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Everything posted by alanschu

  1. Do you proactively choose to install and use Windows ME, when other OSes are readily available and there is nothing specific to ME that is particularly desired? Moreover, do you actively choose to spend a large amount of time investment using it, despite the availability of other OSes?
  2. Oh, come off it, Judge Hades. You're just looking for reasons to bash the module so you can stick to your guns about anything NWN related. I'm with GOA. You'll flip-flop on this issue. Perhaps someone will conveniently download and install NWN on your computer again, as luck seems to have played a role in your hardline stances against games such as KOTOR 2 and Star Wars: Galaxies.
  3. I love Penn & Teller's Bull****.
  4. For those interested, it seems as though the Total Realism mod is still being updated. Check it out here. I think I'm going to finally backup the original game. I have reinstalled it about 4 times now
  5. Do I have to wait for 106 BC for the Marius Reforms to kick in (which is historical)? In vanilla, I'm pretty sure you just need the Imperial Palace. Is there a small wait or something? I hope I don't need to wait for 106 BC because I'm still at 210 BC
  6. Go into Snakes on a Plane expecting goofy, silly fun, and you shouldn't be disappointed. It's not Oscar material, but my roommate and I enjoyed it.
  7. Snakes on a Plane!!!11!1!!1 A rather gory movie!
  8. What? <{POST_SNAPBACK}> I think he was indicating his (their) subscription to the school of Realism. Unfortunately, it doesn't seem to register on their radar that there are other, equally valid, philosophical hypotheses. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Which is a bit of a fault with Philosophy IMO. I'm all for introspection, and think it can be a good thing at one point. But it seems as long as you state your assumptions, and base it in your logic, you can pretty much say anything. I think we're in a petri-dish, being experimented on by some other, outer universe race. The big bang was essentially the drop placed into the petri dish. As the "drop" expands, our universe expands. Somewhere high, high above, an intelligent life form is noticing some interesting activity in one part, which is naturally the Milky Way Galaxy. Cosmology is fun!
  9. I'm curious why you are blasting something that is free, especially when it seems to fit into your archetype fof RPG games. Simply because you were let down when NWN was released so many years ago?
  10. Meh, I have never been a fan of philosophy. Empiricism for the win.
  11. Were you not one of the people getting anxious because of how long the game had been in development?
  12. To be fair, the "if a tree falls down and no one's around, does it make a sound" is pretty weak from a philosophical perspective. Why wouldn't it make a sound?
  13. It is a ton of fun to play. Something about creating a blitzkreig of tanks to go whoop-ass!!
  14. Cause WGF2.0 tools weren't finalized yet? <{POST_SNAPBACK}> How come no new games coming out seem to be taking advantage though? Surely if the hardware is already designed, they would have an idea on what the API is going to do to help lessen the downtime. According to this, Xenos isn't even built to WGF2.0 spec though, and a big advantage it has is that "the API can be tailored to expose all of the features of the chip."
  15. You really couldn't make that argument either. Since the files were designed by Obsidian, the first draft of the story was designed by LA and Obsidian, they would be considered plagerizing (Stealing someone eles 'original' idea, and repackaging it for their own.). Even though the final draft of the story was changed, they would be considered 'stealing' from someone elses concept'. If they were to take those files and 100% alter them for their own story, they would be coming up with an 'original' idea. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> It's only plagarism if you pass it off as your own work, which Team Gizka is not doing. They're very up front about the fact that this was Obsidian's work.
  16. Why didn't Microsoft just have this enabled upon release?
  17. Who here has used it? Do I really need to use an old, outdated patch like 1.2?
  18. I have uninstalled RTW and am going with RTR. Wish me luck!
  19. It's hard to keep them ahead of you though, given that they follow you.
  20. Apparently MS disagrees that a static piece of equipment is advantageous for consoles.
  21. I typically only uninstall when I get a new computer/hard drive or reformat.
  22. a friend and i were discussing this idea the other day. i think it is a gateway simply because the dealers tend to be more hardcore, i.e. involved in other drugs as well, than the average user, and making such purchases exposes the user to the dealer's other habits. so, the drug itself is not the gateway, but the means to obtaining the drug sort of is. people that aren't going to step up won't regardless of what they are exposed to. people that will step up will find a way. taks <{POST_SNAPBACK}> The fact that it's illegal lends itself to the status of Gateway drug. There is a line that is crossed, and once it's been crossed, it's easier to justify further experimentation.
  23. To extend upon your point a bit more, $10 literally is nothing...because you don't have to buy the game. Here's a newsflash to people that complain about increases in software prices.....the price of software does go down. If that extra $10 is unreasonable by your standards, do yourself a favour, and don't buy it at that price. If you do buy it, all you have done is said that you are willing to pay that price. If literally no one buys the games with these new price increases, I guarantee you that the prices will drop very quickly. The problem comes when people make excuses such as "what can I do, I'm just one man" and have no willpower, convincing themselves that they just HAVE to have the game as soon as it comes out. If you want the game that bad, you deserve to pay extra for it. It's what supply and demand is all about. If you don't like the prices, then don't buy it at that price.
  24. "Hey, that tree there is laying on the ground. It must have grown that way. I mean, I didn't hear it, so it couldn't have fallen down." <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Ah, but we're discussing the sound!!!!
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