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Everything posted by alanschu

  1. Besides, the gravity likely wouldn't crush it anyways. It's a white dwarf, which means it's not exceeding 1.4 times the mass of our sun. Gravity will probably do what it does to most things that don't go flying towards the center of the star....cause it to orbit.
  2. Guilds I have found: Assassins Guild Masons Guild Theologians Guild Merchants Guild Alchemists Guild Thieves Guild Explorers Guild Swordsmiths Guild.
  3. Wouldn't that be like always picking Brazil in a FIFA game?
  4. Exactly! Though I'm sure Canada has qualified for the WC Finals before....yes...we did it in 1986. And made it to Round 1! It's the placing 3rd part that hasn't happened
  5. I'm just going by what I'm seeing in the games. None of the weaponry in the KOTOR timeline seems any different than the weaponry of the movies. You have your blasters, you have your lightsabers, and so on. I think it's also a fallacy to assume that technology will always be advancing forward at an exponential rate. There are theoretical limits, as the galaxy itself is finite in its composition (eventually not going to find new materials...at least not stable ones). You can't keep miniaturizing microprocessors today, because you can't have a transistor made up of a single atom. And you can't keep pushing things faster, which is why we're making a switch to parallel processing now. Hyperspace technology in the Star Wars Universe has been around for what, 25,000 years? It doesn't seem to have changed much. Ships still enter hyperspace to travel long distances. There certainly doesn't seem to be much difference in how it works in KOTOR and the movies. Not to mention that things seem to be on the downside with the fall of the Republic. Not unlike the fall of the Roman Empire, which lead to technological regression in Europe. What significant differences exist between shield, laser, and propulsion technology between KOTOR and the movies?
  6. Well, let's look at your question: Let's look at football. It consists of 11 versus 11 player action (assuming everyone plays ironman). Sometimes it's hard to get 22+ people together to play the game. It also allows the 140 pound hemophiliac to actively take part in a game like this. I love basketball, but all my friends are not fans of it at all. The odds of me playing basketball with my friends is pretty much zero. Playing floor hockey, no problem. Given I'm a huge fan of basketball, I love the tactical aspect of it. I don't really have the time (nor the money) to get involved at a high level that would actually involve a coach, I can get that experience (somewhat) through a basketball game. They are also exceptionally easy games to get into. Most people have an idea of what the rules are of the game, and they provide a competitive atmosphere. They are some of the most fun MP games. My roommate and I are currently playing through FIFA World Cup, where he created himself as a goaltender, and I'm a Right Midfielder. We get to play fantasy and pretend we're leading Canada to the World Cup Finals! Their fast, easy to play, and fun. They don't have the hassle of trying to organize a game, nor the costs frequently associated with these sports. As for the stupid answers, talk to Mr. Mooney about that.
  7. Hey, I love the sport of ice hockey. But I can't skate very well at all, nor can I fire a 100 mph slap shot. The best I can do is floor hockey, since that doesn't involve skating. It also provides the roots of basic competition. Not surprisingly, sports and competition have been around pretty much forever.
  8. How common is it to be completely paralyzed by fear? I could definitely see it if you had a phobia. I did mention the "deer in headlights," but would this be a situation that would actually have you paralyzed by fear?
  9. Wait wait wait...so you play RPGs to put yourself in situations that aren't actually available to you? Kind of like me playing pro hockey? "
  10. Acknowledged. Unless the capital ships had something, or there's another ship that we weren't aware of. They didn't seem any worse than the fighters and capital ships in the time of the Death Star. Though if you're acknowledging that the Infinite Fleet could still destroy the Death Star, then aren't we talking a draw here? Also, an advantage that the Star Forge has would be that it could more effectively wage war elsewhere than the Star Forge's location.
  11. I'm guessing I'd probably react like most creatures. Which, given the fact that flight is out of the question, fight. The shaking frame makes sense....it was probably pretty scared. I don't think it'd be that extreme of an idea that I'd bite the hand of a giant that grabbed me. Self-preservation is a very strong motivation. And it doesn't really seem like a "deer in headlights" type of moment where you actually won't do anything.
