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Everything posted by alanschu

  1. What does it mean to be unmutual?
  2. Fair enough, there are exceptions. Civ4 doesn't fall into the "OMGOMGOMGOMG Graf1XXxes" school of design. Still, that CPU dependency only really comes when you click End Turn doesn't it. I wonder if the HDD is more of a bottleneck in that case.
  3. I finally unretrired Rome: Total War. The Julii have laid the smackdown against the Carthaginians and the Gauls. Only a little crap island left for Carthage, and a few provinces for the Gauls. Spain decided to help them, which lead to a very dramatic siege defence. Thank god I had tons of horse riders nearby as reinforcements!
  4. I was saying graphics cards are the bottleneck regardless of CPU, particularly in today's graphic intensive games. Not surprisingly, the older games listed two posts above saw improvement since they aren't as graphically intense and don't choke the card. Hence, CPU improvements make more of an impact.
  5. Ah, but you'd have the evidence to see that the Earthquake did happen! Not that I disagree with your statement that the saying is stupid.
  6. Give away everything but the harddrive. If you're concerned about identity theft, you should probably drive a nail through the drive.
  7. That's the part that sold my roommate.
  8. I wasn't expecting KV-2s I guess this is the round you get to shoot holes in my tanks! Oh please oh please let the Stuka's come in round 1!!
  9. Graphics cards seem to be the bottleneck almost regardless.
  10. I always loved that expression. Oh, and I agree whole-heartedly. Gateway drug, my left eye! The people who have that self-destructive urge to "move on" will move on anyway. I know plenty of people who stayed right in their comfort zone, so to speak. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> I don't entirely disagree that it could be considered a gateway drug. But if it becomes legalized, that status will disappear.
  11. You are truly in the minority here. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Given the large amount of rulesets available, I'm betting that no ruleset could claim to be in the majority.
  12. This thread restores my faith in humanity.
  13. You probably wouldn't like the take I'd bring on that perspective. Though I doubt it'd be something you hadn't heard before.
  14. As an aside, the Big Bang Theory was initially rejected because it seemed to hinge too much on divine intervention.
  15. Hmmm, can we claim that the universe is not infinite? It's clearly not infinitely old (too many paradoxes with that one), but who's to say it's not infinite in matter? What is infinity when discussing the Universe. Is our concept of infinity capped by the expansion of spacetime? It's interesting because no matter how small of a segment we look at in the sky, we always find clusters of galaxies. And when we get a cluster of galaxies, if we look between those clusters, we see more clusters of galaxies, and so on. Why couldn't the universe be infinite?
  16. Errr...wouldn't that be 50% complete?
  17. Even better than Space Rangers 2? :D <{POST_SNAPBACK}> All I want iz zee bounty! EDIT: And by that, I mean too close to call. They are both immortal!
  18. I'd be pissed if I had to pay for a syllabus!
  19. nothing is undefinable because we are incapable of comprehension. the human mind requires somthing and thus when we imagine nothing we see somthing, namly the color black. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> It is presumptuous to assume that people assume nothing to be the color black.
  20. Kosrun Pocket? Is that a game? In other news, I should play this turn.
  21. Perhaps we just define space as the absence of something. Hence, space is nothing.
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