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Everything posted by alanschu

  1. I got it for my 360, and it is pretty sweet. I've been trying the Superstar mode, and I love the whole concept, but I'm struggling a bit. When playing Superstar, you only control the one player. So if you are a RB, you only take part in the offense, which means you watch a chunk of the game. I don't mind that, as they speed it up well, but the camera angle is a bit tough. You play it in a 3rd person perspective, instead of the traditional camera pulled back. It is difficult, but I think I just need to keep practicing so I can get a handle on it. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> I wonder if anyone will create the next hall of fame Defensive Tackle
  2. They may figure that it might not be economically viable or they never land a publisher for the game. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Getting a publisher when you can self-fund the game is much, much easier. I highly doubt that one of the AAA developers with a history of selling games in bundles will have any problems whatsoever getting a publisher, especially if they money they need to contribute is limited to distribution and promotion.
  3. It's a pipe dream to expect the US to disarm their nukes first.
  4. Tell that to the little kids in the mall that call me Spiderman. They don't believe me! I have also gained a bit of weight since Spiderman came out, so my face is a little wider as a result. I saw some photos of myself with my glasses off and the resemlance becomes stronger.
  5. Your (Eldar's) avatar needs to exact some Urban Justice.
  6. I have a feeling it's very similar to my take. If only there was a coop RTR
  7. I'm a bit concerned about that Metropolis one, with respect to only "important" cities being able to do things (like reach city level 4/5, and build walls). What constitutes an important city?
  8. It's not like it was ambitious either, what with it's whole new world, as well as two epic storylines, one for SP and one for MP (I'm betting that doesn't make the cut).
  9. I think there's a way to get RTR Platinum Edition to work with BI.
  10. ZOMG, you're the head of S.P.E.C.T.R.E. aren't you!?!?!
  11. nope... never... anyway how can you get a countries beligerence up so you can attack it? on another note I made a nice beachead on mainland china (japanese controlled) and am no getting swamped by the AI USA with units at the beach so I have somthing to play with. oh.. poland has more territory than it knows what to do with right now... it extends all the way from east germany to north china. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Belligerence goes up when countries act Belligerently. I'd recommend using your sliders to shift your Authoritarianism. If you become an dictatorship (which should be slightly to the right of the Democracy/Authoritarianism midpoint, you don't need to worry about Belligerence anymore. Or you can shift the Interventionism so the Belligerence doesn't need to be as high. Italy typically joins the Axis once Paris falls. Since that didn't happen, they don't feel like getting to Belligerent.
  12. Wait a minute...if you're playing BI, you're still essentially playing Rome: Total War then.
  13. That's old enough. I believe it's pretty much what they start with. Given the hugeness of the Seleucid Empire, I'd say they may have taken a good chunk of that. In the mean time, Gaul is dead, Germania has two provinces left, one of which is 1 turn away from surrendering in a siege (which usually means a fight against a battered and weakened army inside. My Emperor just recently died too, at the tender age of 89! I thought he was never going to die. He lived for another 24 years after the death of his wife. Too bad too, because he had amazing traits (decreased build costs, decreased squalor...I could have Rome at max tax with 30k people and still have it growing!). Fortunately, before he died, I had queued up a whole bunch of build orders, so I snuck out the cheaper construction. I just got a new Coming of Age, and while he doesn't have any stars, I'm going to turn him into a general. He's already a "Good Defender," and happens to have a trait that states how he can't stand Carthaginians. Since I just declared war on Carthage, I figured what the hey. It's not like he'd be any worse than the lack of general I would probably be using. The rest of his attributes are all good for morale, although that doesn't seem to be a problem with Legionaries anyways. I also kind of like having a pet project like this and see how long it takes for him to become a badass military leader. He's only 16...plenty of time to go Figure I might as well get him started against the very people he hates so much.
  14. You are referring to the game as a burden?
  15. I don't know why Print Screen wasn't working earlier, but it is now. In any case, here's my status update of the campaign. Gaul is about to fall and is currently under seige. A large stack inside, so I'm hoping to starve them out a bit and let them come to me. Germania is also about to die. Which will leave some easy mopping up to be done for some of those rebel places nearby. The Illyrians are hanging on by a thread, as I have diverted much of the Macedonian army to trying to stave off my advances. Though I'm a bit concerned, as the Selecuids are running away in total score. Looks like they are beating up on the Ptolemic Empire. I'm in preliminary stages of attacking Sicily. This will greatly help out my trade network (cash cash cash), and be a huge blow against Carthage as well. As it stands, they currently have minimal garrisons on Sicilian lands. With the Macedonian campaign going so well, I should be able to divert less reinforcements there, and build up some armies for a quad-pronged attack throughout sicily.
  16. It might be CTRL-Right Click. It's one combination of the others. Just don't use it as a cheap tactic to save your units when they are about to be encircled!
  17. Ding Ding. Though seriously, she didn't hold a candle to Tamika. When Tamika went by, everyone (men, women, children) stopped to take notice.
  18. I think SHIFT-Right Click lets you do a strategic redeploy, which is good for those looooooooooong treks.
  19. I'm curious what the heck happened at the beginning. Especially if you didn't make much of an impact (unless maybe you sent a ton of planes). Normally you get the standard Phony War in the West, until German DOWs the low countries and then pile drives France. Probably led to a somewhat disinteresting game however
  20. Why wouldn't it be? <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Furthermore, why would that be their last PC game?
  21. Heh, I have never seen that happen before.
  22. Well, I didn't til I was able to get an X Box under $100. That is the magic price for me to spend the money on a console. Anything more than that I will spend on my PC. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> I'm going to go out on a limb and assume that their roots extend beyond you.
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