, they wouldn't have a problem signing the original deal by the league. In fact, they could have even been smart about it and made sure that ticket prices are also capped, so as to keep fans happy as well as make sure the owners aren't making fat coin. When a player leaves a city that loves him and wants him to stay because that team can't afford him, I question how much it is simply for "the love of the game." I have an immense amount of respect for players that honour their contract, like a Michael Jordan who could have EASILY held out for more money, and likely have gotten too, but didn't. The best player in the league wasn't even the highest paid player on his team, and he never made any fuss about it. You've already said that it isn't "any job." And besides, in any other job, if the employee isn't performing up to the expectations of the employer, he's just flat out fired. Perhaps offered a severance depending on the situation. The employer certainly doesn't find a different place to work for him, and certainly does not continue to pay him his salary after he's been let go if the player hasn't been hired somewhere else yet. I'd love to get fired from a job and still make the 6 or 7 figure income simply because I still have a contract. Fortunately though, the new CBA does allow for this agreement. Teams can buyout the contract, freeing the player and the team of the relationship. No you don't. You sign a contract, as Judas stated, for a duration and money. If it was specifically for a place to work, then trades would be null and void since the contract would clearly be only for one specific organization. If players signed to play in a specific city in their contract, they could not be traded. Apples and oranges. Players that choose to not play in the NHL can still play professional hockey. Which is why your analogy is silly enough as it is. Pro sports is NOT like any other business.
  20. As long as I get to killz0rs peeps I don't care. The murder simulators have built up a lot of rage in me. Now where did I leave my plastic bag???
  21. http://www.theinquirer.net/?article=24870 http://www.theinquirer.net/?article=24847
  22. I don't know... Imagine playing KOTOR if every voice was the Microsoft Sam voice.
  23. Games were also made for joy because they didn't cost 10 million to make.
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