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Everything posted by alanschu

  1. Is masterbation bad, as it wastes a whole lot of potential lives?
  2. Right around then is probably when people finally start getting fed up. Will a game company still make a game for Vista only if the people refuse to use it? The problem with many alternatives is that they have a small installed base. Windows XP doesn't suffer from that problem. Unless Microsoft has a way to disable XP (which is when the fun really begins), I could actually see people refusing to use Vista. It's not like everyone jumped on the Windows ME bandwagon, so Microsoft can't push anything down our throats.
  3. Is Microsoft so big that they could force people to switch to an OS that disables functionality that a lot of people already take for granted?
  4. If I had a cookie I'd give you one.
  5. this is a game. I don't think programmers ever think to include bullets into the physics engine that much. I would laugh at a bunch of guys cowering behind a wall when all of a sudden six portals pop open with a barrage of rocket fire flying at the poor guys from behind. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> You are correct. Often times bullets are hitscan, meaning they'll immediately hit their target. Given that the only way to get the bullets moving indefinitely is to stand perfectly in between them, you'll end up shooting yourself. Even if the bullets aren't quite hitscan, they'll probably still move fast enough for you to not get out of the way. In other news, I remember making infinite rocket loop teleporters with Duke3D's build engine.
  6. Trying something a bit different. High risk, high reward and all that jazz. Beware the Stuka! Oh, this is battle 3. When the Stukas come.
  7. That doesn't surprise me. You alluded to it many moons ago.
  8. Point your friends to this message board.
  9. Terminators and Genestealers. The Genestealers creeped me out when I was a kid!
  10. Heh, my curiousity just had me reading up about them on Wiki and Moby Games
  11. The space marines definitely reminded me of a game I played, called Space Hulk, which apparently was taken from the 40k universe.
  12. I'll believe that when I see it.
  13. I did not know that. Who bought them up? And who did make Diablo? Because I thought Diablo was Blizzard through and through. Somehow I can't see the relationship to the old SNES/Arcade Alien vs Predator dynamic. Which AvP influence went into Starcraft?
  14. If the game is good, I'll get it. It could be called WER@#$%2we and I wouldn't care.
  15. Look around at reality Hades. The places that have problems with human rights typically aren't the places that have basic needs being met. If people are starving to death and not having their basic needs met, they aren't going to be too concerned with their own human rights, or the human rights of another person. They're going to be concerned with living. Maybe you would condemn yourself to death in this case, but I doubt it. It doesn't matter if you think survival is meaningless if it comes at the cost of dehumanizing another. It's not the way the world works. It's easy to tell people to not worry about their own survival, when you don't have to worry about your survival either. You might as well have just said "Let them eat cake."
  16. Well, laughing typically comes immediately after murder.
  17. It is fun. If 4 of us wanted to game, it'd be interesting. Much more fun when we can all laugh at my mistakes.
  18. At least you didn't spell Yale with a 6.
  19. I never played Dawn of War. I enjoyed it. Though it's certainly a much faster pace than Combat Mission or Close Combat. I was usually playing against better players though, so it made it a bit less fun. Though somehow I still managed to usually "win" in the amount of kills that I can get in the 4 player games (2vs2). Rockets are a bit too useful IMO. I made a wonderful flank with a Panther behind 3 rocket trucks, and they just turned their rockets and fired some close range salvos at me and killed me. I was swearing.
  20. The other joke is that my version is obsolete, so I need to redownload the 1.61 GB file. But after that, I'm running you over with Tiger Tanks.
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