  12. I've never understood RPGs. Why don't you just go out and LARP?
  13. Except that the port hole is something that could actually be discovered while in combat. Sensors were able to pick it up. Given law of averages, I'm betting someone would consider the idea of maybe shooting it could do something. Yeah you did. You straight up said that the only reason (or at least a big reason) why the Rebels destroyed the second Death Star was because Palpatine died and it made the Empire fight less effectively. You even quoted Thrawn!
  14. Many people (myself included) like sports games.
  15. What would the DS II completion be like? It looks like it's already pretty completed (and according to Palpatine, it is fully operational), so what's missing?
  16. Fight or flat response. Clearly it's not going to be able to run away, so what else is it going to do. An interesting quote during loading screen in Rome: Total War, is something along the lines of "Do not cut off the escape route of your enemy, unless you want to see how hard he really can fight." Back a person into a corner, I'm betting they'll be pretty "courageous."
  17. Certainly doesn't explain the first one, which was destroyed by fighters. And it doesn't discount that the second one was still destroyed by small fighters. And Palpatine's presence didn't seem to make a difference, as the Rebels certainly weren't getting crushed by the Empire before Palpatine's death. And the Star Forge's destruction required people to crash into a nearby planet, disable its field generator, take off, land on the Star Forge, and infilitrate its defenses from the inside. Hey, who's to say they wouldn't figure it out too? It's not like the Rebels were the only ones smart with spies. The same reason why a small Rebel fleet was able to hold out against the bulk of the Imperial Navy (as well as their Death Star). Oh wait, since you were playing the Palpatine card, I'm going to play the Malak card. He was a buffoon worrying about Revan at the time, using the resources of the Star Forge to attack Revan. Put Revan (or even a half-wit) in charge of the Star Forge!!! The comment was made in acknowledgement of your good point. Besides, according to the game TIE Fighter, that's already possible.
  18. But Jaden wasn't fighting that Marka Ragnos. He was fighting one that was dead for who knows how long, and resurrected by Tavion. If Ragnos was that powerful, I doubt he'd be limited by Tavion's body.
  19. Can you clean the dust off with a can of compressed air?
  20. I'm pretty sure large parts of it happened when he was sitting on his throne cackling. The horribly outnumbered Rebel forces seemed to be doing fine once they neutralized the Death Star superlaser (by engaging the Imperial Fleet). And Palpatine certainly wasn't electrocuting Luke when the shield generator was destroyed on Endor. If you're going to start including things such as Palpatine's presence, you might as well include the Rakatan planet with the interdictor that caused ships to lose power and crash. Good luck shooting your superlaser when your space station isn't even operating properly. Heck, if all it took was losing Palpatine's presence to cause the Death Star to fall, I'm not sure how it would stand a chance if he wasn't on it. Not when you have assloads of fighters. Heck, a dip**** extra almost did it with a tiny squadron of fighters in A New Hope. This argument actually makes sense. I guess this only leaves Death Star II vulnerable. When you have virtually infinite production capabilities, yes. Seems as though they'd only need to make one change, and that's to add a torpedo launcher onto the fighter.
  21. By sheer law of averages, if you get a massive amount of enemy fighters, one of them is going to fire a torpedo into a ventilation port hole. You wouldn't need a chosen one. As for that Thrawn quote, wasn't the Executor destroyed while the Emperor was still alive? Weren't the Imperial Forces on Endor already defeated before the Emperor died? Wasn't the Millenium Falcon already on its way to the core before the emperor died? Certainly it was already at the surface of the Death Star. Been a while since I had seen ROTJ, but I seem to recall the Rebels turning the tide of the battle before Palpatine was sent down to his death.
  22. It's a bug in the game. Whether or not you're only supposed to get +3, or if it is supposed to say +6, your attributes are improved by +6. +3 for the main class, +3 for the prestige class.
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