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Everything posted by alanschu

  1. alanschu


    Why wouldn't you say he's a top line center? He was far and away above a point per game all season, including the playoffs.
  2. I'm not sure. I have heard some people say it's too specialized, but IMO they didn't strike me as non partisan.
  3. Everyone running their silly AC units blowing out grids.
  4. Hardware would probably castarate me!
  5. We had a thundershower last night in Stony Plain. Plus some additional rain at around 4. Very soothing to go to sleep to
  6. I'm playing "Sweet, my workstation is not working and I have to wait for hardware to fix it!'
  7. At the same time, there's also the possibility that technologies will then be shared that can improve both ATI graphics cards and AMD CPUs. I don't think it's a stretch to think that ATI improved when it acquired ArtX or nVidia when they acquired 3dfx.
  8. But your face is getting 75 mm shells fired at it. Or well, it should be.
  9. Meh, we're a balmy 90 degrees up here in Edmonton. It's not much different inside my apartment though.
  10. Clerks 2. Just what I expected :D
  11. That just means he fleeced some poor person of their wooden blocks. Shame on you hurlshot.
  12. Have you ever owned a car or a house? The more you pay, the MORE likely it is that something will go wrong with it. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> I disagree. The more you pay, the more likely you'll actually take notice when something will go wrong with it. I find a lot of the time, when I go cheap when paying for something, I tend to get much more problems. I had plenty of cheap toys while growing up. They only cost a few bucks though, so replacement was a moot point. My Nintendo far and away outlasted the rest of my toys, but once it got problems, it "sucked" because I had spent $200 on it.
  13. The only thing that would make me love Total War more would be a MP Grand Campaign. I'd seriously buy multiple copies of the game just to give the company more money. And my "comments" during registration would indicate that I bought many copies specifically for the MP Grand Campaign!
  14. The Wermacht is getting restless. I have already created numerous missions of Tigers/Panthers running over infantry.
  15. Hahaha that was awesome. Thank god he didn't have shields.
  16. I am probably one of the few that doesn't think this is necessarily time for all doom and gloom. If any segment suffers, it's the graphics segment though, not the CPU segment.
  17. alanschu


    Well, they're likely getting Evengi Malkin there as well. I'd be surprised if Pittsburgh gave him up, though they may opt for a younger player. I don't think Edmonton has what Pittsburgh is looking for.
  18. Heh. The majority of the time I click the mouse button is when the enemy is in my crosshairs. You "click" a lot in that you can click on most things in your ****pit. But I wouldn't call it diablo in space.
  19. Can't make it tonight. I have a wedding tomorrow that i have to get ready for.
  20. alanschu


    He struggled this past season, which adds question marks. The thing is, Pittsburgh isn't exactly stacked in the backend either.
  21. Uh huh. You come onto a forum that you know cares little to nothing about the XBox 360 (in your own words), and post a thread saying how successful it is.
  22. alanschu


    I'm not high on Gonchar personally. I'm not sure who we'd have to give up for him either. Pittsburgh might like him on the team just to reach the salary floor.
  23. Microsoft projected 10 million by the end of 2006, and 5 million sold by the end of June. It's coming true, and I created a thread about it, posting a link to the article. Why do you seem so hell bent on changing everything I post into a "would you do that if it was Sony". I'll create threads I'm interested in talking about, whether it be about Sony, Nintendo, Microsoft, clouds, hamburger, recycled products, books, movies, or whatever else is going on at the moment. Because, quite frankly, you seem like a Microsoft fanboy. You have already commented on observing how "anti-Microsoft" this board seems to be, yet in spite of this have no problems posting a thread saying "Hey, look at how successful the XBOX is doing." I don't recall you saying anything positive about Sony, and if you did, it was lost in your talks of the superiority of MS and the XBOX 360. This was a nothing article. I mean, what do you want us to say? Whoop-dee-****ing-doo. They're selling consoles. If you want to come off as more than just someone that sounds like a puppet promoting the greatness of the XBOX 360 and Microsoft, you should post more than Add in a comment. You anticipate that they should be able to top 10 million units sold. Do you expect the market to keep growing at it's current rate? If so (or if not), why? Coming in and essentially saying "Hey look, MS is kicking ass" on a board (that you also have the impression of being anti-XBOX/anti-Microsoft) without making any sort of attempt at discussion is stupid. That's why my first response was "That's nice" because you basically came on here to toot Microsoft's horn for them. The thread would have seemed less absurd if you had actually posted some of the thoughts you made in later posts to begin with. I hope you get some kickbacks out of the deal
  24. alanschu


    The terms I heard was 4.4 million. Not sure where, it was from a poster (so take it with a grain of salt) on hfboards.
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