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Everything posted by alanschu

  1. In the society that he doesn't want to be a part of! <{POST_SNAPBACK}> And your point? Why would I want to be around those who yell at me, force their religion in my face, and expect me to follow their two faced morality? I don't force anyone to do any thing. Checkpoint, you have the option to hit ignore so you won't have to read my bothersome posts. You can't do that when a person is less than a foot away yelling that you are going to hell. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> I'm calling [horsehocky]. After the few encounters with religious missionaries I have had, the only possible way you could persistently getting people yelling at you screaming that you are going to hell is if you brought it on yourself by provoking them.
  2. Excellent empirical observation.
  3. It's basically just a tool being created for research (as well as to do research). Instead of having people use a more complicated C-like programming language to create scripts, you specify parameters and adaptations in patterns to make the scripts. The pattern catalogue can be adapted and expanded as needed, with minimal knowledge of how to actually code things in NWScript. Right now we only have official support for more basic encounters, but we're working on getting ambient behaviours as well as improved plot/quest generation as well.
  4. Hahaha, I didn't know you could blow off their legs.
  5. Cool. IIRC I bought Fahrenheit through Gameplay.
  6. I am pretty sure you can avoid Gunther by quickly using the computer and running away. Navarre has the key to an unpickable/unbreakable door (or maybe Jacobsen does...but he's not talking to you until Navarre is dead). I'm not even sure if you need to kill Simons either. Don't all of your solutions at the end wind up in Bob Page kicking the bucket too?
  7. What do you want to know? My project isn't all hush hush. My bosses aren't technically in the games industry though. They're still in academia, and one is the Vice Dean of the Faculty of Science, and the other is the Department Chair of Computing Science. They are both just fascinated with games that they research part of it. Jonathan Schaefer is very influential in the world of artificial intelligence. He made the first ever AI to successfully beat a human world champion in a game (checkers), called Chinook.
  8. I find the problem comes when people say it's not normal, and then try to cover it by saying "Hey, I don't think that abnormal is bad." Good luck actually conveying that though. Saying that someone isn't normal is going to be taken as an insult by most people.
  9. The great part was right after that line, when he said straight up that those people have misplaced morals.
  10. You have to kill Anna Navarre. Though I think you can technically skip Gunther. The number 3 was what I had read directly from Spector himself.
  11. Excellent point! The only person that could supercede this would naturally be Zizou!
  12. I was in stitches many times throughout Snakes on a Plane. It's totally one of those comedy/slasher type movies.
  13. Actually, you probably could get through large parts of the game without ever killing a creature. Some parts would just be really, really tough. Though I don't typically consider the sneaking around in NOLF to really be all that derivative from shooting people like crazy. It's sneaking was more akin to GoldenEye sneaking around IMO. The tricycle chase scene was definitely one of the most bizarre scenes I ever had the pleasure of participating in. The mimes in general, as well as a lot of the banter was great. The problem I found though, was that if I stuck around to listen to the banter (which I always did), then my best opportunity to sneak past unscathed ends up passing me by (since the guards return to their patrol routes rather than standing around). I typically just used the sneaking around to get kills without alerting the whole world. Though I doubt it's possible to get through NOLF without killing anyone either. Even Deus Ex requires you to kill I think 3 people.
  14. It doesn't even really need to be numbers over the head. But rather the ability to get info on the characters and seeing attributes like strength/attack power/mana/hp and so on. Though now that you mention it, many RPGs seem to have the numbers floating over people's heads as well.
  15. I made a big post that could lead you to having fun with him. Don't miss it! As for RPG? I personally think that it's the heavy stat-based gameplay that seems so common in these games that cause people to call them all RPGs. If there's numbers to be crunched, then people will tend to call it an RPG IMO.
  16. If the friend keeps trying to drive the point home, try beating him at his own game. He obviously doesn't want to hear your rebuttles, so don't give it to him. Next time you get a new RPG and he asks you about it, say you got a new RPG. When he says that it's not an RPG, give vague, cryptic answers. Say stuff like "If thinking that makes you happy" or "You still think that?" And regardless of what he says, just smile and slightly shake his head. Say nothing more. And make sure that you are the one to turn away. He'll try to goad you into saying what you want, but for the first little bit, don't bother. Because he's waiting for you to talk so that he can cut you off and tell you to stop talking (which tends to piss most people off). The more you don't try to talk though, the more his curiousity will be piqued. Heck, if you can go indefinitely without telling him (and he's starting to pressure you more and more), you could have fun by simply never telling him and watching him go insane Give a witty one-liner as a response the next time he says something like that, and it will give him no where to go with his "point." Since there's no discussion, there's nothing for him to say to himself that he has "won," which is likely all he's looking to do when he starts it up anyways. The thing is, timing is important. You can't go up to him and say "Baldur's Gate is an RPG" and then when he's finished say your witty remark. He has to be the one that instigates the discussion about what is or is not an RPG. You could try baiting him into the discussion (which is what you'd be doing by talking about your new RPG), or if he likes to bring it up a lot, just wait for him to bring it up again. But if he sees you getting all riled up because of his statements, then he's a happy camper. You have to not let it get to you when he does it. Just smile...it will release endorphins that will make you feel better
  17. Who cares if your friend disagrees? Just laugh at him knowing he's wrong. MacLeod was a dude that used to post here a long time ago, convinced that the now questionable Project New Jersey was really KOTOR 3. He also liked to post things about how Obsidian "slipped" with certain things. Though I remember you now...you were the guy asking what to do when you're friend said straight up that Bioware doesn't make RPGs or whatever. The term RPG is way too subjective. Many call the Final Fantasy games RPGs because the media and whatnot has been doing so since the games came out. They're a different type of RPG than a game like Baldur's Gate. If your friend is that insistent on telling you that a game like KOTOR isn't an RPG, then to me it sounds like he is just trying to get under your skin and aggravate you. Next time he tries telling you something silly like that, tell him "Who cares...KOTOR's a better game and that's all that matters." The fact that he has previously cut you off before you could even think to reply shows IMO that he's just trying to piss you off. And it seems to be working. It's hard to say what the "key ingredient" of an RPG is, since so many games fall under the genre, and have for many, many years.
  18. I have heard that the lifespan of the plasma is not as long, but it's all hearsay.
  19. Redneck stereotype? Even if you are being funny, the point went way over my head.
  20. I found Doom entertaining. You don't go into a movie like that expecting anything of quality. It's why I can watch a movie like Snakes on a Plane and come out having had a good time.
  21. Might be the lack of sleep, but it took me a while to realize that that was written with a humorous intent... <{POST_SNAPBACK}> I know, me too actually. Until I read the wikpedia link and realized that the author was a utilitan as well. Then I started to put the pieces together
  22. I just got 3rd in FIFA World Cup. Though by the end of the tournament, I was able to move Canada from a 66 rank to a #1 world ranking I beat England in the 119th minute of the Round of 16! A tough 2-1 game (coming down from 1-0 to boot) against Serbia and Montenegro. Lost to Mexico 2-0, and got revenge against the Swiss with a 3-1 victory.
  23. Can of worms...opened. To be honest, you shouldn't be sensitive about what people call things. Is it some giant affront to all that is good and righteous in the world if someone has a different definition of what an RPG is? EDIT: Are you MacLeod Corp or whatever his name was?
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